
Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Блоги

«And He found you lost and guided [you],»
- Al Quran (93:7)
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Узбекистан, Узбекский
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Репост из: Unique’s world
​​Bir bemor ziyorati

Ummu Soib kasal bo'lib qoldi. U to'shakda yotib ham ba'zan dir-dir titrardi. Ba'zan isitmaning zo'ridan o'zini qo'yarga joy topolmasdi.
Uning bemorligini eshitgan Rasululloh (s.a.v.) bir necha do'stlari bilan ziyoratga keldilar.
- Alloh shifo bersin, ey Ummu Soib... Nima bo'lyapti? Bezgak tutyaptimi? - deb marhamat qildilar.
Xotin bo'g'iq ovoz bilan javob berdi:
- Xummaga chalindim shekilli. Xudo olsin bunaqa kasallikni.
- Kasallikni so'kma, ey Ummu Soib! Chunki o'choqqa tushgan va yongan temirning zangini olov qanday tozalasa, kasallik ham insonning gunohlarini shunday tozalab ketkizadi.

📖 "Saodat asri qissalari" 3-qism


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Who Are Your Friends? ⬇️

Look around you. Who do you call your friends?
Are they building you up—or holding you back?

Most people fall into their friend groups by accident.
School, the neighborhood, nights out—good times.
But if you look closer, what do you really share?

Do you meet to complain, or escape?
Do you talk about ideas, or just gossip about others?
Do you leave feeling inspired—or drained?

Here’s the truth:
You become like the people you’re with.
Their habits become your habits.
Their limits become your limits.

Cutting ties is hard.
Comfort is familiar.
But familiar is often what keeps you stuck.

Growth demands space.
When you clear the old, you invite the new.
People who push you to rise.
Who see the future you—even before you do.
Together, you bloom.

So, ask yourself:
Who around you reflects the life you want?
Who is already living the way you dream to live?

If the answer is “no one,”
It’s time to open new doors.

Raise your standards.
Find those who inspire you.
Let their energy lift you.
And watch how fast you grow.

Change your circle—
Change your life.


Foydali bo’ladi degan umiddaman📖

''I would challenge you to a battle of wits, but I see you are unarmed!”

©️William Shakespeare

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A lesson from surah Kahf

The first story that is mentioned in the Surah is the story of the men of cave. They were the people who were believers and lived in a country of non-believers. Thus, when they noticed that people will threat their lives because of the faith, they leave the city and go to a cave for the sake of Allah and their faith. Thus, there Allah Almighty bestowed sleep over them and when they woke up from their sleep, by that time all the people of their city had become believers. Thus, this story shows that when a person puts his or her belief in Allah Almighty, He always comes to their rescue and helps them in easing their difficulties.

Lesson – The lesson to learn from this story is that Allah Almighty puts the faith of a person to trial. When Allah Almighty puts the faith to trial and when a believer is steadfast in his or her faith, then Allah assists them in ways that are beyond comprehension. Moreover, the story also gives the lesson that a Muslim must always remain in the company of people who are good and righteous. The men of cave were all righteous, thus, their being together is one of the factors that attracted the mercy and assistance of Allah Almighty. Thus, a Muslim should be steadfast in his or her faith and remain in the company of good people, as is mentioned in Quran:

🌟And keep yourself patient [by being] with those who call upon their Lord in the morning and the evening, seeking His countenance. And let not your eyes pass beyond them, desiring adornments of the worldly life, and do not obey one whose heart We have made heedless of Our remembrance and who follows his desire and whose affair is ever [in] neglect.🌟 (18:28)

Sha’bon oyida qilish kerak bo’lgan amallar↓

• Istig‘for, salovot, zikr va Qur’on tilovatini ko‘paytirish.
• Ramazonga qalbingiz va ongingizni tayyorlash uchun realistik maqsadlar qo‘yish.
• Agar o‘tgan Ramazondan qarzdor ro‘zalar bo‘lsa, hozir ularni qazosini tutishning eng yaxshi vaqti.
• Ramazonda o’rganish uchun ehson qilishni (hatto oz miqdorda bo‘lsa ham) odat qilish.
• Allohdan mag‘firat so‘rang va odamlarga nisbatan munosabatingizni yaxshilash.

Показано 17 последних публикаций.