Shodiyor | Grants Hunter

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Курсы и гайды

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Курсы и гайды
Фильтр публикаций

Stipendium Copernicus Germaniyada 1 semestr oʻqish imkoniyatini beruvchi dastur

Har bir semestrda COPERNICUS Sharqiy, Markaziy Yevropa, Shimoliy Afrika va Markaziy Osiyodan kelgan talabalarga taxminan 6 oylik stipendiyalarni taqdim etadi. Dasturning dastlabki uch oy davomida stipendiyalar universitetda darslarga qatnashadilar va oxirgi ikki-uch oyda ular kompaniya, hukumat yoki tashkilotda amaliyot o'tashadi.

Dastur uchun ariza topshirishning oxirgi muddati:
1 sentyabr - keyingi yozgi semestr uchun (dastur 1 aprelda boshlanadi)
1 mart - keyingi qishki semestr uchun (dastur 1 oktyabrda boshlanadi)


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Nega qaytdim???? yoki Under the musaffo sky!!! deb nomlangan rasm.

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Marc ajrashibdi shunday kunda 💔

P.s.: Gʻarbni ajrashishda ham madaniyati bor, qoyil qolaman. Mayli, kelgusi hayotida ularga baxt tilaymiz.


Oʻzbekistonning Top - 35 Boshqaruvdagi ayollar 🤍🕊

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Stipendium hungaricum uchun 1chi bosqich javoblari kela boshladi.


Paid Internship at British Council

✅ Key Responsibilities:
- conducting data entry in Excel and income matching in specific platforms
- collecting and organising financial information from various sources
- assisting with financial reporting and analysis
- supporting the finance team in day-to-day operations
- contributing to the development and implementation of financial policies and procedures
- collaborating with other team members to ensure smooth financial processes and operations

⭐️ Qualifications:
- 3rd or 4th year student (graduates as well)
- background in Finance or Accounting
- proficiency in Microsoft Office application suite (Excel, Word, Outlook, etc.)
- excellent communication and interpersonal skills
- strong analytical and problem-solving skills
- ability to work independently and as part of a team
- fluency in English and Uzbek (knowledge of Russian language is an asset)

📧 Please, submit your CV and motivation letter (50 words or less) by email to by 17 March 2025.

Successful applicants will be contacted for the next step in the selection process.


Bollar yomgʻir yogʻyapti gul boʻlmaydi boshqa narsa oʻylanglar endi

2k 0 2 10 120

Saudiya Arabistonida stipendiya

Saudiya Arabistoni hukumati bakalavriat, magistratura va doktorantura uchun barcha xarajatlarni qoplaydigan toʻliq stipendiyalarni taklif qiladi.

• oylik nafaqa
• ko'chirish uchun nafaqa
• sug'urta
• uy-joy va ovqatlanish
• har ikki yo'nalishda ham aviachiptalar

• 17 yosh - 25 yil (bakalavriat)
• 30 yoshdan katta bo'lmagan (magistr darajasi)
• 35 yoshdan katta bo'lmagan (doktorlik)
• Ingliz tili

Ariza berish uchun

@grants_hunter - join us!

2.2k 0 61 11 13

Scholarships in one list 🔥

Scholarships in the following fields: Law, Economics, Medicine : Batafsil

Japanese Government Scholarships: Batafsil

Qatar University Scholarship: Batafsil

Concordia Presidential Scholarship | Canada: Batafsil

Eric Bleumink Fund (EBF) Talent Grant: Batafsil

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Fridrix Ebert fondi Germaniyada oʻqish uchun stipendiya

Fridrix Ebert Stiftung bakalavriat, magistratura va doktorantura dasturlari uchun stipendiyalar taklif qiladi. Barcha akademik sohalar mavjud, har qanday ma'lumotga ega bo'lgan talabalar ariza topshirishlari mumkin.

Grantga quyidagilar kiradi :
- Toʻliq oʻqish toʻlovi
- Bakalavrlar uchun oylik nafaqalar - 750 evro, magistrlar uchun - 850 evro
- oyiga 276 yevro miqdorida oilaviy nafaqa
- Sog'liqni saqlash sug'urtasi.

Talablar :
- yaxshi akademik ko'rsatkich
- Nemis va ingliz tillari

Muddati : istalgan vaqtda topshirish mumkin

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Who are you?

What is beauty?

What is love?

Today we will talk about abstract things)

878 0 0 57 42

What is the meaning of life?

I appreciate long read answers)

Humboldt Scholarship in Germany

The Humboldt Research Fellowship is a fully funded fellowship program for researchers to conduct research at a host institution in Germany. In this international community in Europe, researchers can choose their host institutions according to their own choice

-The monthly stipend ranges from 2670 to 3170 euros.
-Language scholarship for an intensive language course
- Compensation for travel expenses.
-Family benefits for children and spouses,
- Subsidies for private comprehensive health insurance.

Deadline: July 2025
More information

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Summer school on AI and machine learning

Conditions: there is an opportunity to receive full funding, there are no restrictions on work or student status, this year we will be held in Copenhagen from June 16 to 20.

Deadline: March 9
More info

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Bonn SDG 2026 Scholarships in Germany

Acceptable countries: all countries.
Duration: from 3 months to 12 months.

The University of Bonn's strong faculties, research centres and academic units organise international scholarships. The university is known as a university with a rich tradition and a strong research profile, so this is the best opportunity for researchers to pave the way for success.

Professors at the University of Bonn select and invite international postdoctoral fellows to participate in a joint research project within the framework of this global fellowship program. In collaboration with a research professor, the scientists mentor the students and help them carry out research projects over the course of one or two semesters.
-Travel expenses will be covered.
- Scholarship of 3000 euros per month.
- Financing for spouses up to 300 euros.
- Financing for children up to 250 euros per child.
- Research allowance up to 500 euros per month.

Deadline: March 31, 2025
More information

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Yana bir raqamlar:

Bishkekdan - Parijgacha uchish, umuman olganda, Toshkentdan Urganchga uchishdan sal arzonroq ekan.


Toshkent - Parij va Bishkek - Parij reysi narxlari solishtiruvi: Toshkentdan uchsangiz, qaryib 10 million so’m. Bishkekdan uchsangiz 1.5 million so’m ham emas. Olti barobar farq.

Men doim ta'kidlaydiganim qimmatga uchaveramiz, iste'molchi yutqazadi deganim, shu solishtiruvda yaqqol aks etadi. Bu soha liberallashmas ekan, davlat bu sohani tark etmas ekan, faqat biz iste'molchi yutqazaveramiz. Ungacha monopoliya degan boʻynimizga osib qoʻyilgan qoʻshimcha majburiyat bilan yashashda davom etamiz.

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Hasselt University Master Mind Scholarships 2025 in Belgium

- Complete exemption from tuition fees.
- Each academic year a grant of 10,000 euros.
- Monthly allowance to cover living expenses.
- Health insurance support.
- Reimbursement of visa application costs.
- Full use of university resources, including laboratories and libraries

Deadline: March 15, 2025.
More information


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