📖 Dars #95 Absolute participle construction (Mustaqil sifatdoshli birikma)
✳️ Bugungi darsda Absolute Participle Construction - mustaqil sifatdoshli qurilma haqida ma'lumot berib o'taman.
1️⃣ Demak, mustaqil sifatdoshli qurilmada Participle I (hozirgi zamon sifatdoshi - playing, working, standing, being) va Participle II (o'tgan zamon sifatdoshi - loaded, considered, finished) ishtirok etishi mumkin.
🔸 The professor being ill, the lecture was put off.
🔸 The signal given, the train started.
2️⃣ Mustaqil sifatdoshli qurilma deyilishiga sabab, mazkur qurilmada ishlatilgan ot yoki olmosh, keyingi asosiy gapdan mustaqil bo'ladi, sifatdoshli birikmadagi ot va asosiy gapdagi ega bir xil bo'lmaydi.
🔸The work finished we went home.
🔸 It being Sunday, the library was closed.
3️⃣ Mustaqil sifatdoshli birikmalar o'zbek tiliga murakkab hol sifatida tarjima qilinadi va ular payt, sabab, shart va boshqa holatlarni bildirib kelishi kelishi mumkin.
🔸This duty completed, he had a leave. (payt)
🔸It being now pretty late, we went home. (sabab)
🔸Weather permitting, we′ll start tomorrow. (shart)
🔸Any moving object is able to do the work, the quantity of kinetic energy depending on its mass and velocity. (holat, sharoit)
4️⃣ Mazkur qurilmalarda 'having+V3 (ed)' shaklidagi qurilmalar ham uchraydi.
🔸The sun having risen, they continued their way.
🔸My sister having lost the key, we couldn’t enter the house.
5️⃣ Mazkur qurilmalarda ot o'rnida 'there' va 'it' olmoshi ham ko'p ishlatiladi.
🔸There being a severe storm at sea, the steamer couldn't leave port.
🔸It being Sunday, the library was closed.
❤️If you want to do some good to your friends 👉 just share this post @grammarnotes #2025 #newlessons
🔗 Kanalga qo'shiling 👇https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFe2P5bFTJKJKkwvyA
✳️ Bugungi darsda Absolute Participle Construction - mustaqil sifatdoshli qurilma haqida ma'lumot berib o'taman.
1️⃣ Demak, mustaqil sifatdoshli qurilmada Participle I (hozirgi zamon sifatdoshi - playing, working, standing, being) va Participle II (o'tgan zamon sifatdoshi - loaded, considered, finished) ishtirok etishi mumkin.
🔸 The professor being ill, the lecture was put off.
🔸 The signal given, the train started.
2️⃣ Mustaqil sifatdoshli qurilma deyilishiga sabab, mazkur qurilmada ishlatilgan ot yoki olmosh, keyingi asosiy gapdan mustaqil bo'ladi, sifatdoshli birikmadagi ot va asosiy gapdagi ega bir xil bo'lmaydi.
🔸The work finished we went home.
🔸 It being Sunday, the library was closed.
3️⃣ Mustaqil sifatdoshli birikmalar o'zbek tiliga murakkab hol sifatida tarjima qilinadi va ular payt, sabab, shart va boshqa holatlarni bildirib kelishi kelishi mumkin.
🔸This duty completed, he had a leave. (payt)
🔸It being now pretty late, we went home. (sabab)
🔸Weather permitting, we′ll start tomorrow. (shart)
🔸Any moving object is able to do the work, the quantity of kinetic energy depending on its mass and velocity. (holat, sharoit)
4️⃣ Mazkur qurilmalarda 'having+V3 (ed)' shaklidagi qurilmalar ham uchraydi.
🔸The sun having risen, they continued their way.
🔸My sister having lost the key, we couldn’t enter the house.
5️⃣ Mazkur qurilmalarda ot o'rnida 'there' va 'it' olmoshi ham ko'p ishlatiladi.
🔸There being a severe storm at sea, the steamer couldn't leave port.
🔸It being Sunday, the library was closed.
❤️If you want to do some good to your friends 👉 just share this post @grammarnotes #2025 #newlessons
🔗 Kanalga qo'shiling 👇https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFe2P5bFTJKJKkwvyA