Listen 1 min about: Panic 🫣
Transcript 📝!
Rahmat aytmoqchi bo’lsangiz 333
ta 🐳🐳🐳 bosib qo’ying 😇👇 ✅
Transcript 📝!
Are you a panic? I am sometimes,
although I like to think I’m not. I panic
when I’m really late for something
important. Panicking in this situation is
really no good. It won’t get me there
any quicker. It will only make me look
really panicked when I get there. I also
panic if I think I’ve lost an important
computer file. I don’t panic, though, in
emergency situations. I think I’m good
at staying calm and helping others.
There have been a few times when
people asked me how I could stay so
cool. I guess everyone is different.
Imagine what it’s like to be a soldier.
Do they panic? Do police officers and
fire-fighters panic? They always keep a
cool head. A lot of people panicked
recently in the financial crisis. Losing
money always makes people panic.
Rahmat aytmoqchi bo’lsangiz 333
ta 🐳🐳🐳 bosib qo’ying 😇👇 ✅