Outspoken - fikrini direct aytadigan, kimnidur xafa qilib qo’yaman deb o’ylamasdan.🥲
— She is an outspoken girl
Well-spoken - fikrini yaxshi yetazib bera oladigan (asosan xushmuomilalik bilan)🩷
— Ulug’bek bro is well-spoken
Stunning - juda chiroyli🌷
— You look stunning today
Hideous - juda xunuk😩
— My hair was hideous at the time
Bland - tami yo’q, shirin emas😞
— Does it taste good? No, it is bland.
Delectable - tasty, delicious👋
— The food was delectable
Reckless - etiborsiz (not careful)😭
— He is a reckless driver
Cautious - etiborli, xushyor (very careful)😘
— Be cautious!
Punctual - a person who does things on time or doesn’t get late🌙
— He is a very punctual man
Procrastinator - qilishi kerak bo’lgan ishlarni vaqtida qilmasdan, ⌛️ kechiktirib qiladigan.
— Sometimes I tend to be a procrastinator
Outspoken - fikrini direct aytadigan, kimnidur xafa qilib qo’yaman deb o’ylamasdan.🥲
— She is an outspoken girl
Well-spoken - fikrini yaxshi yetazib bera oladigan (asosan xushmuomilalik bilan)🩷
— Ulug’bek bro is well-spoken
Stunning - juda chiroyli🌷
— You look stunning today
Hideous - juda xunuk😩
— My hair was hideous at the time
Bland - tami yo’q, shirin emas😞
— Does it taste good? No, it is bland.
Delectable - tasty, delicious👋
— The food was delectable
Reckless - etiborsiz (not careful)😭
— He is a reckless driver
Cautious - etiborli, xushyor (very careful)😘
— Be cautious!
Punctual - a person who does things on time or doesn’t get late🌙
— He is a very punctual man
Procrastinator - qilishi kerak bo’lgan ishlarni vaqtida qilmasdan, ⌛️ kechiktirib qiladigan.
— Sometimes I tend to be a procrastinator