Articles in English

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Лингвистика

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

rostanam gymda odam ko’payib ketibdi)

3.1k 0 3 125 152

🎙PODCAST eshitmang🚫

kecha 3 soat youtubedagi 10 ga yaqin uzbek podkastchilarini 2X (vaqtingizni tejaydi)da eshitib chiqdim.

bezatilgan xona, bir-ikkita mikrafon va ózidan aqlli yasagan bir nechta odamchalar. bilasilarmi? u yerda bo'layotgan 80% gaplar zig'ircha qiymatga ega emas (subektiv fikrim, balki sizga yoqar).

Hammasida bir xil savollar:

— birinchi moshinangiz qanaqa bo'lgan?

— necha yoshda uylanish kerak.

— bir kunda necha marta oynaga qaraysiz?

— qachon oxirgi marta yig'lagansiz?

— agar vaqtingizni orqaga qaytarish imkoningiz bo‘lsa, nimani o‘zgartirasiz?

— 18 yoshdagi Nayimga top 3 ta maslahatingiz?

— blah, blah...

Odamlar shu padkast madkast qilib ózini aqlli kórsatishga harakat qiladi. To'g'ri, ichida yaxshilari ham bor.

Nima demoqchiman, so choose wisely and don't squander your time listening to people with limited perspectives.

5.4k 0 26 123 273

The Psychology of Procrastination🥱

Procrastination isn’t just about laziness or a lack of discipline. It’s the act of delaying tasks despite knowing that delay will have negative consequences. Sounds irrational, right? That’s because it is.


6.5k 0 155 16 70

— darajasi beginner/elementary óquvchilar bormi shu yerda?

6.8k 0 1 86 111

How Climate Change Affects Ocean Ecosystems🏖️

The oceans cover over 70% of Earth’s surface. They regulate weather, absorb CO2, and provide a habitat for millions of species. But here’s the kicker: they’re under attack. From warming waters to acidification, the ripple effects of climate change are wreaking havoc on marine ecosystems.


8.3k 0 181 16 71

if you were the devil…

8.6k 0 102 49 302

— i watched Squid Game 2 for the sake of Lee Byung hun.

ishonmanglar 001 ga degandimaa

8.2k 0 1 72 175


8.8k 0 17 40 358

The Psychology of Cancel Culture: Impact on Society

Humans are hardwired to crave justice. When we see someone acting in a way that violates social norms, it triggers a sense of moral outrage. Cancel culture takes this natural instinct and supercharges it.


9.6k 0 154 22 69

Репост из: Articles in English
Only men know)

11.2k 0 37 87 807

The Life of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab🤩

His early life reflected his environment: rugged, disciplined, and infused with a sense of duty. Umar was known for his physical strength, sharp intellect, and fiery temper—a mix that, before Islam, often led him down harsh paths.


12.3k 0 353 21 174

The Science of Longevity: How to Live a Longer, Healthier Life😃😊

Most people think longevity is just about genetics. “Oh, my grandparents lived into their 90s, so I’ll be fine.” Wrong. While genes play a role, they account for only about 20-30% of how long you live.


14.1k 1 294 15 126

— you just ruined a day agaaain)

13k 0 22 104 396

Don’t Be the Same in 2025🔄

The most dangerous thing you can do in life is nothing. Stagnation is not neutral; it’s a slow decline. Think about it: while you’re coasting, others are pushing, growing, and advancing. If you’re not learning new skills, exploring new ideas, or challenging your limits, you’re falling behind in a hypercompetitive world.


16.6k 2 486 15 192

🆕 Pro Reader – Completely Free!

🔝 30 articles with advanced vocabulary

💡 Perfect for boosting your reading skills and enhancing your language!

Start reading today! 📖


14.7k 0 789 26 151

🎁🎁🎁2024 uchun sizlarga mendan eng yaxshi sovg'a bu — KITOB deb o'yladim.

📚 Pro Reader

30 articles with advanced vocabularies

✅ Perfect for boosting your reading skills and enhancing your language!

— if you want, comment "+"

13.6k 0 5 195 133

Sleep Paralysis: The Strange Phenomenon That Freezes Your Reality

Imagine waking up in the dead of night, your eyes darting around the room, but your body feels like it’s encased in cement. You try to scream, but no sound escapes your lips. Worse yet, there’s a shadowy figure looming in the corner, watching you. Is it a dream? A ghost?


14.1k 0 170 17 86

i have never celebrated New Year.

i have never encouraged anyone to celebrate it.

i have never blamed anyone for doing so.

not once.

just enjoy the holiday.

13.6k 0 8 166 276

kam-kam yenglaree, erta ham bor)

14.1k 1 20 130 396
Показано 20 последних публикаций.