Articles in English

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Лингвистика

📚 "Beyond Reading"
— IELTSga birgalikda poydevor quramiz!
👉 @ali21admin

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

The Role of Rogun Dam🌊💧

The Rogun Dam, once completed, will stand as the tallest dam on Earth at a staggering 335 meters. The complexity of constructing such a monumental structure in the rugged Pamir mountains cannot be overstated.


3.9k 0 59 14 66


6.2k 0 0 17 269

Bahor keldi seni sóroqlab...

7.6k 0 15 80 310

📅Ramazon oyini samarali ótkazish maqsadida 30 kunlik hamma uchun mos plan tuzdim.

Agar kerak bólsa⬇️⬇️⬇️


8.3k 0 5 11 106

How Can I Stop the Cycle of Sinning?🤩

Never underestimate the power of dua. The Prophet (peace be upon him) frequently sought Allah’s help in staying on the right path. One of his supplications was: “O Turner of hearts, keep my heart firm upon Your religion.” (Tirmidhi)


9.5k 0 239 24 156

✍️Reading 9.0 Challenge – Ramazon oyida 🌙

🔹 Davomiyligi: 20 kun
🔹 Kimlar uchun? IELTS Readingdan yuqori natija olishni xohlaganlar uchun!

Ushbu marafonda siz:

✔️ 20 ta real exam passages

✔️ O’zbek tilidagi 20 ta video tushuntirish ( walkthroughs)

✔️ 20 ta so’zlar va iboralar ro’yxati passagelardan (wordlists)

✔️ 20 ta articles va ularga tegishli bo’lgan so’zlar ro’yxati

🪙Mutlaqo bepul va barchaga ochiq

Qo‘shilish uchun hoziroq quyidagi havolani bosing!

9.9k 0 58 23 77

So thrilled for the upcoming Ramadan series by Omar Suleiman)

9.2k 0 5 25 212

siz sahovatpeshalar yordami bilan anchagina so'mma yig'ildi.

Xudo xohlasa, yana ozgina ya'ni ming dollardan ortiqroq yig'ilsa, Muhammadjon Hindistonda davolanib keladi.


bu onasi Umida opani karta raqamlari)

The Science of Building Extreme Discipline✍️

Studies show that when people delay gratification (e.g., choosing a long-term benefit over an immediate pleasure), their dopamine pathways become stronger. This is why small wins—like making your bed every
morning or finishing a reading goal.


10.7k 0 282 51 103


11.8k 0 95 76 835

How Did Ancient People Travel Without Maps?🧭

Before sundials or clocks, people observed the movement of the sun throughout the day, noting how shadows changed in length and angle. This method was particularly useful for desert travelers, such as the Bedouins of the Middle East.


12.9k 0 395 23 124

amerikaga ketish endi oson bólibdikuu aaa.

green card emas golden cardli bólasiz faqat sizda $5 mln bólsa bóldi.

kórdinglarmi ossson)

14k 0 16 69 520

Should We Support Space Exploration?🚀👩‍🚀

Earth is fragile. Climate change, natural disasters, and the potential for catastrophic asteroid impacts make it clear that relying solely on our home planet is a risky gamble. Space exploration offers a viable Plan B—colonization of other planets, particularly Mars.


15.4k 0 288 12 117

mazzami qor?

13.6k 0 4 472 266

Репост из: Molboqar
Inson sevgani bilan uchrashuvga kechikmaydi)


13.9k 0 189 23 269

14.7k 0 44 79 342

How to Stop Playing Video Games🎮

Without a plan, it’s easy to relapse. Establish a daily routine that includes time for work, exercise, hobbies, and socializing. Stick to a consistent sleep schedule and limit screen time before bed.


16.7k 1 404 20 156


Consider J.K. Rowling—rejected by 12 publishers before Harry Potter became a global phenomenon. If she had succumbed to doubt, millions of childhoods would be missing a bit of magic.


18.2k 2 458 13 143


16.1k 0 185 63 762

— erkak kishi maymundan sal farq qilsa bóldi ekan)

15.5k 0 24 353 529
Показано 20 последних публикаций.