Azizbek Zaylobiddinov I Portfolio accelerator

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Лингвистика

- admitted to Harvard class of 2029
- I run @ibratdebate & @parvozlc
I am sharing useful information and bits of my life here.

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

Before reading the message, check out the videos and the photos above 👆

I want to ask you a question:
- Who is taking the responsibility for your education?

Answer in the comments below ⬇️


I am conducting a survey on what you guys would want to see in my blog

If you could take 5-7 minutes to answer the questions, it would help me tremendously:

As a token of appreciation, I’ve prepared a wonderful gift for you

🎁 List of 25 universities that have accepted Uzbek students with 100% scholarships

Thank you very much

One fun fact:

When I was 6-7 years old, every morning my grandfather would make me watch this show because they brought the TOP achiving youth of that time to the program. Whem I sometimes fell asleep and missed it, he would say:

Uhlaysan, Assalomni ko’rmaysan

If he was alive, I am sure that he would be proud of me right now.

2.8k 0 4 22 210

Didn’t some record ?

If you are awake:

1. Did you feel the earthquake ?
2. If you have TV at home, set your tunes to Uzbekistan 1 channel to the “Assalom O’zbekiston” program

We have made a folder of channels of some of the most experienced people in the admissions field of Uzbekistan

Follow them 👇

'' rel='nofollow'>ADD CHANNELS!

Always be on the search

Most of you know about my "Portfolio accelerator" program where I am helping four students individually to prepare their portfolios to apply to TOP universities. Today, I want to share with a recent insight I have gained through working these students.
When I was preparing my application last year, only programs I knew and applied to were YYGS, YIRLI, Pioneer and Lumier because they were popular and everyone else also applied to them. I thought that nearly all good summer programs already had closed their applications, and that I had no choice but focus on other parts of my portfolio.

However, through working with my students and constantly searching for programs we could apply to, we have found quite a lot of options that have generous financial aid, provide essential insights into the spheres they want to pursue, and are diverse in study body.

Looking back right now, I realize the reason why I couldn't find those programs was because I was not looking for them. I never googled summer program available with their applications open or asked chatGPT for help. Even if I did, it was shallow research.

What I want to tell you today is to always keep your options open and be on the search:
- follow telegram channels that post internship, research opportunities and summer programs
- check out Reddit posts about summer programs
- google summer programs related to your field
- etc.

BTW, one of my students in Bukhara recently started her passion project and is aiming to raise awareness about robotics across school students in Bukhara.

opened volunteering positions in her team. Reach out to @starzigirl if you are in Bukhara and would like to add a meaningful activity to your portfolio while also positively contributing to the society

@abdulazizziy - react with a 🕊 if you read this post until the end

3k 0 20 5 104

Even though it is not easy to teach and help students with their portfolios and college applications overall, I get satisfied whenever my students achieve something or leave positive feedback stating that they have learned a lot from me.

I finished up last week’s consultations on Sunday, you can see the feedback above 👆

If you want to receive expert advice on:

1. How to strengthen activities and honors you have so far
2. What else you should do to improve your portfolio

Register for this weekend’s consultations at

More feedback from past recipients: @pafeedback

Offer closed. Thanks for everyone

Super community by Azizbek (Harvard '29)

Only open for first 100 requests from people who have at least IELTS 6.5 and SAT 1300

send your IELTS and SAT certificates in their full versions to @parvozlc_admin

Admin will give you a link to request to join the community.

In the community, I will be instructing you on how to transform your portfolio and prepare for an Ivy-level application for free. Also, there will be an opportunity to ask questions in the group chat from me during one specific hour frame daily.

Hurry up to save your spot, I won't open the registration to join the community any other time soon.

4.9k 0 31 13 63

I have seen that a lot of people would want to join the private community.

Let’s make a deal:

I will open the community today at 17:00. I will only accept first 100 requests from people who already have IELTS 6.5 or above and SAT 1300+

Drop + in the comments if you are waiting 👇

4.1k 0 8 125 57

Do you already have IELTS and SAT ? (Regardless of the score)
  •   Yes
  •   No
456 голосов

What do you guys think I open a private channel for only 100 people who already have IELTS and SAT? I will be spamming the channel with valuable info related to how you guys can enhance your ECs and honors ?

Would be you down to join ? What would you want to see in the channel ?

4.4k 0 10 19 92

today is the last day to register, only one spot is left.

hurry up if you want me to consult you on how to transform your portfolio and prepare for an Ivy-level application.

register at

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