Yuldoshev's Blog

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Блоги

University of Maine, USA 22'
🇺🇲Global UGRAD 21-22 finalist🇺🇿
IELTS 8.5 | Speaking 8.5
| Writing 7.5
TOEFL 101 | Speaking 28

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

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🟣Word: Propel
[ oldinga tortish, harakat qilish ]

Definition: To drive or push something forward with force or momentum.

Synonyms: Drive, push, thrust, move

Example Sentence (Verb):

The rocket engines were designed to propel the spacecraft into orbit.

Common Word Formations:

Propel (verb): To drive or push something forward.
Propeller (noun): A device with blades that rotates to propel a vehicle, such as a boat or airplane.
Propulsion (noun): The act of propelling or the force used to push something forward.
Word Formations Summary:

Verb: Propel
Noun: Propeller, Propulsion

Репост из: Mock Results
The bar chart does what now ?😰


i am sorry “ and “ my bad “ mean the same thing.

except at funerals.

🟣Word: Implement [ asbob uskuna ]

As a Noun:
Definition: A tool, instrument, or piece of equipment used to carry out a particular task.

Synonyms: Tool, instrument, device, apparatus, utensil

Example Sentence (Noun):

The chef carefully selected the right implement to slice the vegetables.

🟣Word: Implement [ amaliyotda qo'llash ]
As a Verb:
Definition: To put a plan, decision, or agreement into effect.
Synonyms: Execute, enforce, carry out, apply, perform

Example Sentence (Verb):

The government will implement new regulations to ensure environmental safety.

Chiqadigan eshigingni qattiq yopma
qaytib kelishing bor
“ - degan o’zbekcha gap o’qib qoldim.
It is very meaningful menga yoqdi.

Shuni Inglizchasini bilardim men
to burn bridges “ degan idiom.

1. After quitting his job in anger, he realized he had burned bridges with his former colleagues.
2. It’s important not to burn bridges, even if you’re leaving a company for a better opportunity.
3. She regretted the harsh words she said, knowing she had burned bridges with her best friend.
4. Instead of burning bridges, it’s wiser to leave relationships on good terms whenever possible.
5. He chose to burn bridges with his toxic past, determined to move forward without looking back.
- ChatGPT.

P.S : sometimes, eshikni shunaqa qattiq yop, u tarafdanam bu tarafdanam ochilmasin. there are some toxic mazafars who don’t deserve a second of your life.

2k 0 19 7 40

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some IELTS instructors be like💔

2k 0 19 12 100


2k 0 3 31 48

October and November Test Takers !!!

I offer you a Mini-Course that will take care of most of your worries.

Every day for 30 days you will receive

📱 YouTube Video

🎙 Podcast

🌐 Article

📔 Reading Passage

and the price is just

30,000 uzs

text to @gulomjonyuldoshev
and say “ Mini C
ourse “ i will send you more info🤝

2k 0 18 1 27

8 people contacted to register for the mini course💀
should i start accepting now ?

Can u hear me ?

one full Reading + Listening Mock Test
in the beginning

one full Reading + Listening Mock Test
in the end

Day 1 - ReadMe

📱 YouTube Video

🎙 Podcast

🌐 Article

📔 Reading Passage

online mini course for
October - November Test Takers

🟣Word: Scratch [ tirnash, qirchish ]

To mark or damage a surface with something sharp, or to rub or scrape a part of the body to relieve itching.


Example Sentences:

1. He accidentally used a metal tool that left a scratch on the car's paint.
2. After being bitten by mosquitoes, she couldn't resist the urge to scratch her arms.
3. iPhone claims their new Titan case is scratch-resistant, but i proved them wrong💀

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