Ollohberdi (Writing 7.0)

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Курсы и гайды

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✍️ Essays (7.5–8+)
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✨ Around 2+ Years experience
Reliable teacher in Tashlak, coming soon to Fergana.
Results: @results_with_ollohberdi
Contact: @ShokirovOllohberdi

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Курсы и гайды
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Ha ha 😂

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List of heading — CEFR reading part 3

— videoda List of heading juda osonligi va hech qanday texnika kerak basligi tushintirildi ✅


Eng kotta va yomon yolgon, o'zini aldash.

! It’s just humor

❌ Reading qildim, tahlil qilishga vaqt yetmadi.
✅ Reading qildim, qarasam 10 ta bilmagan so‘zim chiqib qoldi. Keyin miyamni qiynagim kelmadi.

❌ Vocabulary esdan chiqib ketyapti.
✅ Vocabularyni aktiv qilish uchun so‘zlarga gap tuzishga erinayapman.

❌ Writingni tekshirishmaydi CEFR’da, keyin listening, reading baland bo‘lsa, qoganlarini tortib ketadi. Muhimi — o‘quvchilarim tezroq va osonroq B2/6.5-7 olishsin.
✅ O‘zi writingdan o‘tish azob-da, qanday o‘tishni ham bilmayman. Shunga osongina qolib berib qo‘ya qolaman.

❌ Mavzuni tushunmadim, shuning uchun vazifa qilmadim.
✅ Mavzu sal qiyinlik qildi. Harakat qilsam bo‘lardi-yu, lekin miyam og‘rib qolmasin, dedim.

❌ Vazifa sal chala edi-da, keyingi darsga to‘liq bo‘ladi.
✅ Aldadim. Bir donasini qildim, darsda sal chala desam, indamaysiz deb qoganini qilmadim.

❌ Writing/Speaking kurslarini samarali o‘tishdan maqsad — o‘quvchilarga yordam berish.
✅ Shunchaki social recognition va reputation yig‘ish uchun darslarim sifatini oshiryapman.

1️⃣9️⃣ TH LAW

— Initially, I wanted to take over everyone, but later I realized that forming meaningful relationships with a few is the key to surpassing many.


Revised Version by Chat GPT:
People have different views on what primarily drives individuals to work hard—whether it is financial gain or other factors. While economic stability motivates people to work diligently to navigate the complexities of modern life, I believe that social status is an equally important, if not more significant, factor.

Proponents of the view that financial incentives drive hard work cite several reasons to support their stance. With rising living costs and stagnant wages, many people struggle to meet their basic needs, let alone save for emergencies, invest in income-generating assets, or provide for their families. Given these financial pressures, it is no surprise that individuals develop a strong work ethic to stand out in a competitive job market, which can lead to lucrative employment opportunities. Such jobs not only enable individuals to make ends meet but also improve their overall quality of life. This is particularly crucial for those from low-income backgrounds, who must secure a stable income to break the cycle of poverty.

Despite these arguments, in my view, social status is just as powerful a motivator as financial security. The desire for respect and recognition often pushes individuals to excel in their fields, persist through setbacks, and overcome formidable challenges, thereby strengthening their reputation, earning admiration from peers, and inspiring others. This, in turn, fosters a deep sense of fulfillment and purpose, significantly enhancing overall well-being. In a world shaped by social comparison and constant evaluation, achieving meaningful success can have a profound impact on self-esteem. A prime example is Elon Musk, who has overcome significant obstacles, from the legal issues surrounding Neuralink to the financial crises at Tesla, largely due to his relentless pursuit of social recognition and admiration.

In conclusion, while financial stability is a key motivator for hard work, I contend that the pursuit of social status, respect, and recognition plays an equally, if not more, significant role in driving individuals to succeed.

— it's slightly better than mine with minor improvements.


How to Develop a Growth Mindset.pdf
How to develop mindset

— agar darajelar strong B1 va B2 va speaking'da qiynalselar, shu article'ni o'qib keyin Chat GPT bilan shu mavzu haqida gaplashselar albatta speaking'da osish sezasizlar.


How to Reduce Stress in Daily Life.pdf
How to Reduce Stress in Daily Life

— darajasi o'rtacharoq o'quvchilar shuni o'qib, keyin retelling qilsa speaking uchun foydali bo'ladi ✔️


Shuncha writing darslarni IELTS'chilar uchun qildim, CEFR'chilar bir maza qisin-a?

Nasib hech qanday qolib yodlamasdan, bemalol insonga o'xshab letter yozishni o'rganasiz. Qolib bilan yozadiganlarni huddi erkinlikni oldirib qo'ygan yozuvchilarga o'xshataman, qachongacha shunaqa yurasiz. Erkin O'zbekistonimizda, fikrlarimizni erkin qolipsiz yoritib berishga nima yetsin-a?

— blaman, yemadi uncha.

Yaxshiyam 1-2 sample o'qibtilar, agar 5-6 o'qiganlarida 7ni urib qo'ysala keragidi ))

Writing 6.5 ⚡️


📊 TASK 1: The line graph shows the number of overseas visitors who came to the UK for different purposes between 1989 and 2009.

The line graph shows the changes in the number of foreign visitors coming to the UK for different reasons, such as holiday, business, and visiting friends or relatives, from 1989 to 2009.

Overall, the number of people with all three reasons saw a noticeable rise. Of particular note are holidaymakers experiencing consistently higher figures each year, despite some fluctuations.

The number of people who visited the UK for holiday and business showed increases. In 1989, about 6.5 million visitors came to the UK, despite the wild fluctuation, after which the figure saw a significant increase, reaching its peak at roughly 9.5 million. However, that was followed by a considerable drop to just below 8 million, but it recovered to around 9 million in 2009. In contrast, the number of people who came to the UK for commercial purposes was approximately 5 million in 1989, before peaking at 8 million between 2004 and 2009. In the final year, the figures for this decreased to 5 million.

Similarly, the figures for people coming to the UK in order to visit their loved ones also followed an upward trend, but without any fluctuations. Starting at just below 4 million, the number of these visitors underwent a dramatic rise, reaching its highest level at roughly 7 million, before falling to 6 million in the last year.

— feel free to give feedback.


Guys, kimga CEFR bo'yicha full mock bor? Bo'sa share qvorila @ShokirovOllohberdi ga

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Are you hero or villain?

🔹 Vocabulary — "To Have a High Opinion of " 🔹

Meaning: To regard someone or something with great respect or admiration.

In today’s world, where people have a high opinion of celebrities, influencer marketing plays a vital role in business. It helps companies attract new customers and keep old ones engaged, ultimately boosting sales and revenue.

— let's try to make a sentence


Interesting, really interesting

O'qishni tavsiya qilaman.

✔️In this article, you can learn the following expressions:

1. Despite something — nimadandur qat'iy nazar
Example: Despite its detrimental impacts, we can't stop using social media platforms.

2. Aside from — dan tashqari
Example: I like all sections of the IELTS, such as listening, reading, and speaking, aside from writing.

3. Suffer from — biror narsadan aziyat chekish
Example: My friends suffer from obesity.



The only reason people work hard is to earn more money. There are no other reasons to do it.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

People have different views about the main driver of hard work—whether it is financial gain or other factors.. While economic stability encourages people to work hard to navigate the complexities of modern life, I believe that social status is an equally important factor, if not more.

Proponents of the idea that hard work can be attributed to the desire to build substantial income cite various reasons to support their stance. With rising living expenses and stagnant wages, people now struggle to meet their basic needs, let alone save up for future emergencies, invest in income-generating assets, and provide for their families. Given this huge financial burden, it comes as no surprise that people cultivate a strong work ethic to stand out from the crowd and gain a competitive edge, which can open doors to lucrative jobs. Such jobs can not only allow people to make ends meet but also improve their overall quality of life. This scenario is particularly beneficial for those from low-income families, who need to generate a stable income stream to break the cycle of poverty.

Despite these arguments, in my view, social value also drives individuals to strive just as intensely as financial gain. When people truly desire to gain social respect and higher status, they often push themselves to excel in their respective fields, bounce back from setbacks and failures despite formidable challenges, thereby solidifying their reputation, earning admiration from peers, and inspiring others to follow in their footsteps. This can ultimately give them a sense of happiness and satisfaction, which significantly enhances their overall quality of life. In a world dominated by social comparison and constant judgment, achieving something meaningful can make a big difference when it comes to boosting self-esteem and gaining a sense of purpose. A good case in point is Elon Musk, who has overcome significant challenges, from the legal problems of Neuralink to the financial crises at Tesla, mainly due to his intense desire to gain social recognition and be admired by others.

In conclusion, although the need for financial stability is a significant motivator for hard work, I contend that social value and the desire for respect and recognition play an equally important, if not greater, role in driving individuals to work hard.


1️⃣8️⃣ TH LAW

— do not become isolated.


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