📘 Book 3 | Unit 12
📑 Word list
🟦 scent [sent] n. — hid, is
🔻>> A scent is a smell. >> A scent bu hid.
— Julie enjoyed the scent of the flowers.
— Juli gullarning hididan rohatlandi.
🟦 steel [sti:l] n. — po'lat
🔻>> Steel is a shiny gray metal. >> Steel yaltiroq kulrang metal.
— The new apartment building was made with steel.
— Yangi turar joy binosi po'latdan qurilgan.
🟦 swift [swift] adj. — tezop, jadal
🔻>> If something is swift, it is fast. >> Agar biror narsa swift bo'lsa, u tez bo'ladi.
— The swift horse easily jumped over the hurdle.
— Tezkor ot to'siqdan osongina sakrab o'tdi.
🟦 toss [tɔ:s] v. — irg'itmoq
🔻>> If you toss something, you throw it softly. >> Agar Siz biror narsani toss qilsangiz, siz uni yengil irg'itasiz.
— He tossed a coin into the air.
— U tangani havoga irg'itdi.
🟦 triumph [traɪəmf] n. — zafar, g'alaba
🔻>> Triumph is what you feel when you win or finish something. >> Triumph qachonki yutganingizda yoki biror narsani tugatganingizda his qiladigan tuyg'u.
— He raised the award in triumph at the end of his speech.
— U nutqining oxirida g'alaba sovrinini ko'tardi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.
📑 Word list
🟦 scent [sent] n. — hid, is
🔻>> A scent is a smell. >> A scent bu hid.
— Julie enjoyed the scent of the flowers.
— Juli gullarning hididan rohatlandi.
🟦 steel [sti:l] n. — po'lat
🔻>> Steel is a shiny gray metal. >> Steel yaltiroq kulrang metal.
— The new apartment building was made with steel.
— Yangi turar joy binosi po'latdan qurilgan.
🟦 swift [swift] adj. — tezop, jadal
🔻>> If something is swift, it is fast. >> Agar biror narsa swift bo'lsa, u tez bo'ladi.
— The swift horse easily jumped over the hurdle.
— Tezkor ot to'siqdan osongina sakrab o'tdi.
🟦 toss [tɔ:s] v. — irg'itmoq
🔻>> If you toss something, you throw it softly. >> Agar Siz biror narsani toss qilsangiz, siz uni yengil irg'itasiz.
— He tossed a coin into the air.
— U tangani havoga irg'itdi.
🟦 triumph [traɪəmf] n. — zafar, g'alaba
🔻>> Triumph is what you feel when you win or finish something. >> Triumph qachonki yutganingizda yoki biror narsani tugatganingizda his qiladigan tuyg'u.
— He raised the award in triumph at the end of his speech.
— U nutqining oxirida g'alaba sovrinini ko'tardi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.