𝙏𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙨 | 𝑰𝑬𝑳𝑻𝑺 8.0

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Лингвистика

Javlonbek Abduraximov💥
18 y.o
📌IELTS instructor
📌Band 8.0 holder
📌Future niner
📌co-founder of EDUNEST LC
Target: BAND 9.0✅
To contact: @javlonbek_abduraximov

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

The pictures illustrate one of the methods used to produce ceramic pots. Overall, there are three main stages in this process, starting with processing the raw material, followed by the actual manufacturing process, and ending with adding colors to the pots before they are ready for sale. Also, this entire process is a complex one, requiring much equipment and time to complete.

The first stage of the process requires the involvement of an excavating machine digging up clay as a raw material. In the following stage, clay is loaded onto a truck and then taken to the factory, where the other remaining stages take place. Once there, the clay is crushed, mixed with water, and poured into specially shaped molds. After being left to dry for 4-6 hours in molds, assembled clay pots are ready to go through a heating process, in which bricks are heated at 1000 degrees Celsius.

The next stage of the process starts when the pots are decorated with a special color to enhance their appearance. These colored pots are then fired once more in order to dry their colors. Finally
, the ceramic pots are now finished and ready for sale.


Writer: Javlonbek Abduraximov (IELTS 8.0)
*refined with the help of ChatGPT


Репост из: 𝐀𝐉_𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐒

Bizda siz kutgan yangilik 🤩🤩🤩

Aprel oyida teacher Jasurbek ( 2x IELTS 8.0 ) tomonidan "Brand-New" INTENSIVE IELTS kursi ochiladi.

Stay tuned 📌

Batafsil malumot tez orada beriladi✔️


Shu mockka qalamlar, óchirg'ichlar va uchlog'ichlarni eng zórlarini tanlab sotib oldik. 🤩

🔥With only 3 hours of sleep, I am going to work.

InshaAllah, óquvchilarimiz ham kóp narsani sacrifice qilishyapti, Aprel oyidagi natijalari uchun sababini qilyapmiz.

@Teacherness - doing nothing but to study and teach.

🕘The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second best time is now.

P/S: Save the planet for the generations to come.


My day - productive, interesting, useful and on and on🔥

Bugun Aprelda IELTS topshirayotgan óquvchilarim uchun ertalabki darslarni boshladim.

Hali Kun yorishmaganiga qaramasdan, 6:15 da darsni boshladik. Ilmga chanqoq óquvchilarga va ularga sharoit yaratib berayotgan ota-onalariga katta rahmat.


Ramadan☪️ and Spring🌱

Ramazon oyining barokati barcha musulmon ahliga barobar bólsin.🤲


Yangiliklar katta 🔥🔥🔥

Репост из: 𝐀𝐉_𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐒
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EDUNEST va IDP hamkorlikda🔥

IDP xodimlari bilan bólgan bugungi kechki suhbatda ham muhim masalalar haqida gaplashilindi. EDUNEST óquv markazi óquvchilari uchun Speaking test sanalarini biz uchun qulay bólgan bir vaqtga ózlari qóyib berishliklarini vada qilishdi (Aslida, ulgurmay qolsangiz, speaking sanasi ancha noqulay vaqtga bólib qoladi). Shu bilan birgalikda, face-to-face imtihonlarini eng kóp qismini Edunest óquvchilari uchun ajratib beriladigan bóldi. Test bilan bog'liq har qanday muammolar óquv markazimizda tahsil olayotgan óquvchilar uchun bir zumda hal qilib beriladi.

🔴Xullas, EDUNEST da IELTS uchun katta imkoniyatlar yaratilmoqda.

🌟@AJ_BLOGS - Edunest Learning Center

Again, the same active method to improve comprehension🔥

-Sizlar uchun ham sovg'a, órganib olishingiz mumkin🤫

🌟EDUNEST - encourages active learning

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The lady said she saw me in Instagram😅😅😅

Have you been to Instragram?


My peak group students are also doing the same thing but for a longer time. As a result, they will probably get rid of their bad habits. 🔥

IELTS va Ingliz tili sabab, InshaAlloh, butun hayot tarzini yaxshi tomonga ózgartirishadi.

🌟EDUNEST - easy to achieve your dreams with us💥

This should be done by students as well.

Yana Target guruh.

Listening qilganimizdan keyin, undan chiqqan yaxshi sózlarni va phrase larni órganib olamiz. Handoutdan kórishiz mumkin - It is all about active learning.

Quruq practice qilishlik unchalik foyda bermaydi, guys.

🌟EDUNEST - trying to help as many students as possible.

🔥My target group, talking about their bad habits. This session is going to serve as a reflection for them.

Ózlarining Yomon odatlari haqida gapirib, qandaydir ózini boshqa nuqtai nazardan kórishadilar.

🌟EDUNEST - not only teaching English, but also breaking bad habits of students.

Kecha bu videoni ko'rganizdan beri, Instagramni va shunga o'xshash vaqtizni olayotgan social media ni o'chirdingizmi?

Yokida, qancha vaqtiz tejalyapti endi?

Comments below👇

538 0 1 22 19

Juda foydali content bólipti. Hamma yoshdagilar kórishi kerak deb óylayman. Hozirgi Ingliz tili órganuvchilarini deyarli hammasi shu muammo ichida yashab kelyapti va NATIJA 0 ga teng.

Men ózimni vazifamni bajarib, siz bilan ulashdim - siz ham Kim bilandir ulashib, to'g'ri yólda yurishligiga sababchi bóling.


VIDEO: https://youtu.be/itkUJSYrg1U?si=NpFXYjGoW2cg4-19

Don't overestimate the world.
Don't underestimate yourself.

You are better than you think.


⚡️New Beginner Courses ⚡️

🎯🎯Ertalabgi va Obetdan keyingi kurslar 🎯🎯

Ertalabgi kurs: seshanba, payshanba va shanba kunari

🔻Vaqtlari: 9:00-11:00
🔻Teacher: Muslima Boxodirova (IELTS 6.0)
(rus va o'zbek sinflari uchun maxsus tayyorlangan metodika asosida)

Obetdan keyingi kurs: Dushanba, Chorshanba va Juma

🔻Dars vaqtlari: 15:30-17:30
🔻Teacher: Mavluda Sodikova (IELTS 6.5)


Good colleague.
Good friend.
Good brother.

Alisher, yóllariz bexatar bólsin. Allohga omonatsiz, kelajakda katta bizneslarda hamkorlik qilamiz, InshaAllah.

588 0 4 25 56

Here we goooo😎

Показано 20 последних публикаций.