C1 phrases and collocations
➡️ Human nature (C1) - insonning tabiati
— It’s human nature to make mistakes
➡️ Turn dreams into reality (C1) - ro’yobga chiqarmoq, haqiqatga aylantirmoq
— One day I’ll turn all my dreams into reality.
➡️ Inferior to (C1) - yomonroq, pastroq
— This product is inferior to the one we bought last time
➡️ Parental involvement (C1) - ota onani aralashuvi
— Parental involvement is important for children, especially when making important decisions.
➡️ Ethically wrong (C2) - axloq, odob yuzasidan xato
— Using your phone while your parents are talking to you is considered ethically wrong.
➡️ Human nature (C1) - insonning tabiati
— It’s human nature to make mistakes
➡️ Turn dreams into reality (C1) - ro’yobga chiqarmoq, haqiqatga aylantirmoq
— One day I’ll turn all my dreams into reality.
➡️ Inferior to (C1) - yomonroq, pastroq
— This product is inferior to the one we bought last time
➡️ Parental involvement (C1) - ota onani aralashuvi
— Parental involvement is important for children, especially when making important decisions.
➡️ Ethically wrong (C2) - axloq, odob yuzasidan xato
— Using your phone while your parents are talking to you is considered ethically wrong.