Sobirjon's Notes🇬🇧

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Психология

Undefeated mentality.
Be better than others.
2025 is your year.

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
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I will stop listening to music and start exposing myself to podcasts. But I will still utilize them for some purposes except entertainment.


The time has come. I know that if our hearts keep beating, that’s a sign that we can still make all the wishes reality. So, I would like start a very very disciplined lifestyle before Ramadan and maintain it during and after it. Gonna introduce a few new things to my life to enhance personally, emotionally, physically and characteristically. I want to reinvent myself and transform into totally new Sobirjon with all things required to have an awesome and blessed life.


#day twenty three C8 PP.
Feb 26

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Getting addicted to this and literally my mind repeating the same lines 24/7

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#day twenty two C5.5 RH.
Feb 25

Wait till the tables turn.

Репост из: English with Sobirjon 7+/C1
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The sun after the rain is much more beautiful than the sun before the rain.”


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Shunaqa o’zingizni o’zingiz kichik kichik yutuqlaringizdan tortib kattasigacha ruxlantrib turing chunki buni sizdan boshqa hech kim siz uchun o’zingizchalik qila olmaydi.

2024 yil Oktabr 31 kuni. I made and I will make it deb o’zimga o’zim vada bergan edim. U payt endi Londonga kelgan edim va moslashish nima qilsam ekan deb yurgan edim. Bu hissiyotni faqatgina bu yo’lni bosib o’tish orqali his qilish mumkin. Hamma narsamni tashab kelgandim tayyor magistiratura o’qishlarim va ishim. Bu yerga kelib umuman 0 da edim na ishim na tanishim. Vaqt o’taberadi, shuning uchun iloji boricha bosish kerak.

Mana bugun 24 Fevral va asosiy bitta planimni bajarib ohiriga yetdim.

Bosh omon bo’lsa, do’ppi topiladi degandek keyingilariga erishishda davom etamiz, Insha’Allah.


#Day twenty one C8.5 PP.
Feb 24

“It doesn’t matter who we are. What matters is our plan.”

#day nineteen C11.5 PR.
Feb 22
#day twenty Ch
Feb 23

‘There is something about this English mentality’

Andrew Tate.

What’s the speacial thing about this car?

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#day C12incB PR.
Feb 21

Late night vibes and thoughts, London.

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