"OPUS" learning center

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Лингвистика

👨‍🎓 40.000+ O’QUVCHILAR
☎️ Biz bilan bogʻlanish:
+998 90 779 33 66
Admin: @OPUSLC
📍Farg’ona shahar, Bozorboshi ko’chasi 4- uy Indenim kiyim do’koni 3-4 qavat

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

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Nega aynan OPUS? 😊 Chunki bu oddiy o‘quv markaz emas, balki qadriyatlarga asoslangan ta’lim maskani! 📚✨ Bu yerda har bir o'quvchi o‘ziga ishonch hosil qiladi, o‘z maqsadlariga yetish uchun ilhom oladi va haqiqiy natijaga erishadi. 🔥 Muhit, ustozlar va tizim – barchasi sizning muvaffaqiyatingiz uchun! 🚀 Siz ham OPUS oilasiga qo‘shiling va o‘z kelajagingizni bugundan boshlang!
OPUS – bu natija! 🎯✅


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🚨 Happening Tomorrow! 🚨

Do you love animals? Want to make a real difference? Join us TOMORROW at the Animal Shelter "Scream_4_help" for a heartwarming volunteering event! ❤️🐶🐱

🌟 What’s in store?
✔️ Cuddle & play with adorable rescue animals 🐕🐾
✔️ Help feed, clean, and care for them 🥣🧼
✔️ Assist in adoption prep & awareness 📢
✔️ Meet like-minded animal lovers 🐾💙

✨ Why join? Because YOU can be the reason a rescue animal finds love, care, and a second chance!

Location:We will leave from Opus
⏰ Time: 13th March 13:30
📝 Sign up NOW: @rukhshona_azamjonova

Hurry—spots are LIMITED! Don’t miss this chance to spend a day making tails wag and hearts happy! 🐾💕

#AnimalLovers #VolunteerForACause #RescueAndAdopt #MakeADifference

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6 oyda ingliz tilida erkin gaplashishni xohlaysizmi? 🇬🇧✨

Unda General English kurslarimiz aynan siz uchun! Biz bilan:

✅ Ingliz tilini tez va oson o‘rganasiz
✅ Erkin gapirish, tushunish va yozishni rivojlantirasiz
✅ Interaktiv va samarali darslarga qatnashasiz

Orzuyingizni kechiktirmang – bugun boshlang! 🚀

Kurslarimizga yozilish uchun izohlarda “➕” qoldiring


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“Ingliz tilini qancha vaqtda o‘rganish mumkin?”

❓ Bir oyda? Uch oyda? Yoki bir yilda?

Bu sizning maqsadingiz va mashq qilishga ajratgan vaqtingizga bog‘liq!

📌 Boshlang‘ich – 3-6 oy
📌 O‘rta daraja – 6-12 oy
📌 Yuqori daraja – 1-2 yil

🚀 Tezroq o‘rganish uchun har kuni amaliyot qiling va bizing kurslarga yoziling 😉


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Opusda yana bir ajoyib kun! 🔥

🚪 Eshikdan kirganimdan boshlab, energiya va iliq muhitni his qilaman. Do‘stlar, qiziqarli darslar va kuchli support – hammasi shu yerda! 📚✨

🎯 Darsda yangi mavzular, jonli muhokamalar va amaliy mashg‘ulotlar – bu yerda har kuni rivojlanaman! 💡📖
🤝 Support jamoasi doim yonimizda – tushunmagan joyimizni yaxshilab tushintirib berishadi.
☕️ Darsdan keyin coworking zonasida mustaqil shug‘ullanish – erkin muhit, chuqur o‘rganish va o‘z ustida ishlash imkoniyati! 💻📝

💼 Bugun ham samarali o‘tdi. Ertaga yana shu yerda uchrashamiz! 😉🚀

📩 @opusfergana

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🚀 TEDxFergana: Leader & Opus – Cheksiz Ilhom va Yangi G‘oyalar!

Bu oddiy tadbir emas – bu g‘oyalar portlashi edi! 💡

🔥 Ilhom baxsh etuvchi spikerlar – sizni o‘zgacha fikrlashga undagan nutqlar!
🎭 Squid Game challenge – mantiq va strategiyani sinovdan o‘tkazgan qiziqarli o‘yin!
🐾 Hayvonlar boshpanasiga xayriya – jamiyatga foydali hissa qo‘shishning ajoyib usuli!
💡 Interaktiv workshoplar – yangi bilim, kreativ tafakkur va real o‘zgarishlarga ilhom!

Barchasi bir joyda, bir kunda, bir sahnada! Unutilmas tajriba boʻldi !

Bizni kuzatishda davom eting!😉
📩 @opusfergana

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🐾 Locus Events: Season 4, Session 1

Topic:Animal Activism Special! 🐾

We’re back with a powerful start to Season 4! This Sunday, join us for an eye-opening session on Animal Activism—a chance to explore how we can make a real difference for animals in our communities.

📅 Date: 7th march
⏰ Time: 2:00 PM

📍 Location: OPUS learning centre
From discussing global animal rights movements to sharing local initiatives, this session is all about raising awareness and taking action. Whether you're an advocate, an animal lover, or just curious, come be part of the conversation!

Let’s speak up for those who can’t—see you there! 🐕🐈🌿

#LocusEvents #Season4 #AnimalActivism #SpeakForAnimals


📢 TEDxFergana Leader&Opus 2025 – The Countdown Begins!

We’re thrilled to announce that TEDxFergana is happening on March 6th at 3:30 PM at the University Branch of Opus! This event will bring together visionary speakers, thought-provoking ideas, and an audience eager for inspiration.

Whether you're passionate about innovation, storytelling, or change-making, this is your chance to connect with like-minded individuals and explore ideas that matter.

📍 Date: March 6th
⏰ Time: 3:30 PM
📌 Location: University Branch of Opus

Stay tuned for speaker announcements and event highlights! Let’s ignite new perspectives together. 🔥

#TEDxOpus #IdeasWorthSpreading #Inspiration #Innovation@TedX_Fergana

🤩Ana endi bahonalar o‘tmaydi!

💐Bahorda ingliz tilini o‘rganmoqchi bo‘lganlar uchun barcha darajadagi ingliz tili guruhlarimizga qabul ochiq!

Izohlarda ”+” qoldiring va biz bilan ingliz tilini o‘rganing!

📞Batafsil maʼlumotlar uchun:
+998 99 405 33 66
+998 90 779 33 66


Izohlarda natijalaringizni biz bilan bo’lishish esingizdan chiqmasin 😉

02.03.2025 IELTS MOCK RESULTS.pdf
👉🏼 March 2nd, 2025 - IELTS Mock Exam Results.

👉🏼 The next mock is the IELTS one.

Next IELTS mock exam is on March 23rd

If you have any questions : @opusmock_organiser

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IELTS Mock javobini kutayotganlar bormi 👀?

Doʻstlaaaar 🤩

March 2 - CEFR (Multi-level) Mock Exam Results.pdf

March 2 - CEFR(Multi-level) Mock Exam Results.

☎️ If you forgot your candidate number👉🏼 @Dilmurod_IELTS

Mock Exam Centre
Opus Learning Centre

Biz boshlayabmiz 😉

Siz qayerdasiz ?

🐾 Locus Events: Season 4, Session 1

Topic:Animal Activism Special! 🐾

We’re back with a powerful start to Season 4! This Sunday, join us for an eye-opening session on Animal Activism—a chance to explore how we can make a real difference for animals in our communities.

📅 Date: 7th march
⏰ Time: 2:00 PM

📍 Location: OPUS learning centre

From discussing global animal rights movements to sharing local initiatives, this session is all about raising awareness and taking action. Whether you're an advocate, an animal lover, or just curious, come be part of the conversation!

Let’s speak up for those who can’t—see you there! 🐕🐈🌿

#LocusEvents #Season4 #AnimalActivism #SpeakForAnimals


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📢📢📢Those of you who want to apply for the Sharda University 🏢are welcome to come to the presentation by university representatives that takes place tomorrow at 13.30 a.m. at Opus study center library, main branch.

✅ You will find out more about the university life and get your questions regarding the university answered.

Everyone is welcome 🥰

📍Catch the location :

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"TEDx is coming soon! 🚀✨

Get ready for an event where bold ideas, inspiring stories, and groundbreaking perspectives take center stage. Whether you're looking for motivation, innovation, or a fresh way to see the world—TEDx has something for everyone.

Stay tuned for more details. You won’t want to miss this! 🔥 #TEDx #IdeasWorthSpreading #ComingSoon"

"TEDx tez orada! 🚀✨

Katta g‘oyalar, ilhom baxsh etuvchi hikoyalar va yangi qarashlar bilan to‘la tadbir sizni kutmoqda. Dunyoqarashingizni o‘zgartiradigan, fikrlashga undaydigan va ilhomlantiradigan nutqlarni tinglashga tayyormisiz?

Batafsil ma’lumotlar tez orada! Kuzatib boring va ilhom olishga tayyor turing! 🔥 #TEDx #TezOrada"


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🔥The Hard Work and Dedication of Teacher Muhammadyusuf: Inspiring Minds, Shaping Futures with Passion and Excellence.

📩Follow fore more @opusfergana !

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Показано 20 последних публикаций.