🎓 Talabalik va shaxsiy rivojlanish – muvaffaqiyat formulasi! "Talabalik – eng zo‘r yillar!" Bugun qilayotgan har bir harakatingiz ertangi hayotingizni shakllantiradi!
Muhammadali Eshonqulov bilan uchrashuv nafaqat talabalik haqida, balki
shaxsiy rivojlanish, maqsad sari intilish va o‘z ustida ishlash haqida ham bo‘ldi.
Muhim saboqlar: Talabalik – vaqtni to‘g‘ri boshqarish san’ati.
Muvaffaqiyat uchun bilim kifoya emas –
fikrlash tarzingiz va odatlaringiz ham sizni oldinga olib chiqadi!
O‘zingiz ustida ishlashga tayyormisiz? 😉 Bugundan boshlang!
⚡️Bizda barcha
UDEA mahalliy hamda Coventry University dasturlariga qabul davom etmoqda! Imkoniyatni qo’ldan boy bermang..
UDEA – Biz yorqin kelajakka yo'llanma beramiz!
Student Life & Personal Growth – The Formula for Success! "Student years are the best years!" But remember—what you do today shapes your future!
📍Our meeting with
Muhammadali Eshonqulov was not just about student life; it was about
personal growth, ambition, and the mindset for success. 🔑
Key Takeaways: Student life isn’t just about passing time—it’s about mastering time.
Success isn’t just about knowledge—
your mindset and habits determine how far you’ll go.
Are you ready to invest in yourself? 😉 Start today!
⚡️ Admissions for both
UDEA local and Coventry University programs are still open. Hurry up,
Apply now!🎓 UDEA - We guide you to a brighter future!🌎
udea.uz 📞