The bar chart demonstrates how the percentage of city dwellers in Africa, Asia, Latin America / Caribbean and the whole world changed in the years 1950m and 2000 with expected changes in 2030.
Overall, although there was an increase in all those areas with a similar trend being expected in the future, the population rates in Latin America and the whole world are reported to remain higher in all those 3 years with an advantage of the former.
In 1950, around 40% of individuals in Latin America and Caribbean used to live in cities whereas the figures for Africa and Asia stood at about 10 % each. Meanwhile, the global figure rose by 20 percentage points, reaching 50% by 2000. Similarly, the rate for Latin America followed an upward trend reaching 70% in 2000. Notably, urbanization in Africa and Asia grew almost fourfold, reaching 40% by 2000, bringing them inline with each other.
The proportion of American individuals living in towns and cities will have peaked by 2030 with approximately 80%, distantly followed by the other figures. In the future, the whole globe is expected to see a rise to 60% in its population rate in urban areas, whereas urban populations in Asia and Africa are predicted to rise by 10% and 7%, respectively.