Jamshidbek Izzatulloh | Blog

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Блоги

Vanderbilt University Class of 2029
I write my thoughts, observations, reflections.
I am:
- founder @Miyashunos_uz - uzbek neuroscience platform.
- co-coordinator @ thebrainbee.org
- department leader @ Fasih.uz

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

Istisno eshigini bir marta ochsang undan hamma kirib kelishni boshlaydi.

© Akam.

Bir marta kechirsangiz ikkinchi marta ham kechiradiku degan tushunchani berasiz. Va buni boshqalar ham ko'rsa, uni kechirdiku, maniyam kechiradi degan xulosa paydo bo'ladi.

Kechirmasangiz adolatsiz deyishadi, kechirsangiz esa istisnolar ro'yxati uzayib boraveradi.

U ro'yxatga chek qo'ying. Barchaga birdek adolatli bo'ling. Odobsizlikni kechirmang. Va ularning gapi sizni xafa qilmasin.

Ustoz sifatida bugun olgan xulosam.

Репост из: Everest Go Global | Study abroad
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Nega siz TOP universitetlarga kira olmaysiz? 🎓

🔥 Biz bu mavzuni nufuzli universitetlarga o‘qishga kirgan talabalar bilan muhokama qildik!

Ular qanday xatolarga yo‘l qo‘ygani va qanday strategiyalar yordam berganini bilishni xohlaysizmi? 🤔

🎥 Tizerni tomosha qiling va to‘liq ko‘rsatuv chiqishini o‘tkazib yubormang!

📱 To‘liq video tez kunda!

Sherbek, Feruza, Nasiba, Alloma, Khosilmurod, Levsha, Ruhshona, Farangiz.

Shu insonlarning hammasi bo'sh yil olib orzularidagi universitetlariga kirishgan. Qayerga kirishganini yuqoridagi rasmda ko'rishingiz mumkin.

'Gap year' olishni jiddiy o'ylab ko'rishning hozir ayni vaqti.

Balki gap year olishni uyat deb emas, balki imkoniyat deb qarab targ'ib qilishni boshlarmiz?

Har holda, Stanford 3 yil kutishga arziydi!

1k 0 22 26 55

O'qishga kira olmaslikni mag'lubiyat deb hisoblaydigan,

"farzandim o'qishga kira olmadi" degan gapni qarindoshlarga aytishdan qo'rqadigan,

"qayerga kirsang ham kirsang bo'ldi" deb og'lini majburlab o'zi xohlamagan joyga topshirtiradigan ota-onalar,

yoki ota-onasiga gap year olish haqida aytishdan qo'rqadigan barcha o'quvchilar bu suhbatni ko'rishi kerak.

Suhbatda gap yearning foydalarini sanab o'tdik. Siz ham ota-onangizni fikrlarini hurmat qilgan holda biz bildirgan fikrlarni chiroyli yetkazsangiz, yoki shu suhbatni ko'rishlarini taklif qilsangiz, fikrlarining o'zgarishiga ishonaman.

Ota-onalarga murojat 48-minut atrofida boshlanadi. To'liq ko'rishmasa ko'ndirish qiyinov.

📹To'liq video: https://youtu.be/7DHWPYkfcs0?si=v61BihiAAGpKCzx6


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Смотреть в Telegram
Gap year nima? Uni nega va kim olishi kerak?

Gap yearni qanday o'tkazish kerak?

"Universitetga kirmasam ota-onam uydan haydab yuboradi"

O'zim uzoq kutgan va juda ham dolzarb deb hisoblagan mavzudagi podkast vanihoyat YouTube da.

📺Tizer: https://youtube.com/shorts/WDs66pDfRws?si=-jePgcyYmYOiPTGZ

📺To'liq video: https://youtu.be/7DHWPYkfcs0?si=VPWScsypjRJ8oYG1


1k 0 20 6 47

My post about comments under this news report got deleted accidentally. Sorry to those who were commenting.

Will be writing about it tomorrow. Feel free to leave any thoughts under the post.

The Boy Who Didn't Get into Stanford

"Mindset" by Dr Carol S. Dweck

The writer argues that people with the fixed mindsets let their failure define who they are. Those with the growth mindset, on the other hand, approach failures in a different manner: they attribute their failures to the lack or insufficiency of the effort. They always that they lost, but they never accept the identity of a loser.

Репост из: Étoilante
Research is cool.

You get paid well to study whatever interests you and search for answers to the questions that genuinely matter to you. No one is trying to make a profit off of you—instead, you’re supported to advance science, contribute to improving the world, and do what you love.

📚Of course, research takes time, effort, and competition for grants, but as you become an expert, new opportunities will open up for you.

For example, one woman became a leading expert in biomedical engineering and was later invited to work as a STEM officer at UNESCO, consulting top companies and even governments. She easily secured funding for projects and landed prestigious positions because she had built a solid reputation and experience, while others were still working their way up through corporate or government structures.

🌿In the end, you’re simply ahead. By doing what you truly enjoy, you not only satisfy your curiosity but also advance science, make a meaningful impact on society, and thanks to your reputation, gain access to high-level positions in corporations, organizations, and government sectors.

Xabar.uz ma'muriyatiga minnatdorchilik bildiramiz.

Maqolani o'qib ko'ring.


Репост из: Xabar.uz | Расмий хабарлар
Жамшидбек Иззатуллаев АҚШдаги нуфузли университетнинг 373 минг долларлик грантини қўлга киритди


📲 Саҳифаларимизга қўшилинг:
Telegram | Instagram | Youtube

Alhamdulillah. I'm extremely happy to be part of his journey.

He told that he wants world-class education without having to go to the US, which significantly narrowed down the list of colleges he could apply. And NYUAD was the first on the list.

It was his first gap year, and he struggled much with dedicating enough time for admissions. We met a few times during the year for a dinner and a walk to discuss life, academics, admissions and beyond, and conversations with him are always full of insights.

Thank God, he made it. Congrats to Murod, and big thanks for his message.

Let's surprize him by joining his channel. Following an Uzbek studying Mechanical Engineering at New York University in Abu Dhabi is certainly a good idea:


Assalomu alaykum, Jamshidbek.

I am writing this message to thank you. You are the first one I am reaching out after I got in.

You have impacted my growth and success both directly and indirectly.

In 9th grade, after I learned about CIC and decided to come to Tashkent, I was following your blog and getting inspiration from you and Javohir.

In 10th grade, we took the Admissions together, where I got to learn more about you. There, I was inspired by your communication skills and work ethics. Same with our interaction at Ibrat Camp in May. Your confidence and leadership skills have become a reference frame for me.

In 11th grade, we worked together in SuPeer SAT, where your group was the most active and successful one. Lessons kept coming.

During my gap year, Mustafo closely worked with levsha and he joined the Essay Program as the first student. I was still hesitating whether to make investment in the program. Two minutes after Mustafo reported me you joined the Program, I was determined to enroll. 2 minutes were enough to conclude that what you did was benefitial for me too.

Exchanging with thoughts during the program was what I enjoyed most about it. Also, I can't forget one particular moment: 1st Jan, few minutes before midnight. A call with you. 4 people were working at my NYUAD Supplemental essay at once (me, you, levsha, and Mustafo). This is a radical opposite of my last year experience where I was alone at the apartment and no one hasn't ever read even my personal statement.

When I witnessed my first live acceptance reaction, yours, I was over the moon. Two gap years. Intense. Epitome of persistence in admissions. I decided that I wouldn't regret if I was rejected the second time.

As Peter Drury says, "what can I say but thank you... thank you".

Thank you, my dearest friend Jamshidbek!

with respect,


Source of this information.

It includes so many other statistics, like how many people applied in which application cylce (Early Decision, Regular Decision, etc), what were the states that received the most applications, and many more.

You may want to save it.

Amerika universitetlariga eng ko'p hujjat topshiruvchi davlatlar ichiga O'zbekiston ham kirar ekan.

"Common App" o'qishga topshirish platformisining ma'lum qilishicha, bu yil O'zbekistondan 4,012 kishi hujjat topshirgan va bu o'tgan yilgi topshiruvchilar sonidan 15% past.

Umumiy olganda, so'nggi yillarda juda katta o'sish. Qizig'i, qo'shnimiz Qirg'izistondan bor yo'gi 375 ta o'quvchi hujjat topshirgan. Ozarbayjonda esa bu raqam ikki barobar kam. Xo'p, unda Qozog'istondan ko'pchilik topshirsa kerak degan edim, ularda ham biznikidan kam ekan.

Ba'zilar chetga "surish"ga bo'lgan qiziqishning oshishini sabab deb keltirsa, shaxsan mani fikrimcha Garvard, Stanford, Prinston, MIT kabi universitetlarga o'zbeklar ketma-ket har yili kirishni boshlab, ommaga tanilganlaridan so'ng ko'pchilikda qiziqish paydo bo'ldi va IELTS olganlar ko'pchiligi SAT o'qishga kirishdi.

Topshiruvchilar soni oshgani sari, va top universitetga kirgan o'quvchilar qolganlarga ham yordam bergani sari, raqobat oshib, kirish har yili qiyinlashib boraveradi. Masalan, 3-4 yil avval SAT 1500dan yuqori olganlarni qo'lda sanasa bo'lar edi. Hozir esa, SAT ni o'qitish sifati ancha oshgani, va test formati biroz yengillashgani sabab, o'quvchilarning ko'ziga 1450 ball bo'lib ko'rinmay qo'ydi.

Aytgancha, 1 yildan beri SAT o'qitaman. Demo darsga (offline: Oybek metro) bir kelib ko'ring. Afsuslanmaysiz.

3.8k 0 18 23 52

Mualliflik huquqini, ya'ni kitoblarning elektron variantini tarqatish mumkin emasligini hurmat qilgan holda, kitobni pdf variantini o'chirdim.

O'zingiz qidirsangiz bemalol topa olasiz.

Nomi: On Writing Well by William Zinsser.

ADHD (diqqat yetishmovchiligi) bilan jiddiy kasallanib, bitta kitobni oxirigacha o'qib tugatolmaydiganlar ham hech bo'lmaganda Part 1 ni o'qishlari kerak.

Bor yo'g'i 46 bet.

Insholarni yaxshiroq yozishni o'rgatadigan kitob so'rab ko'pchilik yozdi.

O'zim o'qigan va ko'p foyda olgan kitobni maslahat beraman.

Bemalol yozish qobiliyatingizni keyingi darajaga olib chiqa oladi.

Saqlab oling, kerak bo'ladi.


Показано 20 последних публикаций.