♦️Brighten up - improve (weather)
➖ The day started cloudy but brightened up in the morning.
♦️Bucket down - rain heavily.
➖ Take an umbrella, it's bucketing down.
♦️ Clear up - improve (weather)
➖ The skies cleared up and the sun came out.
♦️Cloud over - get very cloudy.
➖ The morning started bright and warm, but it clouded over around midday and poured with rain.
♦️Come out - when the sun appears.
➖ It started cloudy, but then the sun came out and we all went to the dark.
♦️Come up - rise (the sun).
➖ The sun came up just as we reached the outskirts of the town.
♦️Draw in - get dark earlier.
➖ The nights are drawing in.Now it's winter.
♦️Freeze over - become covered with ice (lake, river, pond, etc)
➖ The winter was very severe and the lake froze over .
♦️Hold off- when bad weather doesn't appear.
➖ The rain held off until we'd got back home.
♦️Rain off/out - be postponed or stopped by rain.
➖ The match was rained off (or rained out)
♦️Brighten up - improve (weather)
➖ The day started cloudy but brightened up in the morning.
♦️Bucket down - rain heavily.
➖ Take an umbrella, it's bucketing down.
♦️ Clear up - improve (weather)
➖ The skies cleared up and the sun came out.
♦️Cloud over - get very cloudy.
➖ The morning started bright and warm, but it clouded over around midday and poured with rain.
♦️Come out - when the sun appears.
➖ It started cloudy, but then the sun came out and we all went to the dark.
♦️Come up - rise (the sun).
➖ The sun came up just as we reached the outskirts of the town.
♦️Draw in - get dark earlier.
➖ The nights are drawing in.Now it's winter.
♦️Freeze over - become covered with ice (lake, river, pond, etc)
➖ The winter was very severe and the lake froze over .
♦️Hold off- when bad weather doesn't appear.
➖ The rain held off until we'd got back home.
♦️Rain off/out - be postponed or stopped by rain.
➖ The match was rained off (or rained out)