
Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Telegram

Bismillah !
Instructor: Nazim Berdibekov
Personal achievements: IELTS 7.0 (×2)
Listening 8.5, CEFR C1 (×2)
For contacting: @NazimErgashevich
Results: https://t.me/ErgashevichResults
Est: January 6, 2022

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций


1. Steps
2. Live
3. People
4. Researchers
5. Adults
6. Walk

10-fevraldan boshlab har kuniga ushbu kanalda bitta jonli dars va bitta video dars berib boriladi.

#eslatma #registratsiya (my.gov.uz)

#️⃣ Chet tillaridan (fevral oyi) milliy sertifikat imtihonlari boshlanishiga 10 kun qoldi;


This essay will first discuss the some problems of this and then give several possible solutions.

Part 1

Many people monitor how many steps they walk every day. Research suggests that 10,000 (1) ____ a day is enough for us to stay healthy and live
longer. A new study says just 4,000 steps a day could be enough for us to (2) to an old age. Researchers analyzed 17 studies that looked at how far (3) _ walked during the week. They concluded that 4,000 steps per day lowered the risk of dying from diabetes, heart diseases and other lifethreatening conditions. The study said 4,000 steps is the same as a 30- to 45-minute walk, or about three to four kilometres. The study is published in a cardiology journal. (4) _ looked at exercise data from 225,000 adults worldwide over seven years. The (5) _ had an average age of 64 and had different levels of health. The lead researcher said 4,000 steps was enough, but it wasn't a "magic number". He added that the more step you take, the better. He also said walking an additional 1,000 steps per day could lead to a roughly 15 per cent lower risk of premature death. The researcher said people should add at least one (6)__to their daily routine.


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Describe yourself in one word


❗️ Mana shu o'z kuchida haliyam ❗️

Репост из: Behro'z Ergashev
PAXTAKORLIKLAR kutgan o’quv kurs

DIPLOMAT o’quv markazida FIZIKA fanidan yangi guruh tashkil etildi

FIZIKA fanidan OTM imtihoniga tayyorgarlik ko’ruvchilar va Milliy sertifikat olmoqchi bo’lganlar uchun yangi guruhimizga qabul boshlandi

Yakshanba kunlari soat 16:00da

Darslarimiz 5-fevraldan START oladi

Murojaat uchun:

📍MO’LJAL: Qahhor ota savdo majmuasi 3-qavat, kirish binoning orqa tomonida
❤️ Telegram 🧐Instagram

Hedging: Aniq bo‘lmagan ish harakat yoki ehtimollikni bildirish uchun ishlatiladi.

Hedging – bu aniqlikni yumshatish, ehtimollik qo‘shish yoki fikrni diplomatik tarzda ifodalash uchun ishlatiladigan grammatika va leksika usul.

1. Hedging’ning asosiy vazifalari

✅ Aniq bo‘lmagan (tentative) fikr bildirish
✅ Gapning qat’iyligini pasaytirish
✅ Muloyimlik bilan gapirish yoki yozish
✅ Haqiqiy dalillarsiz taxmin bildirish


❌ This solution will work perfectly. (Juda qat’iy!)
✅ This solution is likely to work well. (Ehtimollik qo‘shildi, yumshoqroq)

2. Hedging’ning asosiy usullari

A) Modal fe’llar yordamida

may, might, could, can, would, should
✔ The results may indicate a significant improvement.
✔ This strategy could be beneficial for the company.

📌 E’tibor bering: Modal fe’l ishlatilsa, gap qat’iy bo‘lmaydi va ochiq qoladi.

B) Ehtimollik bildiruvchi sifatlar va ravishlar (Adjectives & Adverbs)

possible, probable, likely, unlikely, seemingly, apparently, presumably
✔ It is possible that climate change will affect global temperatures.
✔ The experiment apparently yielded positive results.

📌 Seemingly va apparently – gapiruvchi aniq bilmagan holatlar uchun ishlatiladi.

C) Reporting verbs (Taxmin ifodalovchi fe’llar)

suggest, indicate, appear, seem, assume, speculate
✔ The findings suggest that students perform better with interactive methods.
✔ The author appears to argue that global warming is accelerating.

📌 These verbs aniq emas, balki taxminiy yoki kuzatuvga asoslangan fikr bildirish uchun ishlatiladi.

D) Nominalization (Otga aylantirish orqali yumshatish)

❌ We assume that pollution causes health issues.
✅ There is an assumption that pollution causes health issues.

❌ I believe that online education is better.
✅ It is believed that online education is better.

📌 Bu usul rasmiy va akademik yozuvda ko‘p ishlatiladi.

3. Hedging ishlatishning ahamiyati

✅ Akademik va ilmiy yozuvda aniqlikni yumshatish
✅ Bahs-munozaralarda diplomatik nutq qo‘llash
✅ Ishbilarmonlik va rasmiy muloqotda keskinlikni oldini olish

❌ The new policy will improve productivity. (Juda ishonchli)
✅ The new policy is likely to improve productivity. (Ehtimollik bildirilgan)

❌ Your statement is wrong.
✅ *Your statement seems inaccurate. (Yumshoqroq)

4. Hedging bilan bog‘liq xatolar

🚫 Juda ko‘p hedging ishlatish – gapni noaniq yoki ishonchsiz qiladi.
🚫 Keraksiz joyda hedging ishlatish – aniq faktlar haqida gap ketayotgan bo‘lsa, hedging ishlatish ortiqcha bo‘ladi.


❌ It seems that the sun rises in the east. (Bu aniq fakt, shuning uchun hedging keraksiz.)
✅ The sun rises in the east. (To‘g‘ri)

5. IELTS Writing hedging

IELTS Writing Task 2 va akademik essay yozishda hedging ishlatish baholash mezonlari bo‘yicha Lexical Resource va Coherence and Cohesion ballarini oshirishi mumkin.

✔ Crime rates may decrease as a result of stricter laws.
✔ It is likely that technological advancements will lead to more remote jobs.
✔ Some experts suggest that climate change is accelerating.

📌 Bu usul rasmiy holatni ifodalaydi va yozuvchi firkrini ehtiyotkorlik bilan ifodalash imkonini yaratadi.


Bugun qanaqa High level Grammar structure kutyapsizlar

Репост из: EnglishwithErgashevich
Assalomu aleykum hammaga!

Fevral oyidan boshlab Ingliz tili fanidan boshlang'ich kurslar uchun qabul e'lon qilamiz:

🔥 Xaftani toq kunlari

- BeginneR

Eslatib o'tamiz, ushbu guruhlarga qabul 5 kun davom etadi va boshqa bu guruhlarga o'quvchilar qabul qilinmaydi Yozgacha.

Bog'lanish uchun:

📲 991723456
📨 @NazimErgashevich


Discussion essay topic

Bugun MultilevelFebruary online kursimiz uchun birinchi darsni boshlaymiz. Kimdir qo'shilishni xohlasa lichkamga yozsin. Kurs narxi o'sha o'sha 149.000 so'm. Online dagi natijalarimiz asta sekinlik bilan o'z mevalarini bera boshlayapti.
Sizni nima to'xtatib turibdi

Vocabulary for IELTS, You can use them in Multilevel exam as well.


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This video will be dedicated to those who are keen on Chess


⚡️ FULL Reading Part 1 / 19.01.2025

In the fucture, cities will be different. These 1) cities will be even gore amazing, There will be many buildings and these 2) buildings will be ever amazing and  taller. There will be self-driving cars. These 3) cars will run on sustainable energy.

There will also be spaces like parks and gardens. These 4) spaces will help to keep the air clean. We will use homograms to talk instead of computers. You can 5) talk to a person from another port of the work as if he's infront of you. Future cities will be safer. There will be robots patrolling around and these 6) robots  will not need sleep or rest and work unstoppably.

As the number of cars increases, more money has to be spent on road systems. Some people think the government should pay for this. Others, however, think that drivers should cover the costs.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Winnet is @lneo17

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