𝗘𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝗵️ 𝗦𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗹

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Telegram

Our results: @EnSchoolResults
Founder: @Mukhammad_teacher
Phone number: 91-425-74-74
Address: Urgench, Arxiv, Ziyod do'kon.

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

#Khorezm #Ramadan 🤲

Bonus - "Webinar" mehmonlari: 🤩

1. G'ulomjon, UGRAD Winner.
2. Sardor Allayarov
- Stipendium Hungaricum Winner
- DAAD Winner
- Erasmus Reserve Finalist
- Fulbright Semi Finalist
- Yenching Scholars Finalist

Webinar yozib olinmaydi. Faqat online qatnashish mumkin. Qadriga yetasiz degan umiddaman. Boshqalarga ham ulashing. ✔️

I don't post anything else about it again. Take care!

9-Mart kuni "WEBINAR"ga taklif qilaman!

Unda sizga quyidagilarni o'rgataman:

Bomba "Motivation letter" yozish taktikasi – diqqatni tortadigan va qabul komissiyasiga ta'sir qiladigan usullar.
"CV" ni chiroyli va professional yaratish – sizni mukammal namoyon etadigan hujjat tayyorlash.
"Application process" – hujjat topshirish va "Interview" bosqichlari.
"Writing 8.5" uchun eng kerakli maslahatlar – yuqori ball olish uchun maxsus strategiyalar!

Men tayyorlayotgan prezentatsiya va PDF materiallar sizning qo'lingizdagi eng kuchli qurol bo'ladi!

Webinargacha do'stlaringizni ham taklif qiling va ushbu postni ulashing!

1.9k 0 25 10 19

Assalomu alaykum!
Men Mukhammad, 𝗘𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝗵★𝗦𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗹 o‘quv markazi asoschisi.

✍️ IELTS Writing bo‘yicha 8.5 ball
🎓 DAAD va Erasmus grantlari g‘olibi

Telegram kanalimizda siz uchun juda foydali postlar tayyorlaganman. ✔️

🌙 Kelayotgan Ramazon oyida sizga
grant yutish sirlari va Writing’dan 8.5 olish uchun bilgan barcha tajriba va maslahatlarimni bepul o‘rgataman!

➡️ Imkoniyatni qo‘ldan boy bermang – kanalga hoziroq qo‘shiling!

All useful posts by 𝗘𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝗵★𝗦𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗹

Visual Grammar
"DTM" tests
Grammar posts (c)

Synonyms (c)
Idioms (c)
Phrasal verbs (c)
Topic-related vocabulary (c)

Band scores
Speed Reading (c)
Article Challenge (c)

60 part one topics (c)
Seven Lessons (c)
Speaking Tools (c)
Mini part two lessons (c)
American VS British sounds
Tongue Twisters

Templates (c)
My task 2 samples (c)
My task 1 samples (c)
My writing 8.0 (c)
My writing 8.5 (c)
Answer sheets
Practice website
Band 9.0 tips (c)
Writing challenge (c)
Overview challenge (c)


My highest results: ⬇️

L - 9.0
R - 9.0
W - 8.5
S - 8.0

The goal remains: overall 9.0 in one certificate.

Rebuttal Approach 2.pdf
#Writing #Task_2

● Rebuttal approach for agree/disagree essays
● Three-body structure
● Example essay

Change graph.pdf
The table gives information on Australians visiting top seven countries in 1999 and 2009.

Overall, English-speaking countries – New Zealand, the UK and US – attracted the highest number of Australian visitors, with New Zealand, in particular, being home to Australians, likely due to geographical proximity. Meanwhile, Asian and Pacific destinations saw a rapid upward trend, with China stood out with its remarkable change rate.

English-speaking countries dominated the table, with New Zealand hosting a half million Australians in 1999 and over a million in 2009. Next on the list are the UK and US ranking second and third, receiving 640,000 and 400,000 Australians respectively, reflecting growth rates of 60% and 33%.

Among Asian and Pacific destinations, the number of Australians in China increased from 86,000 to 300,000, marking the most staggering rise at 249%. With numbers growing from 100,000 to 250,000, Japan represented 150% change – the second highest result in this respect. Indonesia and Fiji exhibited relatively moderate growth, accounting for 127% and 114%.
(163 words, Mukhammad)

Rebuttal Approach 1.pdf
Today's lesson. The essay topic was hard, but I think I wrote a good essay without relying on ideas from chatGPT or other sources.

#Writing #Tools
I've collected the best vocabulary for: ⬇️

● Solutions
● Effects
● Reasons

Now, you don’t need to learn any other alternatives! Feel free to share this post!!! ✔️

P.S. I've written what I believe to be the most useful Task 1 and Task 2 books, and I’ve been sharing some pages from them. Once I achieve a band 9.0, I’ll put them up for sale.

#Writing #CoherenceCohesion

These are my favorite cohesive devices and some high-level sentence structures. ✔️
#BeSmart #SaveTime

#Day_15 #Overview #Plans

Task: The plans show the changes that have taken place in a bookstore.

My overview: ⬇️

Overall, despite the reshuffle, all sections are still functioning. Of a particular note, the bookstore has become more visitor-friendly at the expense of introducing a cafe and several tables.

Chat: 7.5.

➡️Improvements Needed:
Slight lack of precision regarding the reshuffle (which areas changed and how).
The phrase "all sections are still functioning" is somewhat vague and could be more specific.

➡️Grammar and Precision Check
"Of a particular note" → should be "Of particular note."
"at the expense of introducing a cafe and several tables" → The phrase implies a negative consequence, which might not fit well here. Consider a neutral or positive tone.

➡️Objectively Interpreted Version
"Overall, the bookstore has undergone a significant reorganization, with the addition of a café and seating area being the most notable change, making it more inviting for visitors."

#Day_14 #Overview #Change

Task: The line chart showes the results of a survey giving the reasons why people moved to the capital city of a particular country.

My overview: ⬇️

Overall, job seekers accounted for the largest number of migrants over the timeframe, while the highest increase was observed in the number of peope pursuing education. The minority of survey participants reported that their motive was to visit their family or friends and take adventure. (Band 7.0)

Chat: Band 9.0 version

"Overall, the number of people moving for employment and study increased substantially from 2000 to 2015, with employment becoming the leading reason by the end of the period. In contrast, the figures for moving due to family/friends and adventure remained relatively stable, with adventure showing the smallest rise."

This focuses on key trends and avoids interpreting static features like this one as trends or increases over time.

#Day_13 #Overview #Static

Overall, people in three out of four age groups spent money largely at restaurants, except for the youngest people who prioritized music concerts. The amount of money expended on cinema was more or less equal for all age demographic, with the second group spending slightly more.

Chat: 8.0/8.5/8.0/8.5

Task Achievement (8.0):
Strengths: You identify the key trend—restaurant spending dominating in most age groups, while music concerts are the priority for the youngest group.
"More or less equal" is vague; the specific range of spending should be clearer.
"Slightly more" could be quantified for better precision.

Coherence and Cohesion (8.5):
- Logical flow with good use of connectors like "except" and "with."
- Could improve cohesion by linking "age groups" and "spending" more consistently.

Lexical Resource (8.0):
- Effective phrases like "largely at restaurants" and "prioritized music concerts."
- "Expended" sounds less natural compared to "spent," and - "age demographic" could be simplified to "age group" for clarity.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy (8.5):
- Good range of sentence structures.
- Minor accuracy issue: "people in three out of four age groups" should align grammatically with "except for the youngest," which suggests they are not part of the same comparison.

Revised Overview: ⬇️
"Overall, spending on restaurants was the highest in three out of four age groups, while the youngest group spent the most on music concerts. In contrast, cinema spending remained relatively stable across all age groups, with the 26–39 group recording the highest amount."

#Day_12 #Overview #Maps

Me: Overall, the park has become more accessible by completely removing the walls and two gates. Additionally, the park is equipped with picnic facilities, allowing visitors to enjoy the nature and meals simultaneously. However, these changes necessitated cutting down flowers and some trees, making it less leafy.

Chat: 8.5
Task Achievement (8.5):
- You clearly mention the removal of walls and gates, the addition of picnic facilities, and the reduction of greenery.
- Focus on significant changes is evident.
- "Less leafy" lacks clarity; the decrease in trees/flowers could be stated more explicitly.

Coherence and Cohesion (8.5):
- Well-structured overall, with logical connectors like "Additionally" and "However."

Lexical Resource (8.5):
- Phrases like "necessitated cutting down" and "equipped with picnic facilities" are strong.
- "Enjoy nature and meals simultaneously" is effective.
- However, "leafy" feels slightly informal.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy (8.5):
- Great variety in sentence structures.
- Minor improvement possible in conciseness: "allowing visitors to enjoy the nature and meals" could drop "the" for accuracy.

Revised Overview: ⬇️
"Overall, the park has been significantly transformed to enhance accessibility, with the complete removal of walls and gates. It now offers picnic tables and barbecue facilities, creating a more versatile recreational space. However, these changes have come at the expense of greenery, as several flowers and trees were removed, making the park less dense in vegetation."

#Day_11 #Overview #Static

Overall, France had the highest amount of investment in healthcare services among given developed countries, while the only Asian country listed – Japan – reported the least amount of allocation. In all countries, the substantial percentage of investment was derived from public funding rather than private sector, signifying the significant public contribution.

Chat: This overview is well-structured, but here’s some feedback: ⬇️

Band 8.0 - Analysis:
- Clear comparison and appropriate use of superlatives ("highest," "least").
- Good cohesion with linking phrases ("In all countries").
- Sophisticated vocabulary ("allocation," "substantial percentage").

Minor Issues:
- "Signifying the significant" feels repetitive. You could vary the word choice.
- "The only Asian country listed – Japan" is accurate but a bit wordy.

Suggested Revision for Band 9.0:
Overall, France invested the highest percentage of GDP in healthcare services, while Japan allocated the lowest. In all countries, the majority of healthcare spending came from public funding, highlighting its crucial role.

Показано 20 последних публикаций.