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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
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Sometimes we need to be actors. Otherwise life becomes very difficult.

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Bir ota-ona farzandi IELTSdan 4.5 olgani uchun ko’ngli o’ksimasin deb Turkiyaga sayohatga yuboribdi. 🙂.

6-sinfda choraklikda matematikadan 4 olganim uchun (qolgan hammasi 5 edi) boshimga chelak uchib kelgani esimga tushdi. Eh…


Angry (with sb) about sth – Kimdandir biror narsa uchun jahli chiqmoq.

She was angry with her brother about the broken phone.

U ukasiga singan telefon uchun jahli chiqdi.

Guilty of sth – Biror narsada aybdor bo‘lmoq.

He was guilty of stealing money.

U pul o‘g‘irlaganlikda aybdor edi.

Accuse sb of sth – Kimnidir biror narsa uchun ayblamoq.

They accused him of cheating in the exam.

Ular uni imtihonda aldashda aybladilar.

Blame sb for sth – Kimnidir biror narsa uchun ayblamoq.

The teacher blamed the student for being late.

O‘qituvchi talabani kechikkanlikda aybladi.

Blame sth on sb – Biror narsaning aybini kimdirdan ko‘rmoq.

He blamed the mistake on his friend.

U xatoni do‘stidan ko‘rdi.

Criticize sb for sth – Kimnidir biror narsa uchun tanqid qilmoq.

The coach criticized the player for his bad performance.

Murabbiy o‘yinchini yomon o‘yin ko‘rsatgani uchun tanqid qildi.

Forget about sth – Biror narsani unutmoq.

I completely forgot about our meeting.

Men uchrashuvimizni butunlay unutib qo‘ydim.

Forgive smb for sth – Kimnidir biror narsa uchun kechirmoq.

She forgave him for lying.

U uni yolg‘on gapirgani uchun kechirdi.

Invite sb to sw – Kimnidir biror joyga taklif qilmoq.

They invited us to their wedding.

Ular bizni to‘ylariga taklif qilishdi.

Punish sb for sth – Kimnidir biror narsa uchun jazolamoq.

The teacher punished the student for cheating.

O‘qituvchi talabani aldangani uchun jazoladi.

Share sth with sb – Kim bilandir biror narsani bo‘lishmoq.

He shared his lunch with his friend.

U tushligining bir qismini do‘sti bilan bo‘lishdi.

Smile at sb – Kimga qarab jilmaymoq.

She smiled at the baby.

U chaqaloqqa qarab jilmaydi.



Break in (to) – Buzib kirish, o‘g‘rilik maqsadida kirish.

Someone broke into our house last night.

Kecha tunda kimdir uyimizga buzib kirdi.

Catch up (with) – Yetib olish, ortda qolgan narsani o‘zlashtirish.

I need to catch up with my studies after being sick.

Kasallikdan keyin darslarimni yetib olishim kerak.

Get away with – Jazodan qutulib qolish, jazosiz qolish.

He stole the money but got away with it.

U pulni o‘g‘irladi, lekin jazosiz qoldi.

Get up – Uyg‘onmoq, o‘rnidan turmoq.

I usually get up at 6 AM.

Men odatda ertalab soat 6 da turaman.

Move in – Yangi joyga ko‘chib kelmoq.

They moved in last week.

Ular o‘tgan hafta bu yerga ko‘chib kelishdi.

Put away – Joyiga qo‘ymoq, tartibga solmoq.

Please put away your clothes.

Iltimos, kiyimlaringni joyiga qo‘y.

Wake up – Uyg‘onmoq.

I wake up early every day.

Men har kuni ertalab barvaqt uyg‘onaman.

Wash up – Qo‘l-yuz yuvmoq, idish yuvmoq.

Don’t forget to wash up after dinner.

Kechki ovqatdan keyin idishlarni yuvishni unutmang.


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Connect on – … orqali bog‘lanmoq.

We can connect on WhatsApp.

Biz WhatsApp orqali bog‘lanishimiz mumkin.

Communicate with – … bilan muloqot qilmoq.

I communicate with my teacher every day.

Men har kuni o‘qituvchim bilan muloqot qilaman.

Glance at – … ga tez nazar tashlamoq.

She glanced at her watch and continued working.

U soatiga tez nazar tashladi va ishlashda davom etdi.

Receive smth from – … dan nimanidir qabul qilmoq.

He received a gift from his friend.

U do‘stidan sovg‘a oldi.

Reply to – … ga javob bermoq.

She replied to my email quickly.

U mening elektron pochtamga tezda javob berdi.

Send smth to smb – … ga nimanidir jo‘natmoq.

I sent a message to my brother.
Men akamga xabar yubordim.

Talk (to smb) about – … bilan … haqida gaplashmoq

We talked to the manager about the project.

Biz menejer bilan loyiha haqida gaplashdik.

Tell smb about – … ga … haqida aytib bermoq.

He told me about his trip to London.

U menga Londonga sayohati haqida aytib berdi.

Translate (from smth) into – … dan … ga tarjima qilmoq.

She translated the book from French into Uzbek.

U kitobni fransuz tilidan o‘zbek tiliga tarjima qildi.

Write (to smb) about – … ga … haqida yozmoq.

I wrote to my friend about my new job.

Men do‘stimga yangi ish joyim haqida yozdim.

Information about – … haqida ma'lumot.

Can you give me information about the university?

Menga universitet haqida
ma'lumot bera olasizmi?

A letter (from smbd) about – …dan … haqida xat.

I received a letter from my cousin about his wedding.

Men amakivachchamdan uning to‘yi haqida xat oldim.



Call back – Qayta qo‘ng‘iroq qilmoq.

I will call you back in five minutes.

Men besh daqiqadan keyin seni qayta qo‘ng‘iroq qilaman.

Come out – Chiqmoq, paydo bo‘lmoq.

The new book will come out next month.

Yangi kitob kelasi oy chiqadi.

Cut off – Uzilmoq, uzmoq.

Our conversation was cut off because of a bad signal.

Suhbatimiz yomon signal sabab uzilib qoldi.

Fill in – To‘ldirmoq.

Please fill in this form with your personal details.
Iltimos, ushbu shaklni shaxsiy ma’lumotlaringiz bilan to‘ldiring.

Hang out – Vaqt o‘tkazmoq.

We usually hang out at the park on weekends.

Biz odatda dam olish kunlari bog‘da vaqt o‘tkazamiz.

Log off – Tizimdan chiqmoq.

Don’t forget to log off after using the computer.

Kompyuterdan foydalangandan keyin tizimdan chiqishni unutmang.

Log on (to) – Tizimga kirish.

You need to log on to your account to access the files.

Fayllarga kirish uchun hisobingizga kirishingiz kerak.

Print out – Chop etmoq.

Can you print out the document for me?

Menga hujjatni chop etib bera olasizmi?



Different from/to – ...dan farqli.

This phone is different from mine.

Bu telefon menikidan farqli.

His opinion is different to yours.

Uning fikri senikidan farqli.

Full of – ... ga to‘la.

The bag is full of books.

Sumka kitoblarga to‘la.

Begin smth with – biror narsani ... bilan boshlamoq.

I always begin my day with a cup of tea.

Men har doim kunimni bir piyola choy bilan boshlayman.

Connect smth to/with – biror narsani ... ga ulash / bog‘lash.

You should connect the printer to the computer.

Printerni kompyuterga ulashing kerak.

Good teachers connect lessons with real-life examples.

Yaxshi o‘qituvchilar darslarni hayotiy misollar bilan bog‘laydi.

Disconnect smth from – biror narsani ...dan uzmoq.

Please disconnect the phone from the charger.

Iltimos, telefonni quvvatlagichdan uzing.

Fill smth with – biror narsani ... bilan to‘ldirmoq.

He filled the glass with water.

U stakanni suv bilan to‘ldirdi.

Result in – ...ga olib kelmoq.

Lack of sleep results in poor concentration.

Uyqusizlik diqqatning pasayishiga olib keladi.

A difference between – ... o‘rtasidagi farq.

There is a difference between British and American English.

Britaniya va Amerika ingliz tili o‘rtasida farq bor.

An idea about – ... haqida g‘oya/fikr.

She has an idea about how to solve the problem.

U muammoni qanday hal qilish haqida fikrga ega.

A number of – bir qancha / ko‘p.

A number of students failed the exam.

Bir qancha talabalar imtihondan o‘ta olmadi.

A reason for – ...ning sababi.

What's the reason for your absence?

Sening yo‘qligingning sababi nima?

A type of – ... turi.

Mango is a type of tropical fruit.

Mango tropik mevalarning bir turi.



Break down – Buzilib qolmoq, ishdan chiqmoq.

My car broke down on the way to work.

Mashinam ishga borayotganimda buzilib qoldi.

Come across – Tasodifan uchratmoq, ko‘rib qolmoq.

I came across an old friend at the supermarket.

Men supermarketda eski do‘stimni tasodifan uchratdim.

Find out – Bilib olmoq, aniqlamoq.

I need to find out the train schedule before leaving.

Ketishdan oldin poezd jadvalini bilib olishim kerak.

Make up – To‘qib chiqarmoq, o‘ylab topmoq

He made up a funny story to entertain the kids.

U bolalarni xursand qilish uchun qiziqarli hikoya to‘qib chiqardi.

Pull off – Qiyin ishni uddalamoq.

He pulled off an incredible comeback in the last minute.

U oxirgi daqiqada ajoyib qaytish harakatini amalga oshirdi.

Throw away – Tashlab yubormoq.

Don’t throw away that book, I still need it!

O'sha kitobni tashlama, menga hali kerak!

Turn off – O‘chirmoq.

Please turn off the lights before you leave.

Iltimos, ketishdan oldin chiroqlarni o‘chir.

Turn on – Yoqmoq.

He turned on the TV to watch the news.

U yangiliklarni ko‘rish uchun televizorni yoqdi.



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The problem is – we think we have time.


Wrong about – bilan xato, to'g'ri emas.

He/She is wrong about me.

U men haqimda xato fikrda.

Wrong with – bilan muammo bor.

There is something wrong with my phone.

Telefonimda muammo bor.

Belong to – Tegishli bo‘lish.

This book belongs to me.

Bu kitob menga tegishli.

Borrow smth from – Biror narsani ...dan qarzga olish.

I borrowed a notebook from him.

Men undan daftarni qarzga oldim.

Buy smth from – Biror narsani ...dan sotib olish.

I bought a new phone from the store.

Men do‘kondan yangi telefon sotib oldim.

Choose between – Tanlash (ikki yoki undan ortiq narsalar orasidan).

We need to choose between two movies.

Biz ikkita film orasidan birini tanlashimiz kerak.

Compare smth to/with – Biror narsani ...ga taqqoslash.

I compared the new phone with the old one.

Men yangi telefonni eski bilan taqqosladim.

Decide on – Qaror qilish.

They decided on meeting in the afternoon.

Ular kunduzi uchrashishni qaror qildilar.

Lend smth to – Biror narsani ... ga qarzga berish.

I lent him money.

Men unga pul qarzga berdim.

Pay for – To‘lash (biror narsa uchun).

I paid for the food at the restaurant.

Men restoranda ovqat uchun to‘ladim.

Spend smth on – Sarflash (biror narsa uchun).

He spends a lot of time on studying.

U ko‘p vaqtni o‘qishga sarflaydi.

An advert(isement) for – Reklama (biror narsa uchun).

I saw an advertisement for a new phone.

Yangi telefon uchun reklama ko‘rganman.



Add up – yig‘moq, qo‘shmoq

The total cost doesn’t add up.

Jami narx to‘g‘ri qo‘shilmayapti.

2. Come back (from) – qaytmoq (biror joydan).

When did you come back from the trip?

Sayohatdan qachon qaytdingiz?

Give away – berib yubormoq, sovg‘a qilmoq.

He decided to give away his old books to charity.

U eski kitoblarini xayriya qilishga qaror qildi.

Hurry up – shoshilmoq.

Hurry up, we are late!

Shoshiling, kech qolayapmiz!

Pay back – qarzni qaytarish, hisob-kitobni qilish.

I'll pay back the money I borrowed from you tomorrow.

Men sizdan olgan pulni ertaga qaytaraman.

Save up (for) – (biror narsa uchun) pul yig‘moq.

I'm trying to save up for a new phone.

Yangi telefon uchun pul yig‘moqdaman.

Take back – qaytarib olish, so‘zini qaytarib olmoq.

She had to take back the dress because it didn’t fit.

U ko‘ylakni qaytarib olishga majbur bo‘ldi, chunki u unga mos kelmadi.

Take down – yozib olish, pastga tushirish.

Can you take down these notes for me?

Menga bu eslatmalarni yozib olasizmi?


Katta shaharlarda ham, kichik ko'ngilsizliklar bo'lib turadi.

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Hayotingning har qanday vaziyatida ham yordam bera oladigan faqat Allohdir.



Fond of – biror narsani yoqtirish, mehr qo‘yish.

She is fond of reading books.

U kitob o‘qishni yoqtiradi.

Jealous of – rashk qilish, hasad qilish.

He is jealous of his brother's success.

U akasining muvaffaqiyatidan hasad qiladi.

Kind to – mehribon bo‘lish.

She is always kind to animals.

U doimo hayvonlarga mehribon.

Married to – kim bilandir turmush qurgan bo‘lish.

He is married to a doctor.

U shifokor bilan turmush qurgan.

Proud of – faxrlanish.

She is proud of her achievements.

U o‘z yutuqlari bilan faxrlanadi.

Admire somebody for – kimnidir biror narsa uchun qoyil qolish.

I admire him for his hard work.

Men uning mehnatsevarligiga qoyil qolaman.

Apologize (to somebody) for – kimdandir biror narsa uchun uzr so‘rash.

He apologized to his teacher for being rude.

U o‘qituvchisidan qo‘pol bo‘lgani uchun uzr so‘radi.

Argue (with somebody) about – kim bilandir biror narsa haqida bahslashish.

They argued with their boss about the new rules.

Ular boshlig‘i bilan yangi qoidalar haqida bahslashishdi.

Care about – e’tibor berish, g‘amxo‘rlik qilish.

She cares about the environment.

U atrof-muhitga befarq emas.

Chat (to somebody) about – kim bilandir biror narsa haqida suhbatlashish.

I chatted to my friend about my holiday plans.

Men do‘stim bilan ta’til rejalari haqida gaplashdim.

An argument (with somebody) about – kim bilandir biror narsa haqida janjallashish.

He had an argument with his brother about money.

U akasi bilan pul haqida janjallashdi.

A relationship with – kim bilandir munosabatga ega bo‘lish.

She has a good relationship with her colleagues.

U hamkasblari bilan yaxshi munosabatga ega.



Bring up – tarbiyalamoq / katta qilmoq.

My grandmother brought me up after my parents died.

Buvim meni ota-onam vafot etgandan keyin tarbiyalagan.

Fall out (with) – janjallashib qolmoq / urushib qolmoq.

I fell out with my best friend over a small misunderstanding.

Men eng yaqin do‘stim bilan kichik tushunmovchilik sababli urushib qoldim.

Get on (with) – yaxshi munosabatda bo‘lmoq / til topishmoq.

I get on well with my classmates.

Men sinfdoshlarim bilan yaxshi chiqishaman.

Go out with – kimdir bilan uchrashmoq (sevgi munosabatida bo‘lish).

She has been going out with Tom for two years.

U ikki yildan beri Tom bilan uchrashib kelmoqda.

Grow up – ulg‘aymoq/katta bo‘lmoq.

I grew up in a small village.

Men kichik qishloqda ulg‘ayganman.

Let down – xafa qilmoq / ishonchini oqlamaslik.

I trusted him, but he let me down.

Men unga ishongan edim, lekin u meni xafa qildi.

Look after – g‘amxo‘rlik qilmoq/qaramoq.

She looks after her younger brother while their parents are at work.

U ota-onasi ishda bo‘lganida ukasiga qaraydi.

Split up – ajrashmoq/munosabatni tugatmoq.

They decided to split up after five years of marriage.

Ular besh yillik turmushdan keyin ajrashishga qaror qilishdi.



Close to – Yaqin.

Our university is close to the city center.

Bizning universitet shahar markaziga yaqin.

Famous for – Mashhur bo‘lmoq.

Uzbekistan is famous for its ancient cities like Samarkand and Bukhara.

O'zbekiston Samarqand va Buxoro kabi qadimiy shaharlar bilan mashhur.

Far from – Uzoq bo‘lmoq.

My village is far from Tashkent.

Mening qishlog‘im Toshkentdan uzoq.

Late for – Kech qolmoq.

He was late for the meeting.

U uchrashuvga kech qoldi.

Suitable for – Mos bo‘lmoq.

This book is suitable for beginners.

Bu kitob boshlovchilar uchun mos.

Arrive at – Yetib kelmoq.

We arrived at the airport on time.

Biz aeroportga o‘z vaqtida yetib keldik.

Ask somebody about
Kimdandir nimadir haqida so‘ramoq.

I asked my teacher about the exam.

Men o‘qituvchimdan imtihon haqida so‘radim.

Ask for – So‘ramoq nimanidir iltimos qilmoq.

He asked for some help.

U yordam so‘radi.

Look at – Qaramoq.

She looked at the painting for a long time.

U rasmga uzoq qaradi.

Prepare for – Tayyorlanmoq.

I am preparing for my IELTS exam.

Men IELTS imtihonimga tayyorlanyapman.

Provide somebody with – Biron kishini nimadir bilan ta’minlamoq.

The school provides students with free books.

Maktab o‘quvchilarni bepul kitoblar bilan ta’minlaydi.

Wait for – Kutmoq.

I am waiting for the bus.

Men avtobusni kutyapman.


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