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Узбекистан, Узбекский
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🇺🇿Ba'zan Alloh rejalaringni barbod qiladi.
Rejalaring seni barbod qilmasin deb!

"Alloh biladir, siz esa bilmassiz"
(Qur'on 2:216)

Topic: Encouraging people

1. Do you think people care about others’ comments about them?
Yes, most people care about others’ opinions because they want to be accepted and respected. However, some individuals are more confident and do not let negative comments affect them. For example, celebrities often receive both praise and criticism but learn to ignore unnecessary negativity.

2. Do you think negative feedback is more important than positive feedback?
Both are important, but negative feedback helps people identify their weaknesses and improve. Constructive criticism can be useful for personal and professional growth. For instance, a student receiving feedback on mistakes in an essay can learn to avoid them in the future.

3. Why is negative feedback as important as positive feedback at work or in studies?
Negative feedback is crucial for improvement, while positive feedback boosts confidence and motivation. A balance of both helps people grow. For example, an employee needs appreciation for achievements but also suggestions for better performance.

4. Which is more important for adults in the workplace, positive feedback or negative feedback?
Positive feedback encourages employees, but negative feedback helps them refine their skills. In a workplace, constructive criticism ensures continuous learning. For instance, a manager might praise a worker’s creativity but suggest ways to improve time management.

5. When should parents encourage their children?
Parents should encourage their children regularly, especially when they try new things or face challenges. Motivation helps build confidence and resilience. For example, praising a child for attempting a difficult task, even if they fail, encourages perseverance.

6. Should parents always encourage their children?
While encouragement is important, excessive praise can make children overconfident or less willing to accept criticism. Parents should balance encouragement with guidance. For example, they should recognize efforts but also teach children to learn from failures.

15 Selected Words with Definitions:

1. 🗣 Feedback - Information or opinions given to improve performance.
Example: Teachers give feedback to help students improve.

2. 📢 Criticism - The act of pointing out mistakes or weaknesses.
Example: Constructive criticism helps people develop their skills.

3. 🔄 Constructive - Useful and aimed at improvement.
Example: Constructive feedback helps employees perform better.

4. 🏆 Praise - Expressing approval or admiration.
Example: Parents praise their children for good behavior.

5. 💡 Motivation - The reason for doing something or feeling inspired.
Example: Encouragement from parents provides motivation to children.

6. 🏗 Improvement - The process of getting better at something.
Example: Regular feedback leads to improvement in work quality.

7. 🚀 Confidence - A feeling of self-assurance and belief in abilities.
Example: Positive feedback boosts a person’s confidence.

8. 🎭 Resilience - The ability to recover from difficulties.
Example: Encouragement builds resilience in children.

9. 📚 Learning process - The way people acquire knowledge or skills.
Example: Feedback is an essential part of the learning process.

10. ⏳ Perseverance - Continued effort despite difficulties.
Example: Encouragement helps children develop perseverance.

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Ohirida tushunib yetasiz.
Va'dasida turgan faqat Alloh ekanligini

there is no tiring of listening to this calm vibe music )


• Aynan writingda muammosi borlar uchun

• Strategiyalar va Idealar o’rgansangiz bo’ladi

Hech qachon noumid boʻlmang...

Shau Ling Li  AQSH vizasini qoʻlga kiritish uchun shu darajada koʻp uringan-ki, u hatto elchixona vakillari uchun eng taniqli insonga aylangan. Ammo uning talabi rad etilgan.

Shunda ham taslim boʻlmadi.

Muhojir sifatida Kanadaga ketishga kirishdi. 15 marta urinishiga qaramay, bu istagi ham amalga oshmadi.

Xitoy dengiz kuchlari safida xizmat qilmoqchi boʻldi, ammo uni qabul qilishmadi.

Elektronika sohasini tushungani bois katta bir shirkatga hujjat topshirdi.  124 kishidan 122 tasi qabul qilindi.  U rad etilgan ikki kishining biri edi.

Muvaffaqiyatsizlik ketidan muvaffaqiyatsizlik kelishiga qaramay u taslim boʻlmadi. Kurashishda davom etdi.

Ammo hech qanday mablagʻi yoʻq edi uni.  Kurashishda davom etdi va maqsad sari olgʻalab, ayolining taqinchoqlarini sotdi va bir yaqin doʻstidan qarz olib ishini boshladi. Uzoq yillik urinishlar va mehnat natijasida shirkati inqirozga yuz tutdi. Hozirda u qamoqda.

626 0 22 21 42



Abduqodir gol ursin lekin oxirda Real yutsin😁

Hmm qiyin tanlov🥲

Khusanov gol ursinmi yoki Real yutsinmi)

582 0 3 11 17

Va'da qilingan post. Self study qilib IELTS tayyorlanuvchilarga TOP 5 maslahat.




🇺🇿Qafasda tug'ilgan qushlar uchishni xastalik deb o'ylashar ekan

Reaction 💕

1.How often do you use a mirror?
Well, currently, I'd say not too often. I mean, I see no point in doing that. The thing is I work from home because of this, you know, whole pandemic situation that we have in our country these days and the only time that I look in the mirror is when I have to trim my hair or beard

2. Do you like looking at yourself in the mirror?
Well, at least I used to, I mean, back when I was studying at school, I used to do weightlifting and always after you know sessions of training I I used to stand in front of the mirror just flexing my muscles and admiring myself.

3. Do you use a mirror before buying clothing?
Well, of course, yes. I mean, who doesn't, right? I guess everyone relate to it, If I said, when I buy clothes, I just try them on and look in the mirror to see if they actually look as Good as I expected. Otherwise, I just don't buy them and mirrors in this situation Can actually help.

4. What functions does a mirror have?
Well, on top of allowing you to see a reflection, mirror seem to be Widely used in photography. Not professionally of course. I mean, every now and then, whenever I'm just scrolling through my news feed on Instagram or Facebook, I just see people posting their pictures taken in front of the mirror. And that seems to be a new trend apparently.

5.Do you think A mirror is a good decoration?
Well, I'd say mirrors are an important element of an interior design Because I have seen many buildings.. Be it a private house or an office featuring like mirrors often in symmetrical form and they actually... mirrors can actually make the room brighter and rooms with mirrors Just look awesome..

6.Have you ever bought a mirror?
Well, recently, I had my house renovated and as part of that as part of that renovation, I had to buy like several mirrors to replace the old ones in my house. Also, the furniture that I bought for my bedroom has like a couple of mirrors.



812 0 6 11 36

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