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Узбекистан, Узбекский
Курсы и гайды
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Gapirish ko‘nikmasini baholash imtihonlari yakunlandi

✅ 2025-yil 19-yanvar kuni chet tilini bilish darajasini aniqlash test sinovlarining yozma (tinglab tushunish, o‘qish, yozma ish) qismi bo‘lib o‘tgan edi.

🎤 Test sinovining yozma qismida ishtirok etgan talabgorlar uchun 2025-yil 20-yanvardan 31-yanvarga qadar gapirish ko‘nikmasini baholash imtihonlari o‘tkazildi.

👨🏻‍🎓 Unda 11 nafar talabgor tartib-qoidani buzgani uchun imtihondan chetlatildi.

❕ Izoh: Test sinovi natijalari 7-fevralda e’lon qilinadi.

✔️ Agentlikning rasmiy sahifalari:
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Eximiner: pakistan women
Place: tashkent british
Date: 31.01.25

Part 1
Do you work or student?
What subject you learn?
What subject you liked to learn?
Similar this question also

What type of sports you attend when you was a child?
What kind of sports you liked?
Why people attend sports?

Science subject
Why you liked science subject?
Why you learn science subject?
What scinece subject you liked?

Part 2
Describe recently positive change in your life

How you feeling?

Part 3
Daily routine
Why people changed their daily routine?
How to changed their daily routine to the positive why?
Who changed more their daily routine younger or older people?
Why people doesnt change their daily routine to the positive way?

Change work
Why people change their work place?
2 similar question

Examiner: I can't remember his name but he was an old british man with white beards
Test type: IDP, face to face
Place: Farg’ona, Unity Language Academy
Date: 30.01.2025

Part 1
Where u live?
Is this place good for young children?
What things do u want to change in your city?
Carrying things:
What things do u usually carry on your pocket or bag?
How do u carry your things when u do shopping?
How u carry heavy things?
Part 2

Describe a time you met again with your old friend

One follow up question but didn't listen to until the end, skipped it
Part 3
Related to part 2:
Where people usually meet their friends by a chance?
When people usually meet their friends by a chance?
How they feel when they met their friends suddenly?
In Uzbekistan do friends visit their friends home by informing in an advance or surprisingly?

P.S. examiner biron martda sal daje tabassum ham qilmadi o'ta jiddiy edi va past ovozda British accentda gapirdi. Qoshimchasiga vaqtga juda qattiq qarar ekan part3 dagi oxirgi savolga daje javobimni ohirigacha eshitmadi gapimni shunde toxtatib speaking tugadi dedi.

Examiner: I don't know his name an old man with white beard
Place: Tashkent/ Novza/ IDP
Date: 30.01.25

Part 1
- Do you work or study?
- What's one thing that u don't like about ur studies?
- Is there another subject that u would like to study in the future?
- About teachers
He asked whether I still keep in contact with my primary school teachers or not)

Calm places several questions depending on this topic
- Are you calm person or not?

Part 2

Describe a crowded place that you have been

Part 3

Crowded places/ why some pple leave the country to the countryside/ how we can save green spaces........

Overall it was good and quite fast)
I wanted to clarify my responses more,but he began to ask another questions before I finish my opinion)
Part 3 da javob bervotkanmda tasbeh keltrb otrdila) 😂I don't know whether I should be happy or not

Assalomu alaykum domla yaxshimisiz natijam chiqdi bergan bilimlariz uchun katta rahmat siz tufayli shu natijaga erishdim.

1.1k 0 5 42 136

❓ Qaysi sertifikatlar ingliz tili o'qituvchisiga ustama to'lash uchun asos bo'ladi?

Ta'lim vazirliklarining 29.05.2024 dagi 3515-sonli qarori ga muvofiq, quyidagi sertifikatlarning C1 ga tenglashtirilgan darajalari ingliz tili o'qituvchilariga ustama to'lash uchun asos bo'ladi.

✅ Milliy Sertifikat - C1
✅ IELTS - 7.0 +
✅ TOEFL iBT* - 95+
✅ TOEFL ITP - 620+
✅ Cambridge Assessment English: CAE - 180+
✅ TKT (3ta modul Band 3 + B2 sertifikat)
✅ TESOL/TEFL/TESL** (pass + B2 sertifikat)

* qaror talablariga muvofiq TOEFL iBT sertifikati Home edition bo'lmasligi kerak
** qarorning 3-bob ilova qismidagi talablarga mos bo'lishi kerak

Nowadays companies and other organisations are requiring their employees to wear a uniform.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing a uniform?
It is quite imperative to say that a number of workplaces and departments are currently requiring their staffs to adhere to dress codes for the purpose of easy identification. Well, this essay is explicated with all feasible facilities and drawbacks in the following paragraphs.
On the one hand, there are multiple advantages of wearing a uniform. The primary benefit is that it allows easy identification of individuals. In other words, uniforms are useful in scenarios where the personnel in an organization needs to be uniquely distinguished among a group of people. In hospitals, for instance, it is essential for employees to wear assigned uniform which helps them get easily recognized among the patients and the visitors. Promotion of a company's brand is another merit of this. When an employee visits a public place in a uniform, they are indirectly advertising their organization free of cost.
On the other hand, some individuals may not be interested in the type of uniform designed by the organization. The primary concern is that many deem it as monotonous and boring. For instance, my cousin working in an industry related to weights and measurements often complains about the attire, as she feels it does not suit her. This will, in turn, affect the quality of work and drive people towards seeking better job opportunities. Furthermore, the majority of employees feel that it impacts their personality, specifically the ability to express themselves through their attire. Since they are expected to wear the same clothing on a daily basis, it impedes their sense of independence and creative expression.
In conclusion, based on the abovementioned points, it is evident that there are benefits and drawbacks to wearing a uniform at work. It might be a requirement for certain jobs, but it should be designed in such a way that it is acceptable to all. While finalizing on the same, suggestions from the employees should be taken into consideration.

Mock Writing task 2

The bar chart compares the proportion of total manufacturing production in Asia, Europe and the rest of the world from 1840 to 2000.

Overall, the data shows that the percentages differed significantly across the categories. While Asia and Europe experienced the downward trend compared to the initial figures, with the exception of other parts of the world, where it saw a substantial increase.

In 1840, half of the manufacturing production was in Asia, and 40% in Europe. However, the leader of this field in the first year, Asia, dropped to 20% in 1920, whereas Europe peaked at 50%. With regards to the remaining years, Asia's and Europe's proportions were reversed. In Asia, the total manufacturing production was slightly increased by around 5%, and this was followed by a brief resurgence to about 45%. Europe, meanwhile, showed a dramatic decline to just under 30% by the end of the period given.

In terms of the rest of the world, it initially made up only 10%, which was much lower than that of Asia and Europe. Then, this figure suddenly began surging till 1960, reaching the same percentage as Europe and strongly surpassing Asia, before decreasing to above 30% in 2000.

Mock writing task 1

1.4k 0 27 42 81

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