Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Образование

📊Daily IELTS ,MULTILEVEL practices
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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

⁉️Grammariz 0 emas lekin super qilib olmoqchisiz

— Mana sizga kerakli kitob!

✅O'zim 2 marta qayta qayta o'qib, barcha vazifalarini bajarganman. C1ga olib chiqadi Grammar levelizi bemalol.

💡Teachingda ham shu kitob orqali grammar dars o'tsez o'quvchizi Grammari beton bo'lib bitiradi :)


Multi LEVEL, writing task2 Tips+ sample

Multi LEVEL, writing task2 Tips+ sample

#writing #IELTSprep
⚡️A for an against essay

⚡️⚡️The first thing you have to do before writing a for and against essay is make a list of three advantages and three disadvantages.

⚡️Use linking expressions…

⚡️to list advantages and disadvantages:
⚡️The main advantage of … is that
⚡️An important advantage of … is that …
⚡️Another advantage is that …
⚡️Another point in favour of … is that …
⚡️Another negative point is that …
⚡️to add more points:

⚡️to add more points:
⚡️In addition,

⚡️to introduce examples:
⚡️For example,
⚡️For instance,

⚡️to introduce contrasting points:
⚡️On the other hand,

⚡️to introduce the conclusion:
⚡️To sum up,
⚡️In conclusion,

🔡Describe your favourite movie

You should say:

What it was
When you saw it
What it was about
And explain why it made you think a lot

To be honest, I only watch movies once in a blue moon since I don’t have a lot of free time. However, there’s one movie that really moved me and which I consider my greatest inspiration when I feel like giving up. That’s the 2006 movie, The Pursuit of Happyness. Last year when a friend of mine insisted on me watching it. The movie was starred by a high-caliber, actor Will Smith, together with his real-life son, Jaden Smith who acted as his young son in the movie and who was only eight years old then. Well, it’s still vivid in my memory. Chris Gardner, played by Will Smith, became a single father after his wife left him because of financial instability. He was evicted from his apartment with his son for failing to pay the rent, and because of that, they ended up sleeping in a restroom at a station and in homeless shelters. Life’s a struggle for Chris but he refused to give in to despair and did his very best to create a better life for himself and his son. Because of his persistence, he’s able to get a job as a stockbroker and eventually became the owner of a multi-million dollar brokerage firm. The story was really inspirational, I remember after watching that movie, I thought about
my life – I thought about the personal struggles that I’d gone through and told myself that everything would be alright. Since then, that movie became my reminder to not lose hope. If my friend hadn’t recommended that film and if I hadn’t spared time watching it and learned
the valuable life lessons, I would have given up long before.

Band 8 😱😱😱

Once in a blue moon [idiom] – very rarely
Give up [phrasal verb] – admit defeat; quit
Star [verb] – to play the most important role in a film
Caliber [noun] – when it’s used to describe a person, it refers to the quality or standard of their ability, intelligence, especially when it is high
Vivid [adj.] – clear
Homeless shelters [noun] – a homeless service agency that provides temporary shelter to the homeless

#speakingpart2 #recent


Qaysi sertifikatlar ingliz tili o'qituvchisiga ustama to'lash uchun asos bo'ladi?

Ta'lim vazirliklarining 29.05.2024 dagi 3515-sonli qarori ga muvofiq, quyidagi sertifikatlarning C1 ga tenglashtirilgan darajalari ingliz tili o'qituvchilariga ustama to'lash uchun asos bo'ladi.

Milliy Sertifikat - C1
IELTS - 7.0 +
TOEFL iBT* - 95+
TOEFL ITP - 620+
Cambridge Assessment English: CAE - 180+
✅ TKT (3ta modul Band 3 + B2 sertifikat)
✅ TESOL/TEFL/TESL** (pass + B2 sertifikat)

* qaror talablariga muvofiq TOEFL iBT sertifikati Home edition bo'lmasligi kerak
** qarorning 3-bob ilova qismidagi talablarga mos bo'lishi kerak


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#reading True/False/ Not given

Yana shunaqa sample letterla kerakmi

#writing task 1 samples

#writing task 1 samples

Birinchi yozgan 5 kishinikini tekinga tekshirib beraman

For practice #writing task 1
Write a letter to the company that sold you the item.In your letter:
- give details about the order you made
- explain what was wrong with the item,
- tell the company what you want them to do about it.

Write your letter and send your answers

#writing task 1 samples

#writing task 1 samples

☑️Professional writing
☑️Attestatsiyaga topshiradigan ustozlar uchun yordamm


☑️Professional writing
☑️Attestatsiyaga topshiradigan ustozlar uchun yordamm

☑️Professional writing
☑️Attestatsiyaga topshiradigan ustozlar uchun yordamm

☑️Professional writing
☑️Attestatsiyaga topshiradigan ustozlar uchun yordamm

☑️Professional writing
☑️Attestatsiyaga topshiradigan ustozlar uchun yordamm

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