🆓 GirlsUp Skills
Qanaqa Skills Rivojlantiramiz?
▫️ Goal Setting and Action Boards
▫️ Financial Literacy
▫️ Emotional Intelligence
▫️ Blogging Skills
▫️ Project Management
▫️ Writing & Storytelling Skills
📝 Bu skills sizga maqsadlarni tog’ri qoyishga, blog yuritib pul topishga va chetga oqishga topshirishga yordam beradi
🫀The Only Thing That Is Stopping You Is Your Mindset
🎁 Registratsiya: @girls_Up2_bot
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Qanaqa Skills Rivojlantiramiz?
▫️ Goal Setting and Action Boards
▫️ Financial Literacy
▫️ Emotional Intelligence
▫️ Blogging Skills
▫️ Project Management
▫️ Writing & Storytelling Skills
📝 Bu skills sizga maqsadlarni tog’ri qoyishga, blog yuritib pul topishga va chetga oqishga topshirishga yordam beradi
🫀The Only Thing That Is Stopping You Is Your Mindset
🎁 Registratsiya: @girls_Up2_bot
👆🏻 Manage to get a seat