Forward from: Cambridge English Thematic IELTS READING words
1) Toolmaking (noun)
Definition: The process of creating tools.
Translation: Asbob-uskunalar yasash
Example: A research team at Oxford University discovered the remarkable toolmaking skills of New Caledonian crows.
2) Crow (noun)
Definition: Large black birds known for their intelligence.
Translation: Qarg‘a
Example: New Caledonian crows are tenacious predators and the only birds that habitually use a wide selection of self-made tools.
3) Mate (noun)
Definition: A partner, especially in animals.
Translation: Juft, sherik, oshna
Example: Betty and her mate Abel are captive crows in the care of Alex Kacelnik.
4) Captive (adjective)
Definition: Kept in confinement, not free.
Translation: Asir, tutqun
Example: Betty and her mate Abel are captive crows in the care of Alex Kacelnik.
5) Care (noun)
Definition: The process of looking after someone or something.
Translation: G‘amxo‘rlik, parvarish
Example: Betty and her mate Abel are captive crows in the care of Alex Kacelnik.
6) Dwelling (noun)
Definition: A place where someone lives.
Translation: Yashash joyi
Example: They belong to a forest-dwelling species of bird.
7) Tenacious (adjective)
Definition: Determined and persistent.
Translation: tirishqoq, qaytmas, qat'iyatli
Example: New Caledonian crows are tenacious predators.
8) Habitually (adverb)
Definition: Regularly or usually doing something.
Translation: Doimiy ravishda, odatdagidek
Example: The only birds that habitually use a wide selection of self-made tools.
9) Selection (noun)
Definition: A variety of choices.
Translation: Tanlov, to‘plam
Example: A wide selection of self-made tools to find food.
10) Crochet (noun)
Definition: A method of making fabric by looping thread with a hooked needle.
Translation: yigirilgan ipdan to‘qish
Example: One of the wild crows’ cleverest tools is the crochet hook.
11) Detach (verb)
Definition: To remove or separate something.
Translation: Ajratib olmoq, ayirmoq
Example: Made by detaching a side twig from a larger one.
12) Cunning (adjective)
Definition: Clever and skillful, often in a tricky way.
Translation: Ayyor, pixini yorgan, ustasi farang
Example: Equally cunning is a tool crafted from the barbed vine-leaf.
13) Barbed (adjective)
Definition: Having sharp points that make removal difficult.
Translation: Tikanli, tikanak
Example: A tool crafted from the barbed vine-leaf.
14) Rib (noun)
Definition: A long, curved structure in a body or plant.
Translation: Qovurg‘a, tomir
Example: Which consists of a central rib with paired leaflets.
15) Thorn (noun)
Definition: A sharp, pointed part of a plant.
Translation: Tikon, tikanak
Example: With each a rose-like thorn at its base.
16) Awkward (adjective)
Definition: Difficult or uncomfortable.
Translation: Noqulay, beso‘naqay
Example: To prise out insects from awkward cracks.
17) Crack (noun)
Definition: A narrow opening or break in something.
Translation: Yoriq, darz
Example: To prise out insects from awkward cracks.
18) Probe (noun)
Definition: A tool used for exploring or investigating.
Translation: Tekshiruvchi asbob, zond.
Example: The crows also make an ingenious tool called a pandanus probe.
19) Sharp (adjective)
Definition: Having a fine point or edge.
Translation: O‘tkir, keskir
Example: The tool has a broad base, sharp tip, a row of tiny hooks.
20) Row (noun)
Definition: A line of things placed next to each other.
Translation: Qator
Example: A row of tiny hooks along one edge.
21) Edge (noun)
Definition: The outer part of an object.
Translation: Chekka, qirra
Example: A row of tiny hooks along one edge.
22) Tapered (adjective)
Definition: Gradually getting narrower.
Translation: Ingichkalashgan, toraygan
Example: A tapered base created by the crow nipping and tearing.
23) Nip (verb)
Definition: To bite or pinch quickly.
Translation: tishlamoq, chimdilamoq
Example: A tapered base created by the crow nipping and tearing.
Definition: The process of creating tools.
Translation: Asbob-uskunalar yasash
Example: A research team at Oxford University discovered the remarkable toolmaking skills of New Caledonian crows.
2) Crow (noun)
Definition: Large black birds known for their intelligence.
Translation: Qarg‘a
Example: New Caledonian crows are tenacious predators and the only birds that habitually use a wide selection of self-made tools.
3) Mate (noun)
Definition: A partner, especially in animals.
Translation: Juft, sherik, oshna
Example: Betty and her mate Abel are captive crows in the care of Alex Kacelnik.
4) Captive (adjective)
Definition: Kept in confinement, not free.
Translation: Asir, tutqun
Example: Betty and her mate Abel are captive crows in the care of Alex Kacelnik.
5) Care (noun)
Definition: The process of looking after someone or something.
Translation: G‘amxo‘rlik, parvarish
Example: Betty and her mate Abel are captive crows in the care of Alex Kacelnik.
6) Dwelling (noun)
Definition: A place where someone lives.
Translation: Yashash joyi
Example: They belong to a forest-dwelling species of bird.
7) Tenacious (adjective)
Definition: Determined and persistent.
Translation: tirishqoq, qaytmas, qat'iyatli
Example: New Caledonian crows are tenacious predators.
8) Habitually (adverb)
Definition: Regularly or usually doing something.
Translation: Doimiy ravishda, odatdagidek
Example: The only birds that habitually use a wide selection of self-made tools.
9) Selection (noun)
Definition: A variety of choices.
Translation: Tanlov, to‘plam
Example: A wide selection of self-made tools to find food.
10) Crochet (noun)
Definition: A method of making fabric by looping thread with a hooked needle.
Translation: yigirilgan ipdan to‘qish
Example: One of the wild crows’ cleverest tools is the crochet hook.
11) Detach (verb)
Definition: To remove or separate something.
Translation: Ajratib olmoq, ayirmoq
Example: Made by detaching a side twig from a larger one.
12) Cunning (adjective)
Definition: Clever and skillful, often in a tricky way.
Translation: Ayyor, pixini yorgan, ustasi farang
Example: Equally cunning is a tool crafted from the barbed vine-leaf.
13) Barbed (adjective)
Definition: Having sharp points that make removal difficult.
Translation: Tikanli, tikanak
Example: A tool crafted from the barbed vine-leaf.
14) Rib (noun)
Definition: A long, curved structure in a body or plant.
Translation: Qovurg‘a, tomir
Example: Which consists of a central rib with paired leaflets.
15) Thorn (noun)
Definition: A sharp, pointed part of a plant.
Translation: Tikon, tikanak
Example: With each a rose-like thorn at its base.
16) Awkward (adjective)
Definition: Difficult or uncomfortable.
Translation: Noqulay, beso‘naqay
Example: To prise out insects from awkward cracks.
17) Crack (noun)
Definition: A narrow opening or break in something.
Translation: Yoriq, darz
Example: To prise out insects from awkward cracks.
18) Probe (noun)
Definition: A tool used for exploring or investigating.
Translation: Tekshiruvchi asbob, zond.
Example: The crows also make an ingenious tool called a pandanus probe.
19) Sharp (adjective)
Definition: Having a fine point or edge.
Translation: O‘tkir, keskir
Example: The tool has a broad base, sharp tip, a row of tiny hooks.
20) Row (noun)
Definition: A line of things placed next to each other.
Translation: Qator
Example: A row of tiny hooks along one edge.
21) Edge (noun)
Definition: The outer part of an object.
Translation: Chekka, qirra
Example: A row of tiny hooks along one edge.
22) Tapered (adjective)
Definition: Gradually getting narrower.
Translation: Ingichkalashgan, toraygan
Example: A tapered base created by the crow nipping and tearing.
23) Nip (verb)
Definition: To bite or pinch quickly.
Translation: tishlamoq, chimdilamoq
Example: A tapered base created by the crow nipping and tearing.