🟢 1. As time goes by - vaqt o’tishi bilan
As time goes by, people will forget it
🟢 2. To kill time - vaqtni tezroq o’zkazish uchun (asosan nimadur yoki kimnidur kutib turganda)
When I am waiting for the bus, I just play video games on my phone, just to kill time
🟢 3. Behind the times - zamondan orqada qolgan
Some of her teaching methods are behind the times
🟢 4. Take time out - tanafus olmoq
It’s a good idea to take time out to relax
🟢5. To lose track of - vaqt o’tganini bilmay qolishlik
The movie was amazing. I lost track of time.
🟢 6. One at a time - alohida alohida
I’m going to read those books one at a time
🟢 7. Time after time - qayta qayta
He comes to work late time after time.
🟢 8. High time - ayni vaqtni
It’s high time to go to sleep now
🟢 9. Time waits for no one - vaqt kutib turmaydi
Go and start doing today because time wait for no one.
🟢 10. A matter of time - vaqtning masalasi, vaqtga bog’liq
I’m sure you can achieve your goal, but it’s just a matter of time.
— Yoqqan boʻlsa reaksiya bosib qoʻyamiz✊
🟢 1. As time goes by - vaqt o’tishi bilan
As time goes by, people will forget it
🟢 2. To kill time - vaqtni tezroq o’zkazish uchun (asosan nimadur yoki kimnidur kutib turganda)
When I am waiting for the bus, I just play video games on my phone, just to kill time
🟢 3. Behind the times - zamondan orqada qolgan
Some of her teaching methods are behind the times
🟢 4. Take time out - tanafus olmoq
It’s a good idea to take time out to relax
🟢5. To lose track of - vaqt o’tganini bilmay qolishlik
The movie was amazing. I lost track of time.
🟢 6. One at a time - alohida alohida
I’m going to read those books one at a time
🟢 7. Time after time - qayta qayta
He comes to work late time after time.
🟢 8. High time - ayni vaqtni
It’s high time to go to sleep now
🟢 9. Time waits for no one - vaqt kutib turmaydi
Go and start doing today because time wait for no one.
🟢 10. A matter of time - vaqtning masalasi, vaqtga bog’liq
I’m sure you can achieve your goal, but it’s just a matter of time.
— Yoqqan boʻlsa reaksiya bosib qoʻyamiz✊