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Extracurricular activity ga nima yozishni bilmagan sen:

Chetga topshiyotkanga Common App ga men han xudii shu narsalarni yozganman 😆


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Голга олиб келган хато жуда кўзга ташланади, тўғри, аммо у ерда шунчаки техник томондан ижро ўхшамади - бундай хатолар юзлаб ўйинларда қатнашган энг зўр ҳимоячилар фаолиятида ҳам учрайди, қўрқинчли эмас.

Кейинги аслида қизил бўлиши ҳам мумкин (ҳакам Оливер бўлганида аниқ) бўлган сариқ карточка ва кейинги, Хусановнинг ўзи блок қўйиб бартараф этган эпизод, офсайдни тўғри ушлолмаслик - кўпроқ тактик асосга эга: «Манчестер Сити» анча юқори ҳимояда ўйнайди ва «Ланс»дан бу борада кескин фарқ қилади. Бу адаптация билан боғлиқ.

Шу ўринда Гвардиола танқидларга учраши табиий. Уч кун олдин келган ва атиги бир яримта машғулот ўтказган 20 ёшли футболчини бу ҳолатга ташлагани, аввало унинг қарори.

Яна бир ноқулай томони ўнг қанотда аслида яримҳимоячи бўлган Нуньез. Яъни Хусанов ҳисоб 0:1 лигидан келиб чиқиб олдинга тез чиқаётган жамоадошларини тозалаши керак. Натижада Санчо ва Жексон орасида қолиб кетяпти. «Челси» бу коридорни тез-тез ишлатиши табиий.

Аммо бу ишонч аслида Хусановнинг фойдасига ишлаши ҳам мумкин. Шундай вазиятда ҳам унга ишонилдими, Пеп қайсар мураббий, демак Абдуқодирда хатони тузатиш имконияти бўлади. Хусановнинг ўнгланиши энди Пеп учун ҳам муҳим масала. Уёғи футболчимизга боғлиқ. Хаяжон ва ички босимни енгиб, ўз ўйинини ўйнаса кифоя.



How to f*ck up a masterpiece:

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How I felt after doing these moves..

( Sorry for notifications.. The better version:) ).

To make it clear, did it have any impact on the Aral sea?

Leave your opinions in the comment section pls

Btw, what do you think, has the "space race" between two giants "USSR and USA" affected us?

I was thinking, it is only me who is wasting time watching the Barca vs Real match ( I was given 90 ex, and Ive copied only 24/90. ). But half of the PS students are doing the same sht..

Aha, Master's at the age of 16, okkk

At age 14, Tao attended the Research Science Institute, a summer program for secondary students. In 1991, he received his bachelor's and master's degrees at the age of 16 from Flinders University under the direction of Garth Gaudry.[26] In 1992, he won a postgraduate Fulbright Scholarship to undertake research in mathematics at Princeton University in the United States. From 1992 to 1996, Tao was a graduate student at Princeton University under the direction of Elias Stein, receiving his PhD at the age of 21.[26] In 1996, he joined the faculty of the University of California, Los Angeles. In 1999, when he was 24, he was promoted to full professor at UCLA and remains the youngest person ever appointed to that rank by the institution.["

"Tao was the youngest participant to date in the International Mathematical Olympiad, first competing at the age of ten; in 1986, 1987, and 1988, he won a bronze, silver, and gold medal, respectively. Tao remains the youngest winner of each of the three medals in the Olympiad's history, having won the gold medal at the age of 13 in 1988." Okkkkk

To clarify, it is just a summer program, but program's essays are challenging af.

Kecha shunday paytda turgandim. 1 kun uxlamabman🫡

It wasnt easy...

But I did it.. Wish me luck

Here we gooo!!!!

Man City SILA

Pastdagi kanallarga qo'shilib qo'yamiz:

Academic weapon: @sadullarizayev
Discipline: @whynotusoryou
ALPAAA: @mahmutov_alpamis_blog

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