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✅️Multi-Level 74 | IELTS 8,0 ustozdan
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💥Learn with Shokhrukh Marufjonov
🏛Admin: @shmarufjonov

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Yuqoridagi savollar real examda tushgan hammasi. Savollar qaytib tushadi 100%.

✅Shuning uchun tezda tanishlarga maksimal share qilib qo'yinglar xalq!

✅Yana materiallar yuklashda davom etamiz

🌐Join us: @multileveloriginal

🎙Speaking questions
(Real exam materials)

Part 1.1

1. Tell me about your favorite season.
2. When do you usually go to bed?
3. Do you like collecting?

Part 1.2 with pictures

1. Describe holiday places.
2. Do you prefer hot or cold places?
3. How do you spend your holiday?

Part 2

1. Describe a place that you visited with friends.
2. Do you like exploring new places?
3. With whom do you usually go to new places?

Part 3

All students should wear uniforms.
(With for and against ideas)

🤔Sharing is caring😉

🔵Join us: @multileveloriginal

🎙Speaking questions
(Real exam materials)

Part 1.1

1. Who is your bestfriend?
2. Do you like sports?
3. How often do you go out?

Part 1.2 with pictures

1. Describe online and face-to-face learning
2. Why online learning is becoming popular?
3. What are the advantages of face-to-face learning?

Part 2

1. Describe a place you like to visit when you are alone.
2. Why people feel alone?
3. What are the advantages of socialization?

Part 3

People should be allowed to carry guns.
(With for and against ideas)

🤔Sharing is caring😉

🔵Join us: @multileveloriginal


🌀Fargona viloyati Beshariq tumanidagi Multilevel imtixoniga tayyorlanmoqchi bo'lganlar uchun tezlashtirilgan offline yangi guruhlar!

⭐Kursni men - Shokhrukh Marufjonov (IELTS 8,0/Multilevel C1x6) o'taman

🕰26-noyabr soat 13:00 va 17:00 (ikkita guruh) da birinchi sinov darslarimiz bo'lib o'tadi

🔔Kurs 1 oyga mo'ljallangan va oldin topshirib B1 olganlar uchun ham qulay. 28-dekabr imtixoniga topshiramiz!

📍Manzil: Family Park supermarketi 3-etaj

📱Qo'shimcha ma'lumot: @shmarufjonov

🌐Join us: @multileveloriginal

🎙Speaking questions
(Real exam materials)

Part 1.1

1. Tell me about your favorite weather
2. Where is your hometown?
3. Do you have many friends?

Part 1.2 with pictures

1. Describe indoor and outdoor markets.
2. Why do people get excited about prices?
3. Do you think higher means higher quality?

Part 2

1. Describe a difficult situation in your life.
2. How did you solve the issue?
3. Whom do you address when you have difficulties?

Part 3

Video games
(With for and against ideas)

🤔Sharing is caring😉

🔵Join us: @multileveloriginal

🎙Speaking questions
(Real exam materials)

Part 1.1

1. What is your favorite food?
2. Tell me about your apartment.
3. What is your hobby?

Part 1.2 with pictures

1. Describe traveling by plane and train.
2. Why people like to travel by plane?
3. Which transport do you prefer?

Part 2

1. Describe a hard descion you made.
2. Tell about the factors to help decision making
3. Why is it hard to decide for some people?

Part 3

Phone use should be restricted before 16 years of age.
(With for and against ideas)

🤔Sharing is caring😉

🔵Join us: @multileveloriginal

2.5k 0 153 7 24

📢Hammaga hayrli kun xalq!

Bugun speaking imtixoniga kiradiganlar meni profilimga sizga berilgan savollarni yozib yuborsangiz kanalga post tayyorlab yuklayman.

💯Bilasiz speakingda savollar qaytib tushadi va bu boshqalarga ham foydali bo'ladi:

👤Contact: @shmarufjonov

🛡Join us: @multileveloriginal

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📹Multilevel full speaking mock 28

New format - new mock video

🤔Tanishlarga yengil share qilib qo'yaverasizlar 😉

❤️Join us: @multileveloriginal

Multilevel speaking new format.pdf
📂Multilevel speaking new format

Yangi formatdagi speaking uchun sample topshiriqlar jamlanmasi.

🌐Join us: @multileveloriginal

3.2k 0 191 6 21

💡Hammaga hayrli kech, xalq!

Mana yozma imtixonlar ham o'tdi. Xudo xohlasa ertaga sizlarga Multilevel speaking bo'yicha live dars o'tib beraman kanalda.

✅Kim qaysi bo'limda qiynalsa kommentga yozib qo'yasizlar. Foydali tehnikalar o'rgatib qo'yaman!

4.1k 0 4 241 82

🔝Multilevel overall 74 natijali ustozdan online kurs

👨‍🏫 Ustoz: Shokhrukh Marufjonov (IELTS 8,0/Multilevel C1x6)

26-NOYABR sanasidan start!

💰To'lovi: 200.000 so'm

⏳Kurs muddati - 1 oy (12 dars)

▶️Audio-visual teaching
(Bir vaqtda online bo'lishingiz shart emas!)

➡️Kafolat beramiz o'rganishizga:

🔴LISTENING & READING uchun eng qulay tehnikalar.

🟢WRITING & SPEAKING individual feedback.

🔴Bonus - 26 ta mock test

✅Kursga qo'shilish uchun kamida intermediate grammar bilishingiz kerak!

👨‍💻Qo'shilish uchun: @shmarufjonov

🗺Natijalarimiz: @resultsforme

🚀Join us: @multileveloriginal

✔️Real exam materials
(24.11.2024 abetdan keyingi smena)

Task 1

You applied for a job at a company but haven’t received a response yet.

Write a letter to the HR department to inquire about the status of your application.

- mention the position you applied for and the date of application.
- explain that you are eager to know the status of your application.
- request an update and express your continued interest in the role.

Task 2

Many people believe eating vegetarian diet is better for health.

What are advantages and disadvantages of this?

🌐Join us: @multileveloriginal

4.5k 0 83 36 35

📚Reading part 1 topshirig'i

⭐(24.11.2024 abetdan keyingi smena)


1. water    2. beetle   3. bumps 
4. scientists   5. material   6. technology

✉️Join us: @multileveloriginal

4.2k 0 67 11 28

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📹Joke time

The reason why Indians cannot commit a crime😄

🌐Join us: @multileveloriginal

Plastic ekan to'g'rilab qo'ydim

✔️Real exam materials
(24.11.2024 ertalabki smena)

Task 1

You accidentally damaged a book borrowed from the library. Write a letter to the librarian.

- apologize for the damage and explain how it happened.
- mention the details of the book (title, author, etc.).
- offer to pay for the damages or replace the book.

Task 2

Plastic pollution is becoming a severe problem in many urban areas.

Why is this happening?
What measures can be taken to reduce plastic pollution?

🌐Join us: @multileveloriginal

4.7k 0 85 28 30

📚Reading part 1 topshirig'i

24.11.2024 da tushgan topshiriq

🔴Testlar qaytib tushish ehtimoli bor. Ko'rib qo'ysangiz foydali bo'ladi😉


1. animals     2. sheep     3. chicken
4. eggs  5. farmer    6. cow

✉️Join us: @multileveloriginal

Qaytib tushdimi shu bugun?

✏️Writing da shablon qilib olish

Ingliz tili imtixonlariga tayyorlanayotgan ba'zi o'rganuvchilar qiynaladigan skill bu writing. B'azi candidate lar shu muammoni hal qilish uchun maxsus standard shablonlar yodlashga harakat qilishadi. Shablonlar bu har qanday essay yoki letterga tushib ketaveradigan ba'zi gap va birikmalardir.

Bunday materiallardan foydalanish qay darajada samara beradi?

Ochig'ini aytganda bu foydali bo'lishi mumkin. Lekin oshirib yuborish kerak emas. Masalan essay da thesis statement ni yoki conclusion ni generallashtirib qo'yib qolgan qismlarini esa o'z bilimingiz bilan normal holatda yozsangiz ham natija yaxshi chiqishi mumkin va bunga shaxsiy tajribalarim ham bor.

❗️Ammo butun essay yoki letterni deyarli 90 foizini tayyor qilib universal yodlab olish sizga yuqori ball olib kelmaydi bu aniq.

Shablon o'rganayotganingizda faqat kerakli joylarigagina yodlang. Butun topshiriq uchun standard narsa yodlayman deb harakat qilmang. Past natija qilib qo'yasiz!

Multilevel uchun online kursimda men ham ma'lum qismi uchun standard sxema beraman. Lekin qolgan qismlarini o'quvchilar o'zlari yozishi kerak.

✅Demak, xulosa qilib aytganda shablonni to'g'ri va me'yorda ishlatsangizgina sizga natija qilib berishi mumkin!

⭐Kanalimizda ham mana shunday sinovdan o'tgan standard gaplarni yuklaganman.

🌐Join us: @multileveloriginal

4.3k 0 24 13 39

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📹Listening Completion test tehnikasi

Multilevel part 6 listening topshirig'ini endi o'rganayotganlar uchun foydali usul

✉️Join us: @multileveloriginal

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