Ruxshona Urolova

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, Uzbek
Category: Blogs

📌IELTS 8 (3x)
🏫Student of WIUT 2/4
🚀Listening | Speaking 9.0
👩🏻‍🏫 Aspiring teacher with 7+ results by students
⚫️ Head SPEAKING||LISTENING Teacher of @uzschooll❤️‍🔥
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Uzbekistan, Uzbek
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Whenever I think I wanna make a change about anything, my first thought is: “CUT YOUR HAIR!!!!”

728 0 0 11 63

Coffee energy drinks
Energy drinks coffee
Coffee energy drinks
Energy drinks coffee
Coffee energy drinks
Energy drinks coffee
Coffee energy drinks
Energy drinks coffee

Aand the cycle repeats

1.8k 0 5 17 108

I love winter

Why do I do this thing where I imagine myself in a very bad, helpless situation and react to it?

Do you do this too?

Started watching “Suits” and now I wanna get into Harvard Law School

Yangi yilga 2 hafta qolipti.
1 chelak mayonez olish kerak
Olivye uchun

3.2k 0 2 14 182

It’s been 2 years since


Good times

Is it finals week or my final week


University libraryda joy qomagan

1-semestrlik materialni 2 kunda o’qiladigan finallar haftasiga xush kelibsiz😂😂


4.5k 0 5 13 150

Snowy hello🌨️❄️

It is the perfect weather.

4.6k 0 8 21 189

Har bir ishni oxirigi millisekundgacha qoldiradiganlar bormi?

Ha, bor bu aniq

Ha devoring

4.6k 0 0 32 105

Abuse of power/ability-o'zingizda bor yaxshi qobiliyatni suiste'mol qilish degan narsaga qanday qaraysiz va qanday tushunasiz

Men bolaligimda rosayam qiziq edi: nega oy meni ortimdan yuradi deb

Bugun 6 yoshli ukam so’radi: “Opa nega osmondagi oy mani quvlayapti” deb

Bolalar haliyam o’sha o’sha ekanu

5.6k 0 5 37 312

It finally happened…

Most things are only beautiful from afar

Ha aytgandey
Shu archani svetlari yonib turgandi
Rasm olaman deb telefonimni chiqarishim bilan, o’chdi

Omadimni qarang

6k 0 3 24 219

What’s a quote you admire?

I have to do my homework: watch all the reels my friends sent me

When I tell you there is a lot, best believe it

“At the end of the day, it is the books and people who have no idea you exist, but ease your worries away.”

It does not matter what you manage to do or what you fail to achieve,
It does not matter what makes you happy and what makes you sad

At the end of the day, it’s night

20 last posts shown.