😐 Transportation
Ps: IELTS Speaking part 1 imtihonda 2024-yil 31-augustgacha tushadi.
🟢 What is the most popular means of transportation in your area ?
✅ Private vehicles, particularly cars, are widely driven here by a vast majority of people. They are a common means of transit, which offer the convenience and the joy of the travel. There is no need to worry about the crowd like in buses.
➡️widely - keng miqyosda
➡️ particularly - ayniqsa
➡️ a vast majority - juda ko'pchilik
➡️ means of transit - transport vositasi
➡️offer convenience - qulaylik bermoq
➡️joy of the travel -sayohat zavqi
🟢 Will you use public transport more in the future ?
✅ Probably yes, they can provide a relatively inexpensive mode of travel, a good way of exercising while going to and from the bus stop, and even more importantly, I can relax, read or take a nap during the commute.
➡️probably - ehtimol
➡️ relatively - nisbatan
➡️ take a nap - mizg'ib olmoq
➡️commute - qatnamoq ( borib kelmoq ) = travel
🟢 Are there any traffic problems in your area?
✅ yes, sure. One is traffic jams as perpetual bumper to bumper traffic. They form tailbacks in a long kilometers during peak hours in intersections and roundabouts.
➡️traffic jam - avtomobil tirbandligi
➡️ perpetual - uzoq vaqt davom etadigan
➡️ tailback - uzun tirbandlik
➡️intersection - chorraha
➡️roundabout - kurug
🟢 How would you improve transport in your area ?
✅ It is imperative that buses should stop in designated bus stops, not wherever they spot a client flagging down. Also, they should run according to schedule without any delays. As far as private vehicles are concerned, they should be banned to enter urban centers so that park and ride systems could be implemented to reduce traffic congestion.
➡️imperative - majburiy
➡️ designated - belgilangan / tayinlangan
➡️ spot - topmoq
➡️flag down - qo'l silktib toxtashish
➡️implement - amalga oshirmoq / joriy etmoq
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💻 🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️
Ps: IELTS Speaking part 1 imtihonda 2024-yil 31-augustgacha tushadi.
🟢 What is the most popular means of transportation in your area ?
✅ Private vehicles, particularly cars, are widely driven here by a vast majority of people. They are a common means of transit, which offer the convenience and the joy of the travel. There is no need to worry about the crowd like in buses.
➡️widely - keng miqyosda
➡️ particularly - ayniqsa
➡️ a vast majority - juda ko'pchilik
➡️ means of transit - transport vositasi
➡️offer convenience - qulaylik bermoq
➡️joy of the travel -sayohat zavqi
🟢 Will you use public transport more in the future ?
✅ Probably yes, they can provide a relatively inexpensive mode of travel, a good way of exercising while going to and from the bus stop, and even more importantly, I can relax, read or take a nap during the commute.
➡️probably - ehtimol
➡️ relatively - nisbatan
➡️ take a nap - mizg'ib olmoq
➡️commute - qatnamoq ( borib kelmoq ) = travel
🟢 Are there any traffic problems in your area?
✅ yes, sure. One is traffic jams as perpetual bumper to bumper traffic. They form tailbacks in a long kilometers during peak hours in intersections and roundabouts.
➡️traffic jam - avtomobil tirbandligi
➡️ perpetual - uzoq vaqt davom etadigan
➡️ tailback - uzun tirbandlik
➡️intersection - chorraha
➡️roundabout - kurug
🟢 How would you improve transport in your area ?
✅ It is imperative that buses should stop in designated bus stops, not wherever they spot a client flagging down. Also, they should run according to schedule without any delays. As far as private vehicles are concerned, they should be banned to enter urban centers so that park and ride systems could be implemented to reduce traffic congestion.
➡️imperative - majburiy
➡️ designated - belgilangan / tayinlangan
➡️ spot - topmoq
➡️flag down - qo'l silktib toxtashish
➡️implement - amalga oshirmoq / joriy etmoq
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💻 🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️