✔️Subsequently - oqibat, natija
✔️Previously - ilgarigi
✔️Disaster - falokat
✔️ Extinction - yo’q bo`lish
✔️Hesitation - ikkilanish
✔️Funding - moliyalashtirish
✔️Standard of living - turmush daraja
✔️Repercussions - oqibat
✔️Predator - yirtqich
✔️Human nature - inson tabiati
🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️
✔️Subsequently - oqibat, natija
I came to home. Subsequently, I had some rest.
✔️Previously - ilgarigi
The previous owner of the house had built an extension on the back.
✔️Disaster - falokat
An inquiry was ordered into the recent rail disaster.
✔️ Extinction - yo’q bo`lish
There is concern that the giant panda will soon become extinct.
✔️Hesitation - ikkilanish
He hesitated slightly before answering the detective's question.
✔️Funding - moliyalashtirish
Alisha is trying to get funding for her research.
✔️Standard of living - turmush daraja
The standard of living in many developing countries is low.
✔️Repercussions - oqibat
Any decrease in tourism could have serious repercussions for the local economy.
✔️Predator - yirtqich
The population got out of control because there were no natural predators to keep it in check.
✔️Human nature - inson tabiati
You cannot change human nature.
🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️