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❗️ 06.01.2025


Part 1.1
• What do you like about your hometown?
• What is your favorite room in your hom
• Do you enjoy spending time at home or outside?
• How do you usually spend your weekends at home?
• Do you enjoy traveling?

Part 1.2
• A girl reading a paper book (First picture)
An old woman reading an e-book (Second picture)
• Compare them

Part 2
• Describe a situation when you felt very lucky
• Describe a time when you helped someone

Part 3
• Sports teams should be allowed to pay players for their performance (For and Against)
• Handwriting (For and Against)

💻 🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️ 

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💬 Harakterni ifodalovchi so'zlar:

🔻 decent — odobli
🔻 indecent — beadab
🔻 honest — to‘g‘riso‘z
🔻 fair — to‘g‘riso‘z, adolatli
🔻 sincere — samimiy
🔻 dishonest — g‘irrom, noinsof
🔻 innocent — aybsiz, begunoh
🔻 guilty — aybdor
🔻 criminal — jinoyatchi
🔻 kind — mehribon
🔻 hostile — adovatli
🔻 gentle — yuvosh, beozor
🔻 polite — odobli
🔻 rude — qo‘pol
🔻 generous — saxiy
🔻 close-fisted — qizg‘anchiq
🔻 talkative — gapdon
🔻 sociable — kirishimli, dilkash
🔻 reserved — vazmin
🔻 docile — itoatli
🔻 disobedient — itoatsiz
🔻 strict — talabchan
🔻 mild — yumshoq, muloyim
🔻 reliable — ishonchli
🔻 changeable — o‘zgaruvchan
🔻 brave — mard, jasur
🔻 courageous — mard
🔻 coward — qo‘rqoq
🔻 timid — jur'atsiz, tortinchoq
🔻 reasonable — ongli, idrokli
🔻 prudent — mulohazali
🔻 light-minded — yengiltak
🔻 cautious — ehtiyotkor
🔻 incautious — beparvo

💻 🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️ 


🏛️Endilikda bu yil 69 ball bilanham  GRAND ga kira olishingiz mumkin bo'lgan UNIVERSITETLAR e'lon qilindi 🤩

💯Yolg'on deyishdan oldin pastdagi tugmachalar orqali yo'nalishingiz bo'yicha bilib oling 👇

🧾Ro'yxatni ko'rish.....


⚡️So’zlashuvni boyitamiz!

Og’zaki nutqda ko’p ishlatiladigan 🔝2️⃣0️⃣ iboralar.

😎Actually – aslida

😎Agreed – kelishdikmi?/ Rozimisan?

😎All of sudden – birdan/ to’satdan

😎All the same to me – menga baribir

😎Are you kidding? – Hazillashyapsizmi?

😎As a matter of fact – Gap shundaki/ aslida

😎As a far as I judge – Fikrimcha

😎As if dreaming – xuddi tushdagidek

😎As well – shuningdek

😎Be careful – Ehtiyot bo’ling!

😎Before I forget – Esimdan chiqmasdan

😎Behave yourself – o’zingizni tuting!

😎Believe it or not – xoh ishoning, xoh ishonmang

😎By the way – aytganday/aytgancha

😎Can I have a word with you? - siz bilan bir og’iz gaplashib olsam bo’ladimi?

😎Certainly! Here you are – albatta (rozilik)

😎Dear me – Ey xudo! Ajabo! (xayratlanish)

😎Don’t mention it – Hechqisi yo’q, arzimaydi

😎Don’t mix in – sen aralashma!

😎Enjoy your meal – Yoqimli ishtaha!

😎For God’s sake – xudo haqi

💻 🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️ 

⚡️Eng koʻp tushayotgan Speaking savollar✔️

What do you do on weekends?
Do you play any sports?

What is your favourite food?
Can you play music instruments?
What do you do in the evening?

What do you do on weekends?
Do you play any sports?

Do you have many books at your home.
Do you know any foreign singers

What do you usually do on weekends?
What is your favorite drink?
Do you wake up early?

What is your favourite colour
Have you ever bought online

What's your favorite hobby?
What do you eat for breakfast?
How do you go work or study?

Do you play instruments
What do you do in the evenings
What is your favorite season

What is your favourite meal?
What do you do in evening?

What is your favourite tv show?
What do you do on your weekends?
Do you play any sports?

💻 🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️

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20.10.2024 1-smenda tushgan

Listening part 2

9 walking walk
10 picnic lunch
11 dinner
12 lake
13 cooking
14 (£)185

💻 🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️


1️⃣ Contamination - iflos bo'lish, bulg'anganlik
Ex: The atmosphere in large cities is often contaminated by smog, as we can see in China.

📆 The biosphere - hayvonlar va o'simliklar yashashi mumkin bo'lgan yer qatlami biosfera
Ex: Children should be educated on the biosphere through field trips and practical experiments.

📆 Emissions - ajralib chiqqan narsa, modda (issiqlik, gaz, hid, nur)
Ex: Scientists spend their whole careers studying the effect of emissions on the climate.

📆 Run-off - oqava suv
Ex: We should try to collect and use more run-off water, to avoid having to recycle water so much.

📆 Aquifers - suv shimib oladigan yer qatlami
Ex: My family have a well which connects to an aquifer, giving very pure water.

📆 Filtration - filtirlash jarayoni
Ex: Water filtration might be a solution to water shortages in very hot countries.

📆 Water table - suv chiqish chuqurligi
Ex: In my town, the water table is very high, and water will appear in even a small hole.

📆 Tainted - bulg'angan, iflos
Ex: The Mediterranean is badly tainted in some areas by sewage pollution.

📆 Soil erosion - tuproq eroziyasi
Ex: Deforestation has increased soil erosion seriously in Brazil.

📆 Logging - daraxtlarni kesish
Ex: Logging has endangered many species throughout the world.

📆 Dumping - zararli narsalarni uloqtirish, tashlash
Ex: In most countries, dumping rubbish is a criminal offence

💻 🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️

Topic vocabulary

Government -
Habit - odat
Identity card - ID karta
Routine - kun tartibi
Schedule - jadval
Situation - vaziyat
Tradition - urf-odat, an'ana
Typical - odatiy
Vote - ovoz bermoq
Youth club - yoshlar klubi
Criminal - jinoyatchi
Social - ijtimoiy
Break in - bostirib kirmoq
Catch up - darajaga erishmoq
Get away with - jazodan qutulib qolmoq
Get up - turmoq, uyg'onmoq
Move in - ko'chmoq
Put away - joyiga qo'ymoq
Wake up - uyg'onmoq
Wash up - yuvmoq

💻 🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️

Speaking new format Mock 10.pdf
📂Multi-Level Full Speaking Mock 10 (New format)!

C1-C2 LevelSample answers bilan birga.

💻 🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️

🔺 Synonyms

➡️ A1 Small - Kichik
➡️ B1 Tiny - Juda kichkina
➡️ C1 Minute - Juda-juda kichik

➡️ A1 Hot - Issiq
➡️ B1 Warm - Iliq
➡️ C1 Boiling - Qaynoq

➡️ A1 Angry - Jahldor
➡️ B1 Annoyed - Asabiylashgan
➡️ C1 Furious - Qattiq jahli chiqqan

➡️ A1 Good - Yaxshi
➡️ B1 Decent - Durust
➡️ C1 Excellent - Mukammal

➡️ A1 Bad - Yomon
➡️ B1 Terrible - Juda yomon
➡️ C1 Horrendous - Juda dahshatli

➡️ A1 Fast - Tez
➡️ B1 Quick - Qisqa vaqt ichida tez
➡️ C1 Rapid - Juda tez

➡️ A1 Bright - Yorqin
➡️ B1 Shiny - Yaltiroq
➡️ C1 Radiant - Porloq

➡️ A1 Weak - Zaif
➡️ B1 Fragile - Mo‘rt
➡️ C1 Feeble - Juda zaif

➡️ A1 Funny - Qiziq
➡️ B1 Amusing - Kuldiruvchi
➡️ C1 Hilarious - Juda kulgili

➡️ A1 Hard - Qiyin
➡️ B1 Difficult - Murakkab
➡️ C1 Challenging - Juda qiyin va qiziqarli

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💻 🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️

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🎧Listening: Map practice

💾Watch, Practice and Check

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💻 🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️

😐 Transportation

Ps: IELTS Speaking part 1 imtihonda 2024-yil 31-augustgacha tushadi.

🟢  What is the  most popular means of transportation in your area ?

Private vehicles, particularly cars, are widely driven here by a vast majority of people. They are a common means of transit, which offer the convenience and the joy of the travel. There is no need to worry about the crowd like in buses.

➡️widely - keng miqyosda
➡️ particularly - ayniqsa
➡️ a vast majority - juda ko'pchilik
➡️ means of transit - transport vositasi
➡️offer convenience - qulaylik bermoq
➡️joy of the travel -sayohat zavqi

🟢  Will you use public transport more in the future ?

Probably yes, they can provide a relatively inexpensive mode of travel, a good way of exercising while going to and from the bus stop, and even more importantly, I can relax, read or take a nap during the commute.

➡️probably - ehtimol
➡️ relatively - nisbatan
➡️ take a nap - mizg'ib olmoq
➡️commute - qatnamoq ( borib kelmoq ) = travel

🟢  Are there any traffic problems in your area?

yes, sure. One is traffic jams as perpetual bumper to bumper traffic. They form tailbacks in a long kilometers during peak hours in intersections and roundabouts.

➡️traffic jam - avtomobil tirbandligi
➡️ perpetual - uzoq vaqt davom etadigan
➡️ tailback - uzun tirbandlik
➡️intersection - chorraha
➡️roundabout -  kurug

🟢  How would you improve transport in your area ?

It is imperative that buses should stop in designated bus stops, not wherever they spot a client flagging down. Also, they should run according to schedule without any delays. As far as private vehicles are concerned, they should be banned to  enter urban centers so that park and ride systems could be implemented to reduce traffic congestion.

➡️imperative - majburiy
➡️ designated - belgilangan / tayinlangan
➡️ spot - topmoq
➡️flag down - qo'l silktib toxtashish
➡️implement - amalga oshirmoq / joriy etmoq

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💻 🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️

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Have you ever confused any of them?

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💻 🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️

⚡️ "Kalmar o'yini" serialining yangi 2-faslning barcha qismlari o'zbek tilida HD formatda quyidagi botga joylangan👇

🇬🇧🇺🇿Ingliz TILI va o'zbek tilida joylandi ✅



✔️Subsequently - oqibat, natija

I came to home. Subsequently, I had some rest.

✔️Previously - ilgarigi

The previous owner of the house had built an extension on the back.

✔️Disaster - falokat

An inquiry was ordered into the recent rail disaster.

✔️ Extinction - yo’q bo`lish

There  is concern that  the giant panda will  soon become extinct.

✔️Hesitation - ikkilanish
He hesitated slightly before answering the detective's question.

✔️Funding - moliyalashtirish

Alisha is trying to get funding for her research.

✔️Standard of living - turmush daraja

The standard of living in many developing countries is low.

✔️Repercussions - oqibat

Any decrease in tourism could  have serious repercussions for the local economy.

✔️Predator - yirtqich

The population got out of control because there were no natural predators to keep it in check.

✔️Human nature - inson tabiati

You cannot change human nature.

🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️ 

In Time vs On Time

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💻🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️ 


in the south /ɪn ðə saʊθ/ - janubda
north /nɔːθ/ - shimol
north-east /ˌnɔːθˈiːst/ - shimoliy sharq
east /iːst/ - sharq
south-east /ˌsaʊθˈiːst/ - janubiy sharq
south /saʊθ/ - janub
south-west /ˌsaʊθˈwest/ - janubiy g'arb
west /west/ - g'arb
north-west /ˌnɔːθˈwest/ - shimoliy g'arb

🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️ 


🙊 Internet saytlarida eng ko‘p ishlatiladigan inglizcha so‘zlar, ularning o‘qilishi, tarjimasi va misollari:

1. Home

O‘qilishi: /hoʊm/

Tarjima: Bosh sahifa

Misol: "Click here to return to the home page."

2. About Us

O‘qilishi: /əˈbaʊt ʌs/

Tarjima: Biz haqimizda

Misol: "Learn more about us and our mission."

3. Contact

O‘qilishi: /ˈkɒn.tækt/

Tarjima: Aloqa

Misol: "For further information, please contact us."

4. Services

O‘qilishi: /ˈsɜː.vɪ.sɪz/

Tarjima: Xizmatlar

Misol: "We offer a wide range of services to our customers."

5. Products

O‘qilishi: /ˈprɒd.ʌkts/

Tarjima: Mahsulotlar

Misol: "Check out our latest products on sale."

6. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

O‘qilishi: /ˌfækjuː/

Tarjima: Ko‘p so‘raladigan savollar

Misol: "Visit our FAQ section for answers to common questions."

7. Login

O‘qilishi: /ˈlɒg.ɪn/

Tarjima: Tizimga kirish

Misol: "Please login to access your account."

8. Register

O‘qilishi: /ˈredʒ.ɪ.stər/

Tarjima: Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish

Misol: "Register now to get access to exclusive offers."

9. Cart

O‘qilishi: /kɑːrt/

Tarjima: Savat

Misol: "Your cart is currently empty."

10. Checkout

O‘qilishi: /ˈʧɛkˌaʊt/

Tarjima: Xarid qilish

Misol: "Proceed to checkout to complete your purchase."

11. Privacy Policy

O‘qilishi: /ˈprɪvəsi ˈpɒləsi/

Tarjima: Maxfiylik siyosati

Misol: "Please read our privacy policy before using the site."

12. Terms and Conditions

O‘qilishi: /tɜrmz ənd kənˈdɪʃənz/

Tarjima: Shartlar va qoidalar

Misol: "By using this website, you agree to our terms and conditions."

13. Search

O‘qilishi: /sɜːʧ/

Tarjima: Qidirish

Misol: "Search for your desired products using the search bar."

14. Subscribe

O‘qilishi: /səbˈskraɪb/

Tarjima: Obuna bo‘lish

Misol: "Subscribe to our newsletter for the latest updates."

15. Support

O‘qilishi: /səˈpɔːt/

Tarjima: Qo‘llab-quvvatlash

Misol: "Contact our support team for any technical issues."

Ushbu so‘zlar odatda elektron tijorat saytlarida va umumiy internet portallarida keng qo‘llaniladi.

🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️ 

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