English Academy

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, Uzbek
Category: Linguistics

Hoziroq qo'shilish so'rovini yuboring

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Uzbekistan, Uzbek
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Bir qarashda!
  •   At a single glance
  •   At a glance
  •   Both of them are correct
523 votes

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The Pencil's Tale - a story that everyone should hear

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Kim nechta topdi ?

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3.6k 0 5 12 190

Connected with foreign countries, especially those separated from your country bu the sea or ocean.
  •   Oversee
  •   Oversight
  •   Overseas
501 votes

The chances of being successful.
  •   Prospects
  •   Prospector
  •   Project
482 votes

A person who is the first to study and develop a particular area of knowledge, culture, etc.
  •   Prisoner
  •   Prospect
  •   Pioneer
476 votes

A regular amount of money that you earn, usually every week, for work or services.
  •   Salary
  •   Income
  •   Wage
500 votes

To find new people to join a company, an organization, the armed forces, etc.
  •   Recruit
  •   Rectify
  •   Employ
480 votes

A room or space just below the roof of a house, often used for storing things.
  •   Kitchen
  •   Attic
  •   Bathroom
504 votes

Yod oling! Ertaga viktorina test boʻladi. Nasib boʻlsa😇

"Here is the vocabulary from the passage."


🇬🇧Per annum
🇺🇿Yiliga, har yili

🇺🇿Xizmat haqqi (kunlik, haftalik )


🇺🇿Chortoq, tomdagi xona

🇺🇿Ishga jalb qilmoq


🇺🇿Boshlab beruvchi

🇺🇿Ravnaq, oʻsish

🇺🇿Xorij, chet-el

😏Without input, there is no output!


📖 Passage; The Best Recruiting Agents.

😏 Exicise; 1, 2, and 3.

😏Without input, there is no output!


📚 English Through Reading!

😏Without input, there is no output!


😏Without input, there is no output!


PODCAST TV yopiq kanalimiz obunachilaridan iliq fikrlar kelishni boshladi. Biz bundan juda xursandmiz.

Bugun Yopiq kanalga qo'shilish uchun oxirgi imkon.

Qo'shilish: @podcast_tv_admin

Listening darajasi 5.5-7.0 yoki 6.5-7.0 bòlganlar uchun maxsus taklif!

🌟 Podcast tv [B2 & C1] yopiq kanal
📊 Narxi: 99 000  39 000 so'm

PODCAST TV  🌟 yopiq kanali sizni Listening qobilyatingizni 0.5 dan 2.0 ballgacha o'sishiga yordam beradi.

⚠️Chegirma narxi tugashiga 1 soat qoldi

@podcast_tv_admin hoziroq yozing✅

Bugun o'zingizga kiritgan investitsiyangiz.

Kelajakda òzingizga mln barobar bòlib qaytadi

Listening darajasi 3.5-4.0 yoki 4.5-5.0 bòlganlar uchun maxsus taklif!

🌟 Podcast tv [A2 & B1] yopiq kanal
📊 Narxi: 79 000 29 000 so'm

PODCAST TV  🌟 yopiq kanali sizni Listening qobilyatingizni 0.5 dan 2.0 ballgacha o'sishiga yordam beradi.

⚠️Chegirma narxi tugashiga 2 soat qoldi

@podcast_tv_admin hoziroq yozing✅


➡️PODCAST TV [A2 & B1] 29 000

➡️PODCAST TV [B2 & C1] 39 000

Obuna bòlish uchun adminga yozing!

Admin: @podcast_tv_admin


➡️PODCAST TV [A2 & B1] 29 000

➡️PODCAST TV [B2 & C1] 39 000

Obuna bòlish uchun adminga yozing!

Admin: @podcast_tv_admin

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