🗒Basic- oddiy
➡️Example: "My first Nokia phone was basic compared to
today's smartphones, lacking features like touchscreens
and advanced apps."
🗒Serve its purpose asosiy maqsadi uchun xizmat qilmoq ( tel qilish, sms yozish)
➡️Example: "Though my old Nokia could only make calls and
send texts, it served its purpose well for staying
🗒Constantly check- telefoni tekshirish ( telefonga biror xabar kelmadikina deb)
➡️Example: "Due to my online work, I find myself constantly
checking messages and emails on my phone."
🗒Update content - o'zini safifalarini yangilash (post, stories, video, rasm qo'yish)
➡️Example: "I spend a lot of time updating content on social
media to keep my audience engaged."
🗒Reliable phone - ishonchli telefon
➡️Example: "My Samsung Galaxy A12 has been a reliable
phone for the past two years, rarely giving me any
🗒Meets my basic needs - asosiy ehtiyojlarimni qondiradi
➡️Example: "The Galaxy A12 meets my basic needs for
communication and browsing without being overly
🗒Sleek design - zamomaviy va chiroyli dizayn
➡️Example: "I appreciate the sleek design of my Samsung
phone; it looks modern and sophisticated."
🗒Easy to use - User-friendly = ishlatishga oson
➡️Example: "The interface of my Samsung phone is intuitive
and easy to use, even for someone not tech-savvy."
🗒High-resolution camera -yasxhi kemara
➡️Example: "An iPhone is appealing to me because of its high-resolution camera, perfect for capturing crisp
🗒Quality camera - sifatli rasmlar yoki videolar oladigan kamera
➡️Example: "I prioritize phones with a quality camera
because I enjoy photography and want my pictures to look
🗒Overall performance - umumiy ishlashi
➡️Example: "iPhones are renowned for their overall
performance, offering smooth operation and fast
🗒User experience -foydalanuvchilar tajribasi
➡️Example: "Many people praise the user experience of
iPhones, citing their simplicity and reliability."
🗒Run various apps - har xil ilovalardan foydalanish
➡️Example: "My Samsung phone allows me to run various apps
for productivity, entertainment, and communication."
🗒Quality of the camera - kameraning sifati
➡️Example: "When choosing a new phone, I prioritize the
quality of the camera over other specifications."
🗒Advanced apps -mukammal ilovalar
➡️Example: "Today's smartphones offer a wide range of
advanced apps for productivity, gaming, and multimedia."
🗒Touchscreens and advanced apps - sensrli ekran va mukammal ilovalar
➡️Example: "Older Nokia phones lacked touchscreens and
advanced apps, unlike today's smartphones."
🗒Stay connected - gaplashib turish, aqloda qolish
➡️Example: "My old Nokia phone helped me stay connected
with friends and family through calls and texts."
🗒Tech-savvy - texnologiyani yaxshi tushunadigan
➡️Example: "While I'm not particularly tech-savvy, I appreciate
phones that are easy to use and don't require a steep
learning curve.
➡️Example: "My first Nokia phone was basic compared to
today's smartphones, lacking features like touchscreens
and advanced apps."
🗒Serve its purpose asosiy maqsadi uchun xizmat qilmoq ( tel qilish, sms yozish)
➡️Example: "Though my old Nokia could only make calls and
send texts, it served its purpose well for staying
🗒Constantly check- telefoni tekshirish ( telefonga biror xabar kelmadikina deb)
➡️Example: "Due to my online work, I find myself constantly
checking messages and emails on my phone."
🗒Update content - o'zini safifalarini yangilash (post, stories, video, rasm qo'yish)
➡️Example: "I spend a lot of time updating content on social
media to keep my audience engaged."
🗒Reliable phone - ishonchli telefon
➡️Example: "My Samsung Galaxy A12 has been a reliable
phone for the past two years, rarely giving me any
🗒Meets my basic needs - asosiy ehtiyojlarimni qondiradi
➡️Example: "The Galaxy A12 meets my basic needs for
communication and browsing without being overly
🗒Sleek design - zamomaviy va chiroyli dizayn
➡️Example: "I appreciate the sleek design of my Samsung
phone; it looks modern and sophisticated."
🗒Easy to use - User-friendly = ishlatishga oson
➡️Example: "The interface of my Samsung phone is intuitive
and easy to use, even for someone not tech-savvy."
🗒High-resolution camera -yasxhi kemara
➡️Example: "An iPhone is appealing to me because of its high-resolution camera, perfect for capturing crisp
🗒Quality camera - sifatli rasmlar yoki videolar oladigan kamera
➡️Example: "I prioritize phones with a quality camera
because I enjoy photography and want my pictures to look
🗒Overall performance - umumiy ishlashi
➡️Example: "iPhones are renowned for their overall
performance, offering smooth operation and fast
🗒User experience -foydalanuvchilar tajribasi
➡️Example: "Many people praise the user experience of
iPhones, citing their simplicity and reliability."
🗒Run various apps - har xil ilovalardan foydalanish
➡️Example: "My Samsung phone allows me to run various apps
for productivity, entertainment, and communication."
🗒Quality of the camera - kameraning sifati
➡️Example: "When choosing a new phone, I prioritize the
quality of the camera over other specifications."
🗒Advanced apps -mukammal ilovalar
➡️Example: "Today's smartphones offer a wide range of
advanced apps for productivity, gaming, and multimedia."
🗒Touchscreens and advanced apps - sensrli ekran va mukammal ilovalar
➡️Example: "Older Nokia phones lacked touchscreens and
advanced apps, unlike today's smartphones."
🗒Stay connected - gaplashib turish, aqloda qolish
➡️Example: "My old Nokia phone helped me stay connected
with friends and family through calls and texts."
🗒Tech-savvy - texnologiyani yaxshi tushunadigan
➡️Example: "While I'm not particularly tech-savvy, I appreciate
phones that are easy to use and don't require a steep
learning curve.