Zafar Sobitov🪐

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, Uzbek
Category: Linguistics

This channel is run by Zafar Sobitov with IELTS 8
English teacher
Bachelor at UzSWLU
Master at UzSWLU
Group 💬 :
📚Library: @libaryof (free library)

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🥳🎂0 dan B2 gacha

O’tgan oy olishgan edi bu oy qo’ydim

🥳🎂0 dan B2 gacha

😎Map writing task 1 osh bo'lsin

map zafar sobitov (1).pdf
😎Map writing task 1 osh bo'lsin

🪐X was built, which resulted in the disappearance of Y

nimadir qurildi nimadirni buzish natijasida

🪐A shop was built which resulted in the disappearance of an old theatre

🪐Where X stood, there is now Y or
There is now Y, where X stood

oldin nimadir bo’lgan joyda hozir nimadir bor

🪐There is now a shop, where an old theatre stood

🪐X has/had gone and in its place is/was Y

nimadir buzildi va o’rniga nimadir qurildi

🪐An old theatre had gone and in its place was a shop

🪐X is in(place), which was
previously occupied by Y

oldinlari nimadir bo’lgan joyda hozir nimadir bor

🪐A shop is in the north of town , which was previously occupied by and old theatre.

🔤🔤🔠🔤🔠🔠🔠🔠 quyidagi pdf larda⤵️⤵️⤵️

Allohga qancha yaqin bo’lsangiz u sizga shuncha ko’p berar ekan. Nasib qilmadimi demak sizni hali xaylisi kutyapti

Nima uchun bunday deyapman. Yillar oldin jahon tillariga kirolmadim . Keyin kirdim univeritetni qizil bilan tugatdim.

Shu kungacha kanalda biror marta kurs ochyapman deb e’lon bermadim. Har safar e’lon bermasdan avval o’zimizda ham shaharda ( Toshkentda ) ham student to’lib turgan bo’ladi sig’may qoladi studentlar.

Men bir paytlar juda ko’p xavotir olardim . O’zim xohlagan teaching ni bitirdim lekin davlat oyligi yetarmikan menda writing 7 speaking 7,5 studentlar kelarmikan kursimga deb. Lekin rizq Allohdan ekan. Men ming shukur aytaman.

Yaqinda bir insonni juda yaqin olgan ekanman akam, jigarim deb vaqt o’tib u meni boshimdan o’tgan yomom kunlarni o’zimga qarshi ishlatdi. Aytganimga pushayman yedim. Ular nimadir qayta-qayta so’raganda men ularga ezmalanmang demadim ular menga ezmasiz deb yomon gaplar gapirdi. Tushindimki bu inson bilan uzoqlashishim kerak ekan.

Shaxsiy hayotimni, qancha pul topishimni , kasaligimni har doim sir saqlaganman lekin o’sha kuni kanalga yozdim .

Sizga ham bir narsani aytoqchiman. Hayotingizda nimadir bo’ldimi uni yaxshilikka yoying ; Allohdan so’rashdan to’xtamang sajdada va harakatda bo’ling. Alloh sizga so’raganingizni ortig’i bilan beradi.

line graph_merged_organized.pdf
🗒Line graph yoqqan bo'lsa reaction qoldirishni unutmang

🗒True, false, not given

Element (word)

➡️True: agar question da berilgan har bir ma’lumot passage bilan bir xil berilgan bo’lsa

➡️False: question da berilgan biror element passage da qarama-qarshi ma’noda berilgan bo’lsa⤵️

Question: All students in class know English

Passage: Most students in class know English

🟣All va most bir-biriga qarma-qarshi

➡️Not given: question da berilgan biror element passage da berilmagan bo’lsa⤵️

Question: Ali ate a red apple

Passage : Ali ate an apple

🟣Question dagi red passage da berilmagan

😎Ko’proq tushuntirib beraymi true, false, not given ni reaction qoldiring

Bugun men -Zafar Sobitov- sizga listening dan 8,5 olishga yordam bergan podcastlarni bo’lishmoqchiman

Endi listening ni boshlagan paytlar⤵️⤵️⤵️

🗒6 minutes English

🗒ESL cafe


🗒All english





kabilarni eshitardik

🗒Keyin yuqoiroq level ga chiqishim uchun ingliz tili o’rganuvchilari uchun emas balki inglizlar uchun qilingan podcastlarni eshtishni boshladim. Bu podcastlar menga authentic ya’ni native lar ishlatadigan vocabulary yig’ishga yordam berdi.⤵️⤵️⤵️

🗒Chris Williamson




🗒The Diary Of A CEO


🗒Jimmy Kimmel Live


🗒The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon




🗒Mel Robbinson


Video is unavailable for watching
Show in Telegram
Jigarim @mrAmericano dan

🗒to lift one’s spirits- kafiyatni ko’tarmoq

➡️Whenever I feel down, singing a cheerful song liftd my spirits

🗒to bring a smile to someone’s face- yuzga tabassum olib keladi

➡️A beautiful song brings a smile to my face

🗒to sing along- birga kuylash

➡️During the concert, I like to sing along with Bellie

🗒to make people dance- raqsaga tushiradi

➡️Music makes people dance

🗒artistically inclined- artsitlik qobilayge ega bo’lish

➡️My mum is artistically inclined and she loves singing

🗒to sing my heart out- yurakdan kuylash

➡️Whenever I am alone, I sing my heart out to reliev stress

🗒to pursue a singing career- qo’shiqchilik koreyasini davom ettirish

➡️I am considering pursuing a singing career

🗒to aspire to be a singer- qo’shiqchi bo’lishga xohishi bo’lish

➡️I’ve always aspired to be a singer

🗒to sing in the shower- dushda kuylash

➡️I enjoy singing in the shower

🗒lucrative job= dardomadli ish

➡️Many successful singers have turned their passion into a lucrative job , earning well through album sales and performances

Mobile Phone Dependency (2).pdf
😎Shu article ichidan speaking app dagi mobile phones mavzusi uchun vocabulary terib oldik.

Article o’qish faqatgina reading uchun emas , balki task 2 uchun idea olishga va vocabulary o’rganishga ham ancha yordam beradi😉

🗒Basic- oddiy

➡️Example: "My first Nokia phone was basic compared to
today's smartphones, lacking features like touchscreens
and advanced apps."

🗒Serve its purpose asosiy maqsadi uchun xizmat qilmoq ( tel qilish, sms yozish)

➡️Example: "Though my old Nokia could only make calls and
send texts, it served its purpose well for staying

🗒Constantly check- telefoni tekshirish ( telefonga biror xabar kelmadikina deb)

➡️Example: "Due to my online work, I find myself constantly
checking messages and emails on my phone."

🗒Update content - o'zini safifalarini yangilash (post, stories, video, rasm qo'yish)

➡️Example: "I spend a lot of time updating content on social
media to keep my audience engaged."

🗒Reliable phone - ishonchli telefon

➡️Example: "My Samsung Galaxy A12 has been a reliable
phone for the past two years, rarely giving me any

🗒Meets my basic needs - asosiy ehtiyojlarimni qondiradi

➡️Example: "The Galaxy A12 meets my basic needs for
communication and browsing without being overly

🗒Sleek design - zamomaviy va chiroyli dizayn

➡️Example: "I appreciate the sleek design of my Samsung
phone; it looks modern and sophisticated."

🗒Easy to use - User-friendly = ishlatishga oson

➡️Example: "The interface of my Samsung phone is intuitive
and easy to use, even for someone not tech-savvy."

🗒High-resolution camera -yasxhi kemara

➡️Example: "An iPhone is appealing to me because of its high-resolution camera, perfect for capturing crisp

🗒Quality camera - sifatli rasmlar yoki videolar oladigan kamera

➡️Example: "I prioritize phones with a quality camera
because I enjoy photography and want my pictures to look

🗒Overall performance - umumiy ishlashi

➡️Example: "iPhones are renowned for their overall
performance, offering smooth operation and fast

🗒User experience -foydalanuvchilar tajribasi
➡️Example: "Many people praise the user experience of
iPhones, citing their simplicity and reliability."

🗒Run various apps - har xil ilovalardan foydalanish

➡️Example: "My Samsung phone allows me to run various apps
for productivity, entertainment, and communication."

🗒Quality of the camera - kameraning sifati

➡️Example: "When choosing a new phone, I prioritize the
quality of the camera over other specifications."

🗒Advanced apps -mukammal ilovalar

➡️Example: "Today's smartphones offer a wide range of
advanced apps for productivity, gaming, and multimedia."

🗒Touchscreens and advanced apps - sensrli ekran va mukammal ilovalar

➡️Example: "Older Nokia phones lacked touchscreens and
advanced apps, unlike today's smartphones."

🗒Stay connected - gaplashib turish, aqloda qolish

➡️Example: "My old Nokia phone helped me stay connected
with friends and family through calls and texts."

🗒Tech-savvy - texnologiyani yaxshi tushunadigan

➡️Example: "While I'm not particularly tech-savvy, I appreciate
phones that are easy to use and don't require a steep
learning curve.

😎Topic vocabulary for “Social media”

🗒more than I should-keragidan ko’proq

➡️I spend time on social media more than I should.

🗒To stay connected: Kim bilandir aloqada bo'lib turmoq

➡️Social media became a way to stay connected with friends.

🗒To share updates: O'zingiz yo hayotingizdagi yangiliklarni bo'lishish

➡️I share updates every day on instagram

🗒To scroll through feeds: Tepadan pastga qilib postlarni ko'rish

➡️Whenever I am free from my work, I scroll through feeds on instagram

🗒To get carried away: Ichiga kirib ketish

➡️"It's easy to get carried away with all the interesting

🗒To post updates: Ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda yangliklarni post qilish

➡️I do lots of things on social media, ranging from posting updates about their lives to making new

🗒Stay informed: Yangiliklardan xabardor bo'lish

➡️I use social media to stay informed about current

🗒User-friendly: Foydalanishga oson, qulay

➡️Telegram is quite popular because it's user-friendly and

😊Asliddin eski studentlardan

✅Idea developing

Siz studentsiz lekin writing yozyotganda hamma bo’lib : doctor, lawayer , teacher, economist , technician kerak bo'lsa grandfather bo’lib o’ylab ko’rishligiz kerak ya’ni quyidagi prespective lardan


🤔Bu nima degani aytaylik essayingiz quyidagi mavzu haqida :

➡️Some people believe that children should start their formal education at 7, others think before 7

💣7 yoshda

➡️Doctor lar aytadiki: 7 yoshda maktabni boshlasa bolalar mentally va physically tayyor bo’lishidi . 7 yoshdan oldin esa yo’q .

💣7 yoshdan oldin

➡️Economist lar aytadiki: 7 yoshdan oldin bolalar maktabni bitirsa ular peer lariga nisbatan maktabni ertaroq bitirshadi va career larni vaqtliroq boshlashadi

20 last posts shown.