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The majority of students practice just questions, but 90% of the prepared questions will not be asked by the examiner! That's why it's way more efficient to prepare for the type of questions for parts 1, 2 and 3. And, when you are asked that sort of question, you will definitely be ready. Because you have a structure. And the structured speech is another level!

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Dear students
I apologize that our speaking lesson on Thursday is canceled for some reasons. Do all the homework that you have to do till Saturday. Thanks

Ingliz tilidagi Cohesive Devices haqida qisqacha qo‘llanma! ✨

Matnlaringizni ravon va bog‘langan holda yozish uchun quyidagi bog‘lovchi vositalardan foydalaning:

📌 Adding – qo‘shimcha ma’lumot berish
📌 Sequencing – voqealar ketma-ketligini ifodalash
📌 Emphasizing – muhim jihatlarni ta’kidlash
📌 Contrasting – qarama-qarshi fikrlarni keltirish
📌 Comparing – o‘xshashliklarni ko‘rsatish
📌 Cause and Effect – sabab va natijani bog‘lash

Rasmdan foydalanib tushunchalaringizni mustahkamlab oling! 📖


A brief guide to answering the questions asked. I am not a teacher, but I tried my best.

Tips to improve Speaking skills.pdf
Tips to improve IELTS speaking skills !!!

Assignments :

1. Shadowing

2. Vocabularies from city life collocations to countryside collocations here

3. I will send all of the range questions. I will check your homework one by one.

Speakingda eng ko'p duch keladigan muammolaringiz , izohda yozib qoldiring !!!

You really need this

IELTS Vocabulary Masterclass Book 2 PDF by IELTSXpress.pdf
📗IELTS Vocabulary MasterClass


We have a speaking lesson at 2 o'clock. Be ready for it

Location: Prime ta'lim (Yuksalish)
Room : C
Teacher: Ozoda Nizomova
Speaking score : 7 (real exam)

How to Improve Your Fluency in English ? Read all the guides

🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢 🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢

➡️Hit the books - to study hard.
I have a big test next week, so I need to hit the books.

➡️A piece of cake - very easy
The interview was a piece of cake. I was well-prepared.

➡️Once in a blue moon - very rarely
I only go to the cinema once in a blue moon.

➡️Break the ice - to start a (conversation)
At the party, we played a game to break the ice.

➡️Under the weather - feeling ill
I was feeling a bit under the weather yesterday.


Speaking Part 2 Real Exam Question - B2+ Level Sample response.

1. Describe a time when you faced a challenge.
2. How did this challenge impact your life?
3. Do you think challenges are important for humans?

One time I faced a big challenge was during my final year at university. I had to complete a group project for my economics course, but unfortunately, two of my group members dropped out just a week before the deadline. I was left with only one partner, and we had to finish the entire project on our own. The project was very detailed, and it required us to analyze a lot of data and write a long report. At first, I felt stressed and even thought about giving up, but then I decided to divide the tasks with my partner and work extra hours to complete it on time.

This challenge had a significant impact on my life. It taught me how to manage my time better and how to stay calm in difficult situations. I also learned to depend on myself and not to give up when things get hard. In the end, we managed to submit the project, and surprisingly, we got a good grade. That moment boosted my confidence because I realized I could handle pressure and overcome obstacles.

I think challenges are very important for humans. They help us grow and improve our skills. Without challenges, life would be too easy, and we wouldn’t learn anything new. For example, when we face problems, we become more creative and find new solutions. Challenges also make us stronger and prepare us for future difficulties. So, even though they can be hard, I believe they are necessary for personal growth and success.

- Just Read, Listen and Learn!

👍Join: @AbrorRahmatullayev

Exercise: Fill in the missing linking words

Students should complete the sentences with words like because, although, however, for example, in my opinion, etc.

1. I enjoy reading books, __ I don’t always have enough time for it.

2. I prefer coffee over tea __ it gives me more energy in the morning.

3. I like traveling to new places. __, my favorite destination so far has been Japan.

4. I usually wake up early __ I can have a productive morning.

5. My hometown is quite small, __ it has everything I need.

6. I don’t watch TV often __ I spend most of my free time on social media.

7. I love winter sports, __ I’m not very good at skiing.

8. I try to eat healthy food __ sometimes I can’t resist eating fast food.

9. My weekend routine is simple. __, I wake up late and spend time with my family.

10. I always carry an umbrella __ the weather here is unpredictable.

11. I prefer studying in the morning __ I feel more focused at that time.

12. I enjoy cooking, __ I’m not very skilled at making complicated dishes.

13. I listen to music every day __ it helps me relax after work.

14. I don’t like crowded places. __, I prefer going to small cafés instead of big shopping malls.

15. My best friend and I are very different. __, she loves adventure while I prefer staying home.

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