25 Feb, 22:21
25 Feb, 15:07
25 Feb, 05:41
One man's inconvenience is another's joy
23 Feb, 11:35
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it" that's my motto
21 Feb, 23:10
21 Feb, 15:51
19 Feb, 11:56
What would you do if you were shrunk down to the size of a nickel and put into a blender; the blades start spinning after 60 seconds?
17 Feb, 12:57
15 Feb, 23:16
15 Feb, 22:40
15 Feb, 12:05
He who has a Why to live for can bear almost any How - Nietzsche
14 Feb, 19:49
14 Feb, 15:10
11 Feb, 20:31
11 Feb, 20:30
Stickers can't exceed 3 seconds, limited by Telegram
11 Feb, 18:14
10 Feb, 08:20
9 Feb, 20:44
9 Feb, 13:32
.gitignore file is used in a git repository to ignore the files and directories which are unnecessary to project this will be ignored by the git once the changes as been committed to the remote repository. The type of files which will gets ignored are the mainly temporary files and the files which should not be versioned.