Dilshod Ismatov | 9.0

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, Uzbek
Category: Linguistics

-Founder&CEO of ELITES LC(since 2020).
-A lifelong learner!
My IELTS records:
16 exams
Listening 9x12 times
Reading 9x9 times back-to-back
Speaking 9.0x1
Writing 8.0x2
Writing 7.5x6
Speaking 8.5x2
Overall 8.5x6
Overall 9.0x1=10.12.2024

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Channel's geo and language
Uzbekistan, Uzbek
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The lesson starts from this post!

757 0 0 12 12

This is a new addition to my lessons! I have recently started to cover a topic with my students each day online. First I make some videos explaining new words and students must watch them and note down new words. Then, they do exercises, watch the video, and read the article. Next lesson, we will analyze everything and I see how well they learnt these words.

I am sending an example of the topic about Crime! If you all do these until Sunday night, we will organize a chat and try to activate these words with writing and speaking questions. If there is at least one subscriber who tries to do all these tasks, then I will have achieved my aim!

Happy Ramadan!

an authentic video. Watch it and learn new words.


The cafe helping prisoners escape a life of crime
A former prisoner is enjoying his first festive period at home in years, after working in a cafe helped him to earn his freedom.

Lee Jack was serving a prison sentence for his involvement in drugs and organised crime, before being granted parole earlier in December this year.

In the months before his release, he'd been one of the staff members at Rascals Cafe in Perth, which is run by a social enterprise helping people with troubled pasts turn their lives around.

Video by Morgan Spence and Angela Carr

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Crime vocabulary part 2.

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Crime vocabulary

Mock exam registration will close tomorrow evening at 7pm!

Kim gapirganda shunday vahima bosib qoladi? Hayajonlanib?

Commentda shu stikerni qoldiramiz: 😨

873 0 0 15 21

This is part of a slide that I prepared sometime ago for my lessons. If you look at this skill as something fun and enjoyable, you should make much more progress.

Also, do not set very high expectations for yourself. It is natural to make mistakes. Communication, not perfection, should be your aim.

‼️Mock exam registration post‼️
16 March, Sunday. at 1pm

🟢Ushbu mock exam 2 xil tartibda o'tkaziladi:

🗓date: 16 March

MOCK exam matriallari real exam da tushgan va 100% authentic matriallardan foydalaniladi📌✅

●Mock examda listeningda imtihon naushniklaridan foydaliniladi
●Exam natijalari 3 kunda beriladi
●Haqiqiy real exam atmosphere
MOCK EXAM narxlari quyidagicha:

🔴FULL MOCK narxi:120.000
(markazimizda o'qiyotgan o'quvchilar uchun:80.000)
🔴MINI MOCK narxi:70.000
(markazimizda o'qiyotgan o'quvchilar uchun:40.000)

To`lovlar faqat karta orqali qabul qilinadi:



⚠️Joyingizni band qilmoqchi bo'lsangiz ushbu akkauntga "mock" deb yozib qoldiring:


How is this new look?

An article about Khusanov’s last performance.pdf
I made a list of new words from this article!

1k 0 16 1 21

Good night, Warriors! I want to thank those who participated the lesson till the end! Real fighters, no non-sense!

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