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Writingda ishlatish uchun Formal PHRASES β
In light of - Yuzasidan
It is widely believed that - Koβpchilik tomonidan ishoniladi
There is no denying that - Shubhasiz, inkor etib boβlmaydi
A growing body of evidence suggests - Tobora koβpayib borayotgan dalillar shuni koβrsatmoqda
To some extent - Maβlum darajada
It is often argued that - Koβpincha aytiladiki
In stark contrast to - Butunlay teskari
It goes without saying that - Oβz-oβzidan tushunarliki
A case in point is - Bunga misol
Given the fact that - Shuni hisobga olganda
From my perspective - Mening nuqtai nazarimdan
It is worth mentioning that - Taβkidlash joizki
By the same token - Xuddi shu maβnoda
In the long run - Uzoq muddatda
Contrary to popular belief
On the contrary - Aksincha
It stands to reason that - Mantiqan olganda
In this regard - Shu munosabat bilan
A notable example is - Eβtiborga loyiq misol
With this in mind - Shuni yodda tutgan holda
β€οΈRAXMAT aytmoqchi bo'lsangiz shu postga 100ta π³π³ kit bosamiz
Writingda ishlatish uchun Formal PHRASES β
In light of - Yuzasidan
It is widely believed that - Koβpchilik tomonidan ishoniladi
There is no denying that - Shubhasiz, inkor etib boβlmaydi
A growing body of evidence suggests - Tobora koβpayib borayotgan dalillar shuni koβrsatmoqda
To some extent - Maβlum darajada
It is often argued that - Koβpincha aytiladiki
In stark contrast to - Butunlay teskari
It goes without saying that - Oβz-oβzidan tushunarliki
A case in point is - Bunga misol
Given the fact that - Shuni hisobga olganda
From my perspective - Mening nuqtai nazarimdan
It is worth mentioning that - Taβkidlash joizki
By the same token - Xuddi shu maβnoda
In the long run - Uzoq muddatda
Contrary to popular belief
On the contrary - Aksincha
It stands to reason that - Mantiqan olganda
In this regard - Shu munosabat bilan
A notable example is - Eβtiborga loyiq misol
With this in mind - Shuni yodda tutgan holda
β€οΈRAXMAT aytmoqchi bo'lsangiz shu postga 100ta π³π³ kit bosamiz