Ilm-fan olamida yetakchi bo‘lishni xohlaysizmi? Yoki raqamli iqtisodiyot rivojiga o‘z hissangizni qo‘shmoqchimisiz? UDEA sizni PhD va DSc tadqiqot dasturlariga taklif etadi! 🚀 📚 Ochilgan ixtisosliklar:
– 08.00.07 – "Moliya, pul muomalasi va kredit"
– 08.00.16 – "Raqamli iqtisodiyot va xalqaro raqamli integratsiya".
Kimlar qabul qilinadi? - Magistrlik diplomiga ega bo‘lganlar va
- Ilmiy maqola va tezis mualliflari.
Arizalar qabul muddati: 2025-yil 15-yanvar – 15-fevral 💡
Nega aynan UDEA? - Tadqiqotlarni yuqori darajada qo’llab-quvvatlovchi muhit;
- Xalqaro hamkorlik va global imkoniyatlar;
- O‘zbekistonning raqamli rivojlanishiga hissa qo‘shish imkoniyati.
Bu sizning ilm-fandagi muvaffaqiyatli yo‘lingiz boshlanishi bo‘lishi mumkin! 😉
UDEA – Biz yorqin kelajakka yo'llanma beramiz!
Do you aspire to become a leader in the world of science? Or contribute to the growth of the digital economy?
UDEA invites you to join its PhD and DSc research programs! 🚀
Available Specializations: – 08.00.07 – "Finance, Monetary Circulation, and Credit"
– 08.00.16 – "Digital Economy and International Digital Integration"
Who Can Apply? - Holders of a master’s degree;
- Authors of scientific articles and theses.
Application Deadline: January 15, 2025 – February 15, 2025
Why UDEA? - A supportive environment to enhance research at the highest level;
- International collaborations and global opportunities;
- A chance to contribute to Uzbekistan’s digital development.
This could be the start of your successful journey in research and innovation! 😉
🎓 UDEA - We guide you to a brighter future!🌐
For more details: 📞 78-888-08-00 | 🌍