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#writingtask2 #classwork #31minutes

Nowadays, many people are willing to relocate to a different country in search of a better life or education. There are clearly numerous benefits of doing this such as outlook improvement and financial independence. However, we should not forget the disadvantages including but not limited to homesickness and language barrier.

Let’s start by discussing the benefits. One of the most significant positive aspects of moving overseas can be an enormous development in the way you think. Well, when you move to a foreign country you have to leave your friends and family behind and have to deal with your problems by yourself. Living alone and being responsible for yourself includes a lot of financial planning and calculation for the future to be able to correctly allocate your budget. On top of that, you have to achieve a high level of thinking clearly and making good decisions as well as develop a much better time management in order to pay your bills in time and meet your own demands. All of this could potentially make a person more rounded and more intelligent in the long run. For example, a friend of mine who just came back from the USA visited my house a couple of weeks ago and when I had a face-to-face conversation with him, I have noticed a drastic increase in his outlook.

Another plus point may definitely be the immense amount of financial gain. When we are deciding where to relocate to, we tend to choose a far more developed country than ours for obvious reasons. So, clearly, the average payment of an ordinary worker for a month could be much higher and when any migrant starts working, they can gain more financial wealth and eventually become a financially independent person. Let’s take my classmate Sardor as an example. He is currently in Dubai and only after being employed there for 1.5 years, he has already managed to purchase a private vehicle and even saved some money.

Having said that, there are obvious drawbacks of relocation for living or studying and homesickness is undoubtedly among those. It is a major problem especially among the migrant students as they are still young and at a time in their life when they still have not figured out how to manage living alone and away from their family. A neighbor of mine who dropped out from his university in South Korea and returned to his homeland told me that it was really hard for him to concentrate on his studies while struggling with homesickness as well as feelings of depression.

Second most frequent major drawback can be the language barrier. It creates many other problems, which in turn can cause various other disadvantages. Not knowing the language could potentially hinder one’s ability to get a job and earn money. Besides that, it also prevents you from making new friends and finding your place in the community. All of these aspects, when combined together might lead to a feeling of isolation. Many people have to go back to their own country as these problems are very often too overwhelming for one person to overcome.

In conclusion, although moving abroad can offer several benefits such as a sharp rise in your outlook and perspective along with the potential to become financially successful, it also has its negative aspects like homesickness and language barrier, the latter of which can bring about other unforeseen challenges including the inability to get a high-paid job, make new friends or feel that you are an inseparable part of a community.

Band 8.0-8.5

#writingtask2 #classwork #31minutes

✍️ T. Isroilov

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Xona tozalanishi shartmi?
  •   Does the room need to clean?
  •   Need the room cleaned?
  •   Does the room need cleaning?
72 votes

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Agar olovga tegsang, u kuydiradi.
  •   If you touch fire, it will burn
  •   If you touched fire, it would burn
  •   If you touch fire, it burns
71 votes


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Bilim olishga eng katta to'siq nima?

Yuqoridagi izohni qoldirgan bu darslarimiz qatnashchisi - o'zlari ham ingliz tilidan dars beradila.

Ustozlik qilib turganda boshqa ustozga borib bilimizni oshirishga harakat qilish bu sizdagi kibr va manmanlikni sindira olganizni belgisi hisoblanadi. Ba'zida o'ziz maktab-litseyda yoki universitetda dars berib turgan o'quvchilariz bilan bir guruhda o'qishizga to'g'ri kelishi ham mumkin, albatta.

Bizga juda ko'plab ustozlar kursga qatnashish maqsadida murojaat qilib turishadi va ba'zilari alohida o'qishni xoxlashadi. Bunga sababni so'ralganda "guruhizda o'zim dars beradiganlar bo'lishi mumkin" degan javob odatga aylandi. Bundan tashqari ma'lum natija chiqqanda buni e'lon qilmasligimizni ham iltimos qiladiganlar kam emas. Yana masala borib "balimdan uyalaman" degan gapga taqaladi va biz shu sababli ko'plab natijalarimizni e'lon qila olmaymiz.

Izohni qoldirgan Nargiza ustozda esa biz shu holda yosh o'quvchilardan uyalishni, yokida bilmaganlarini tan olishda ikkilanishni sezmaganmiz. Darslarda yosh o'quvchilar bilan qatnashishlariga to'g'ri kelsada, o'zlarini juda qulay his qilgan holda, kibr alomatlarisiz, ustozga boshqa yosh o'rganuvchilar kabi yoki undanda yuqori darajadagi bo'ysinish bilan o'rnakli qatnashar edilar.

Gapni post kallasini aytkanda, ustozdan biz shuni o'rgandik:

Kibr - bilim olishga to'sqinlik qiladi. Kamtarlik esa - insonni kamolotga yetaklaydi.

✍ T. Isroilov

Forward from: Nargiza
Smartda dunyoning eng bilimli,saxiy,oliyjanob teacherlari dars beradida.Sevimli ustozim Tohirjon Isroilovga hamisha tan berganman,bunday aqilli ustozni hech qayerdan topa olmaysizlar.Hech ikkilanmay Tohirjonga kelib oʻqishni barcha ingliz tili oʻrganuvchilariga maslahat beraman.Agar tirishqoqlik bilan qattiq oʻqiy olsangiz albatta Tohirjonga kelib oʻqing.

⚡️⚡️Ruxsat bersalariz guruhimizda bildirilgan kommentlardan birini kanalimizga yuborib, tarixga muxrlab qo'ysak 😍👇



👂Listening: 75
📄Reading: 75

❗️Ma'lumot uchun Multilevelda eng yuqori ball 75

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Who do you think got the score from the Multilevel test?

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#WT2 #classwork

In many parts of the world, an increasing number of people are willing to discover more information about the past of their own accommodation. I believe most want to do this because they want to feel safer and best ways of researching this includes but not limited to accessing the information through local archive offices.

First of all, people want to find out more information about their place of living in order to feel safer and more protected. Nowadays, more natural disasters are taking place such as hurricanes, earthquakes, floods and so on. These obviously pose a great threat to the condition of the houses and accommodations across the whole of the affected area and because of building not being strong enough to withstand the disasters, people are seriously injured and some are even losing their lives. So, living in a strong and sound building or a house would definitely protect us from such dangers and that is why, modern people want to know more about the materials that were used in the construction process, what methods were used, what level of earthquake the house can withstand and so on.

In order to access information about the history of any building, visiting archive offices and enquiring would suffice. Even in my town, we have got one that stores all the information about buildings, factories and any other constructed structures. So, doing this is the best way of researching. Besides that, asking from the elderly of the area can also come in handy. The elderly of a certain place can sometimes provide even more information about the construction of an accommodation than archive offices as they may have been the eye-witnesses of the process.

In conclusion, I believe more people are interested in learning more about the background of the building they are living in and main reason for that is the safety concerns especially in times of natural catastrophes and the quickest way of getting this information could be checking out the historical documents available in local archive offices.

- 14 minutes
- #classwork
- 7.0 - according to chatGPT



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👨‍💻 Tohir Isroilov
✅ 5 yillik tajriba egasi
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✅ IELTS 8.0

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Forward from: Mardon's Blog | IELTS 8.5
Stress, after all, is not all bad. In fact, lack of stress can mean lack of progress.

Bugun IELTS kursimizdagi o'quvchilarni jazosini bir silagayam ko'rsatkim keldi.

Yangi shiorimiz:

Yo bizni kursimizdan ingliz tilingni kuchaytirib chiqib ketasan, yoki kachok bo'lib, muskulingni kuchaytirib chiqib ketasan.

❗️Abduqodir Husonov "Manchester Siti" klubidan qancha pul olishi e'lon qilindi

⭕ Yiliga — 47 milliard so‘m.

⭕ Oyiga — 3 milliard 9 mln so‘m.

⭕ Haftasiga — 904 mln so‘m.

⭕ Kuniga — 128 mln 800 ming so‘m.

⭕ Soatiga (hatto uxlab ham) — 5 mln 366 ming so‘m pul topadi.

Yaxshi pul topish uchun ingliz tilini o'rganing. Ingliz tilini yaxshi o'rganish uchun mana bu o'quv markazni tavsiya qilaman.

⚡Abduqodir Husonov "Manchester City"da yiliga 3.5 million yevro ishlab topadigan bo‘ldi.

Bu kuniga 10 ming dollardan to‘g‘ri keladi, kuniga bittadan Kobalt 🤑

Hammaga nasib qilsin, omadini bersin Abduqodirni!

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