Tashkent Metropolitan University

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, English
Category: Education

Tashkent Metropolitan University
Undergraduate programs in art and humanities, business and engineering.
Website: www.tmuni.org
Facebook: fb.com/tmuniuz
Instagram: instagram.com/tmuniuz
Phone: + 998 71 200 01 23
E-mail: info@tmuni.org

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Forward from: Bekhzod Djalilov
🎮 Oʻz o‘yingizni yarating va $25,000 yutib oling! 🎮

🚀 Tashkent Metropolitan University sizni 8 oylik Game Development Accelerator dasturiga taklif qiladi! Yakka tartibda ishlang, oʻyin gʻoyalaringizni haqiqatga aylantiring va $25,000 mukofot uchun kurashing!

💡 Nega qoʻshilishingiz kerak?
• Oʻyin dizayni, dasturlash va hikoya yaratishni mutaxassislardan oʻrganing.
• Oʻz oʻyiningizni boshidan oxirigacha yarating.
• Eng yaxshi loyiha uchun $25,000 mukofotni yutib oling!

🕹️ Joylar cheklangan – vaqtni boy bermang!
📩 Hoziroq ariza bering va oʻz safaringizni boshlang!
👉 @tmunibot

Bu imkoniyatni boy bermang – sizning oʻyiningiz navbatdagi hit boʻlishi mumkin!

#GameDevAccelerator #ToshkentUniversiteti #Win25K #GameDevelopment

Game Dev HQ, a leading hub for aspiring game developers, is partnering with Tashkent Metropolitan University (TMU) to enhance opportunities for students in game development. Led by Jonathan Weinberger, the CEO, Game Dev HQ aims to transform Tashkent into the Silicon Valley of Central Asia. The new campus will feature cutting-edge facilities, including co-working spaces, and provide personalized one-on-one support, helping students gain the necessary skills for successful careers in game development.


A Day in the Life at Tashkent Metropolitan University | TMU Campus Tour & Student Life

🌟 Welcome to Tashkent Metropolitan University! 🌟

Curious about what it’s like to study at TMU? In this video, we take you on a journey through our vibrant campus, modern classrooms, and dynamic student life.

From engaging lectures and cutting-edge facilities to exciting extracurricular activities, TMU is more than just a university – it’s a community!

💡 Ready to be part of this amazing journey?
📞 Visit our website to learn more about admissions:

🎮 Learn. Create. Innovate.

Your dream career in technology starts with TMU’s Computer Science Program with GameDevHQ!

🔥 What makes our program special?
💼 Paid Internships – Real-world experience with top tech companies.
🎯 Future-Proof Skills – Programming, game development, and software engineering tailored for today’s tech needs.
🌟 Inspiration from Legends – Did you know Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg started with game development? Follow their footsteps!
🌐 Beyond Gaming – Apply your skills to industries like film, automotive, architecture, and the metaverse.

💻 Take the first step toward a bright future in tech!
👉 Apply now and turn your passion into a profession!
#TMU #ComputerScience #GameDevelopment #TechCareers #StudyInTashkent #Innovation

Jonathan Weinberger, the founder of GameDevHQ, is launching a new academy at Tashkent Metropolitan University. This initiative will provide state-of-the-art facilities and specialized training for individuals pursuing careers in game development and software engineering, contributing to the local tech talent pool.


⚡️Tashkent Metropolitan universitetidan

IELTS sertifikati bor abituriyentlarga 1-semestr uchun 100% gacha grantlar beriladi.

🔴IELTS 6.5-9.0 uchun 100%;
🔴IELTS 6.0
uchun 75%;
🔴IELTS 5.5 uchun 50%.

🔴IELTS 5.0 uchun 25%.

❗️Grant o’rinlari cheklangan va arizalar 22.08.2025 gacha qabul qilinadi.

✅ Shuningdek, ushbu grantlar IELTS ga ekvivalent boshqa turdagi sertifikatlarga ham amal qiladi (TOEFL/CEFR/Duolingo)

Universitetda mavjud yo’nalishlar:
-Buxgalteriya Hisobi va Moliya;
-Kompyuter muhandisligi;
-Xalqaro Biznes;
-Ingliz tili filologiyasi;
-Boshlang’ich va Maktabgacha ta'lim (Bog’cha davridan 4-sinfgacha)

📑 Litsenziya (№ 327586 24.07.2024)

👩🏻‍💻Batafsil ma'lumot va hujjat topshirish uchun:
📨@tmunibot ga murojaat qiling.

⚡️Tashkent Metropolitan University (TMU) officially launches its admission campaign for the 2025-2026 academic year. Applications for local and international students are now open and will continue until August 22, 2025.

Tashkent Metropolitan University (TMU) 2025-2026 o‘quv yili uchun rasman qabul kampaniyasini boshladi. Mahalliy va xalqaro talabalar uchun arizalar qabul qilish 2025 yilning 20 yanvar kuni boshlandi va 2025 yilning 22 avgustigacha davom etadi.

Tashkent Metropolitan University (TMU) официально запускает приёмную кампанию на 2025-2026 учебный год. Приём заявлений для местных и иностранных студентов уже открыт и продлится до 22 августа 2025 года.


🌐 Website | 💬Facebook |📸 Instagram | ✅ Telegam

Tashkent Metropolitan University sincerely congratulates all military personnel and defenders of the Motherland on the 33rd anniversary of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Defender of the Motherland Day!

Your heroism, strength of spirit, and unwavering dedication are a steadfast foundation for the peace and prosperity of our country. We are proud of your valor and deeply grateful for your selflessness and commitment to serving the Homeland.

May your resilience and courage always serve as a symbol of honor and pride for future generations. We wish you good health, family happiness, success in your service, and peaceful skies above!


Tashkent Metropolitan University barcha harbiy xizmatchilar va Vatan himoyachilarini O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Qurolli Kuchlarining 33 yilligi va Vatan himoyachilari kuni bilan samimiy muborakbod etadi!

Sizlarning qahramonligingiz, matonatingiz va burchingizga sodiqligingiz yurtimiz tinchligi va ravnaqi uchun mustahkam tayanchdir. Sizlarning jasoratlaringiz bilan faxrlanamiz, Vatanimizga fidokorona xizmat qilayotganingiz uchun minnatdorlik bildiramiz.

Sizlarning matonatingiz va jasoratingiz kelajak avlodlar uchun doimo sharaf va iftixor ramzi boʻlib qolishini tilaymiz. Sogʻlik-salomatlik, oilaviy farovonlik, xizmatda muvaffaqiyat va doimo tinch osmon ostida yashashingizni tilaymiz!


Tashkent Metropolitan University сердечно поздравляет всех военнослужащих и защитников Родины с 33-летием Вооруженных Сил Республики Узбекистан и Днем защитников Родины!

Ваш героизм, сила духа и верность долгу — надежная опора для мира и процветания нашей страны. Мы гордимся вашими подвигами и благодарим за самоотверженность и преданность служению Отчизне.

Пусть ваша стойкость и мужество всегда будут символом чести и гордости для будущих поколений. Желаем вам крепкого здоровья, семейного благополучия, успехов в службе и мирного неба над головой!

🌐 Website | 💬Facebook |📸 Instagram | ✅ Telegam

On behalf of Tashkent Metropolitan University, we extend our warmest congratulations on the New Year!

May 2025 bring you joy, success, and new opportunities for growth and achievement.

We look forward to continuing our journey together and making this year even more remarkable. Happy New Year!


Toshkent Metropoliten Universiteti nomidan Sizni Yangi yil bilan chin qalbimizdan tabriklaymiz!

2025-yil sizga baxt, muvaffaqiyat va yangi o‘sish va erishish imkoniyatlarini olib kelsin.

Biz birgalikda yo‘limizni davom ettirishni va bu yilni yanada yodda qolarli qilishni intiqlik bilan kutamiz. Yangi yil muborak!

От имени Tashkent Metropolitan University мы выражаем самые теплые поздравления с Новым годом!

Пусть 2025 год принесет вам радость, успех и новые возможности для роста и достижений.

Мы с нетерпением ждем продолжения нашего совместного пути и стремимся сделать этот год еще более выдающимся. С Новым годом!

🌐 Website | 💬Facebook |📸 Instagram | ✅ Telegam

Tashkent Metropolitan University (TMU) and the Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent (MDIS Tashkent) have entered into a new agreement aimed at strengthening their academic and cultural ties.

Tashkent Metropolitan University (TMU) va Management Development Institute of Singapore v Tashkente (MDIS Tashkent) akademik va madaniy aloqalarni mustahkamlashga qaratilgan shartnomani imzolashdi.

Tashkent Metropolitan University (c) и Management Development Institute of Singapore в Ташкенте (MDIS Tashkent) заключили соглашение, направленное на укрепление академических и культурных связей.


🌐 Website | 💬Facebook |📸 Instagram | ✅ Telegam

Tashkent Metropolitan University (TMU) is pleased to announce a strategic partnership with GameDevHQ, a leading provider of software engineering education, to advance the training of future IT professionals.

Tashkent Metropolitan University (TMU) kelajak IT-mutaxassislarini tayyorlash maqsadida dasturiy ta’minot muhandisligi bo‘yicha yetakchi ta’lim provayderi hisoblangan GameDevHQ bilan strategik hamkorlikni yo‘lga qo‘yganini mamnuniyat bilan e’lon qiladi.

Tashkent Metropolitan University (TMU) рад объявить о стратегическом партнерстве с GameDevHQ, ведущим провайдером образовательных услуг в области программной инженерии, с целью подготовки будущих IT-специалистов.


🌐 Website | 💬Facebook |📸 Instagram | ✅ Telegam

Happy Constitution Day of Uzbekistan! Today, we celebrate the foundation of our nation's rights, freedoms, and unity. May this day inspire progress, justice, and prosperity for all.

Oʻzbekiston Konstitutsiyasi kuni muborak boʻlsin! Bugun biz mamlakatimiz birligi, erkinligi va qonun asoslari kunini nishonlamoqdamiz. Ushbu kun barcha uchun taraqqiyot, adolat va farovonlikka ilhom bag‘ishlasin.

С Днём Конституции Узбекистана! Сегодня мы отмечаем основу прав, свобод и единства нашей страны. Пусть этот день вдохновляет на прогресс, справедливость и процветание для всех.


Tashkent Metropolitan University (TMU) has been recognized in the prestigious 2025 Times Higher Education World University Rankings (WUR) with the status of “reporter.”

Tashkent Metropolitan University (TMU) Times Higher Education World University Rankings’ning 2025 yilgi nufuzli ro‘yxatiga "hisobotchi" maqomi bilan kiritildi.

Tashkent Metropolitan University был включен в престижный рейтинг Times Higher Education (THE) 2025 World University Rankings (WUR) в статусе reporter (репортёр).



🌐 Website | 💬Facebook |📸 Instagram | ✅ Telegam

Forward from: Bekhzod Djalilov

⚡️Tashkent Metropolitan Universitetidan ajoyib yangilik, endilikda IELTS sertifikati bor abituriyentlarga 1-semestr uchun 100% gacha grantlar beriladi.

🔵IELTS 6 uchun 100%;
🔵IELTS 5.5 uchun 75%;
🔵IELTS 5 uchun 50%.

❗️Grant o’rinlari cheklangan va 20.09.2024 gacha. Shuningdek, ushbu grantlar IELTS ga ekvivalent boshqa turdagi sertifikatlarga ham amal qiladi(TOEFL/CEFR/Duolingo

Universitetda mavjud yo’nalishlar:
-Buxgalteriya Hisobi va Moliya;
-Kompyuter muhandisligi;
-Xalqaro Biznes;
-Ingliz tili filologiyasi;
-Boshlang’ich va Maktabgacha ta'lim (Bog’cha davridan 4-sinfgacha)

👩🏻‍💻Batafsil ma'lumot va hujjat topshirish uchun:
📨@tmunibot ga murojaat qiling.

Tashkent Metropolitan University congratulates all the people of Uzbekistan on Independence Day!

Dear friends, we wholeheartedly wish you health, happiness, and prosperity for your families.

May peace and tranquility always prevail in our beautiful country, and may the Almighty protect our homeland!

May our independence be eternal!

Happy holiday, Uzbekistan!


Tashkent Metropolitan University Oʻzbekiston xalqini Mustaqillik kuni bilan tabriklaydi!

Aziz doʻstlar, sizga va oilalaringizga chin dildan sogʻliq, baxt va farovonlik tilaymiz.

Yurtimizda har doim tinchlik va osoyishtalik hukmron boʻlsin, Yaratgan yurtimizni himoya qilsin!

Mustaqilligimiz abadiy boʻlsin!

Bayramingiz muborak, Oʻzbekiston!


Tashkent Metropolitan University поздравляет всех жителей Узбекистана с Днём Независимости!

Дорогие друзья, от всей души желаем вам здоровья, счастья и благополучия вашим семьям.

Пусть мир и спокойствие всегда царят в нашей прекрасной стране, а Всевышний оберегает нашу Родину!

Пусть вечной будет наша независимость!

С праздником, Узбекистан!

Forward from: TMU Admission
❗️Dear Prospective Students, ❗️

The scholarship-based exam will be conducted offline on August 29th at TMU (116, Usta Shirin street, Almazar district, Tashkent, Uzbekistan).

📌Follow the link to find your full name in the list of eligible applicants (check it regularly, it will be updated):
Students list

📌Follow the scholarship examination guide:
Guide link

❗️You are strongly required to come to the University Campus 80 MINUTES BEFORE THE EXAM STARTS! Moreover, you must bring original version of your Passport/ID Card.

Wishing you the best of luck in the examination,


Kontrakt to'lovini UZUM NASIYA orqali to'lash uchun yo'riqnoma:

1️⃣ Uzum Nasiya ilovasidan muddatli to'lovga shartnoma olish uchun quyidagi havolalardan biriga kiring:

Android uchun: (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uz.kapitalbank.android&pcampaignid=web_share)

iOS uchun: (

Bu havolalar orqali siz Uzum Nasiya ilovasini o'rnatishingiz va mablag' uchun limit olish imkoniyatiga ega bo'lasiz. Ro'yhatdan o'tib "Limit" oling (limit olish uchun talabgor 21 yoshdan katta bo'lishi kerak).

2️⃣ Uzum Nasiyadan limit olinganingizdan so'ng quyidagi havola orqali ro'yxatdan o'tishingiz kerak bo'ladi:


Shundan so'ng, TMU jamoasidan bir xodim siz bilan bog'lanib, shartnoma haqida qo'shimcha ma'lumotlar berib sizga maxsus shartnomani jo'natadi.

DTM bali bilan Tashkent Metropolitan Universityga o'qishga kirishingiz mumkin

Kimlar uchun:
56,7 Ball va undan yuqori olganlar

👉 Hoziroq hujjat topshiring:

• Yurisprudensiya
• Kompyuter injiniringi
• Buxgalteriya hisobi va moliya
• Menejment
• Marketing
• Xalqaro biznes
• Iqtisodiyot
• Xorijiy til va adabiyoti(Ingliz tili)
• Maktabgacha va Boshlangʻich taʼlim yo'nalishlari mavjud.

💰 KONTRAKT narxlari esa 1 semestrga 7,5 mln dan boshlanadi.

💰 Har bir fakultetga 100 nafar talaba qabul qilinadi, ulardan 42 nafari 10%dan 100% gacha grant yutib olish imkoniyatiga ega.

📕Taʼlim kunduzgi shaklda va ingliz tilida olib boriladi.

☎️ Ma'lumot uchun: 71-200-01-23

Tashkent Metropolitan University (TMU) is offering high school students and their parents a unique opportunity to prepare for university life and build a successful career. Our preparatory courses and TMU’s Part-Time Student Program (PSP) are designed to help you take the first step towards a brilliant future.

Tashkent Metropolitan University (TMU) o‘rta maktab o‘quvchilari va ularning ota-onalari uchun universitet hayotiga tayyorlanish va muvaffaqiyatli karera qurish uchun noyob imkoniyatlar taqdim etadi. Universitet yoshlarga tayyorlov kurslari va TMU’s Part-Time Student Program (PSP) dasturini taklif etadi. Bu dasturlar Sizga yorqin kelajakka birinchi qadam qo‘yishda yordam beradi.

Tashkent Metropolitan University (TMU) открывает перед старшеклассниками и их родителями уникальные возможности для подготовки к университетской жизни и построения успешной карьеры. Мы предлагаем подготовительные курсы и программу TMU’s Part-Time Student Program (PSP), которые помогут вам сделать первый шаг к блестящему будущему.


Tashkent Metropolitan University (TMU) and Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT) have entered into a groundbreaking collaboration that will allow graduates of TMU’s foundation programme to continue their education at WIUT.

This partnership is formalized through a memorandum of understanding signed by Bekhzod Djalilov, President of Tashkent Metropolitan University, and Komiljon Karimov, Rector of Westminster International University in Tashkent.

Tashkent Metropolitan University va Westminster International University in Tashkent hamkorlik o‘rnatdilar. Bu hamkorlik Tashkent Metropolitan University Foundation dasturi bitiruvchilariga Westminster International University in Tashkentda o‘qishlarini davom ettirish imkonini beradi.

Ushbu hamkorlik Tashkent Metropolitan University Rektori Behzod Jalilov va Westminster International University in Tashkent Rektori Komiljon Karimov tomonidan imzolangan o‘zaro anglashuv memorandumi bilan rasmiylashtirildi.

Tashkent Metropolitan University и Westminster International University in Tashkent установили сотрудничество, которое позволит выпускникам программы Tashkent Metropolitan University Foundation продолжить обучение в Westminster International University in Tashkent.

Это партнерство оформлено меморандумом о взаимопонимании, который был подписан Президентом Tashkent Metropolitan University Бехзодом Джалиловым и Ректором Westminster International University in Tashkent Комильжоном Каримовым.


20 last posts shown.