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            xususiy maktabi

🏛8:00 dan 17:00 gacha
maktab+ repititor=talaba!

✅ Tajribali  ustozlar
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Manzil.Nishon tumani Nuriston shaharchasi

Joylar soni cheklangan.

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Forward from: Himmatov Bekzod
🔥Bu aynan o’tkazib yuborishingiz mumkin bo’lmagan post!

🧐 IELTS’ga yetarlicha tayyor emasman deb o’ylaysizmi?

😇Havotirga o’rin yo’q!

🚀Chunki bizda siz uchun juda foydali bóladigan guruh bor.


Bu kurs davomida siz IELTS imtihonining tórtala modulidan ham qanday qilib 7+ olish yólini órganasiz.

Kurs davomiyligi: 3 oy
Talab qilinadigan daraja: kamida 5.5
Narxi esa: mutlaqo tekin

Bu kurs óz ichiga quyidagilarni oladi:

📌 6 ta offline darslar har hafta, darslar 2-3 soat davom etadi
📌 Haqiqiy IELTS imtihonida tushgan va tushish ehtimoli bólgan material va testlar
📌Speaking app programmasidagi savollarni tóliq partlari bilan tugatish
📌 Writing skillini oshirish uchun article va sample essaylar
📌 Bepul IELTS MOCK imtihonlari

❗️ Bu imkoniyatni qo’ldan boy bermang!

📆 Date: 09.10.2024
Time: 08.30
💵 Fee: Free

👨‍💻 Instructor: Himmatov Bekzod
Contact: @beeek0520

📍 Address: Karshi "CLIFFS" educational centre (Vip market branch)


Biz hayotdan qay darajada uzoqlashsak, faqat shu darajada haqiqatga yaqinlashib boramiz.

© Suqrot

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Rube Goldberg's invisible machine.


Sometimes we don't achieve expected results, and I believe that it leads us to better ones.


Men hammaning fikr erkinligini hurmat qilaman, hammaning fikrini emas.


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Fame doesn't change you, it changes everybody around you.

© Chris Williamson

IBM in atoms was a demonstration by IBM scientists in 1989 of a technology capable of manipulating individual atoms. A scanning tunneling microscope was used to arrange 35 individual xenon atoms on a substrate of chilled crystal of nickel to spell out the three letter company initialism. It was the first time that atoms had been precisely positioned on a flat surface.


Qalb Allohga tavakkul qilishni o'rgangandagina buyuklashadi.

Omar Xalil, "Jur'at"

2025-yil IELTS imtihon sanalari tayyor, siz-chi?

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🌕 One of the best speech for shadowing

💙 Listen and repeat

🥺 Enjoy practising


If you fall in love with the moon, stop looking at the stars.

Hasbunallohu va ni'mal-Vakil

Rihanna - Diamonds

Shine bright like a diamond,
Shine bright like a diamond.

Find light in the beautiful sea,
I choose to be happy,
You and I, you and I,
We're like diamonds in the sky.

You're a shooting star I see,
A vision of ecstasy,
When you hold me, I'm alive,
We're like diamonds in the sky.

I knew that we'd become one right away,
Oh, right away.
At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays,
I saw the life inside your eyes.

So shine bright, tonight, you and I,
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky.
Eye to eye, so alive,
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky.

Shine bright like a diamond,
Shine bright like a diamond,
Shining bright like a diamond.
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky.

Palms rise to the universe,
As we moonshine and molly,
Feel the warmth, we'll never die,
We're like diamonds in the sky.

You're a shooting star I see,
A vision of ecstasy,
When you hold me, I'm alive,
We're like diamonds in the sky.

At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays,
I saw the life inside your eyes.

So shine bright, tonight, you and I,
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky.
Eye to eye, so alive,
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky.

Shine bright like a diamond,
Shine bright like a diamond,
Shining bright like a diamond,
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky.

Shine bright like a diamond,
Shine bright like a diamond,
Shine bright like a diamond.

So shine bright, tonight, you and I,
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky.
Eye to eye, so alive,
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky.

Shine bright like a diamond [7x]

#music #lyrics


My heart will go on - Celine Dion

Every night in my dreams
I see you
I feel you
That is how I know you go on

Far across the distance
And spaces between us
You have come to show you go on

Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

Love can touch us one time
And last for a lifetime
And never let go till we're gone

Love was when I loved you
One true time I'd hold to
In my life, we'll always go on

Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

You're here, there's nothing I fear
And I know that my heart will go on
We'll stay forever this way
You are safe in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

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City of Love💙

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