Cambridge English Thematic IELTS READING words

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1) gross domestic product [GDP] (noun)
Definition: The total value of goods and services produced within a country in a year.
Translation: yalpi ichki mahsulot (YaIM)
Example: Tourism contributes significantly to New Zealand's gross domestic product.

2) overseas (adverb/adjective)
Definition: In or to a foreign country, especially one across the sea.
Translation: chet elda/-ga/-dan, xorijga
Example: Many products in New Zealand are exported overseas.

3) scenic (adjective)
Definition: Having beautiful natural scenery.
Translation: go‘zal manzarali, xushmanzara
Example: New Zealand is famous for its scenic beauty, attracting tourists from around the world.

4) exhilarating (adjective)
Definition: Making one feel very happy and excited.
Translation: quvnoq, zavqli
Example: The exhilarating outdoor activities in New Zealand include skydiving and bungee jumping.

5) outdoor (adjective)
Definition: Done, situated, or used in the open air.
Translation: tashqi, ochiq havoda
Example: New Zealand is known for its wide range of outdoor adventures.

6) carry (verb)
Definition: To contain or include something as part of its content.
Translation: o‘z ichiga olmoq
Example: The website carried features about famous people and places in New Zealand.

7) rugby (noun)
Definition: A team sport played with an oval ball that can be carried or kicked.
Translation: regbi o‘yini
Example: Rugby is one of the most popular sports in New Zealand.

8) blockbuster (noun)
Definition: A very successful and popular movie, book, or other product.
Translation: katta muvaffaqiyatga erishgan asar (film, kitob va hkz.)
Example: Several blockbuster films have been shot in New Zealand, showcasing its natural beauty.

9) stunning (adjective)
Definition: Extremely impressive or attractive.
Translation: ajoyib, hayratlanarli
Example: The stunning scenery of New Zealand makes it a popular destination for filmmakers.

10) scenery (noun)
Definition: The natural features of a landscape, considered in terms of their appearance.
Translation: manzara
Example: The scenery in New Zealand varies from beautiful beaches to majestic mountains.

You can find other words from test 29

Test 134 ⬇️

1) source (noun)
Definition: A place, person, or thing from which something originates or can be obtained.
Translation: manba
Example: The river is the main source of water for the surrounding villages.

2) diet (noun)
Definition: The kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats.
Translation: odatiy ozuqa, ovqat ratsioni
Example: Polar bears have a diet that primarily consists of seals.

3) desert (noun)
Definition: A dry, barren area of land, especially one covered with sand, that is typically very hot and receives very little rain.
Translation: cho'l
Example: The Sahara Desert is the largest hot desert in the world.

4) neighbouring (adjective)
Definition: Situated next to or very near some place; adjacent.
Translation: qo'shni
Example: The neighbouring country is known for its beautiful beaches.

5) trunk (noun)
Definition: The main woody stem of a tree.
Translation: daraxt tanasi
Example: The trunk of the tree was thick and covered with rough bark.

You can find the rest of the words from test 7

Test 133 ⬇️

18) borer (noun) 
Definition: An insect that makes holes in wood or plant stems. 
Translation: yog‘och qo‘ng‘iz
Example: The macadamia nut-borer was one of the pests consumed by the bats.

19) infest (verb) 
Definition: To be present in large numbers, causing damage or harm. 
Translation: ko'payib ketmoq, to‘lib-toshib ketmoq
Example: The pests infest various crops, leading to economic loss for farmers.

20) fever (noun) 
Definition: A high body temperature, usually caused by illness. 
Translation: isitma
Example: Bats help reduce the number of mosquitoes, which carry malaria and other fevers.

21) elephantiasis (noun) 
Definition: A disease that causes swelling, especially in the legs and arms. 
Translation: tana a'zolarining shishib ketishi
Example: Bats feed on mosquitoes that spread diseases like elephantiasis.

22) blackfly (noun) 
Definition: A small biting fly that can spread diseases. 
Translation: qora pashsha 
Example: Blackflies, which spread river blindness, are also eaten by bats.

23) river blindness (noun)
Definition: A disease caused by parasitic worms, spread by the bite of infected blackflies, leading to severe itching, skin conditions, and eventual blindness.
Translation: tropik teri kasalligi
Example: The bats in Madagascar help control the spread of river blindness by eating blackflies that carry the disease.

24) roost (verb) 
Definition: To rest or sleep, usually referring to birds or bats. 
Translation: qo‘nib dam olmoq 
Example: Bats roost in trees or buildings during the day.

25) unclean (adjective) 
Definition: Dirty or not clean. 
Translation: iflos
Example: People avoid bats when they roost in buildings because they consider them unclean.

26) sacred (adjective) 
Definition: Connected with God or a religious purpose; deserving of respect. 
Translation: muqaddas, tabarruk
Example: In some cultures, bats are considered sacred animals.

27) contribution (noun) 
Definition: Something given or done to help a situation. 
Translation: hissa 
Example: The bats' contribution to pest control is beneficial for farmers.

28) regeneration (noun) 
Definition: The process of regrowth or renewal, especially after damage. 
Translation: qayta tiklanish 
Example: The scientists are hopeful that with help, nature can speed up regeneration of the forest.

1) state-of-the-art (adjective)
Definition: Using the latest and most advanced technology.
Translation: zamonaviy, eng so‘nggi
Example: The scientists used state-of-the-art equipment to study the bats' behavior.

2) ultrasonic (adjective)
Definition: Related to sound waves with a frequency higher than humans can hear.
Translation: ultratovushli
Example: The team recorded the bats' ultrasonic buzzes to track their feeding patterns.

3) buzz (noun)
Definition: Low, continuous humming sound.
Translation: vizillash, vizillagan tovush
Example: The bats' buzzes could be heard as they hunted for food.

4) target (verb)
Definition: To aim at or focus on something.
Translation: nishonga olmoq
Example: Bats use echolocation to target their prey accurately.

5) barcoding (noun)
Definition: A method of identifying species using a short section of DNA.
Translation: shtrix kodlash (DNK kodlari orqali turlarni aniqlash)
Example: The researchers used barcoding techniques to analyze the bats' droppings.

6) rice (noun)
Definition: A type of grain grown as food, especially in warm, wet areas.
Translation: guruch
Example: The bats' activity was highest over rice fields compared to forests.

7) field (noun)
Definition: An open area of land, especially for farming.
Translation: dala
Example: The bats were feeding over the rice fields more frequently than in other areas.

8) flat (adjective)
Definition: Having a smooth, level surface without raised areas.
Translation: tekis
Example: Bats were more active over flat rice fields.

9) preferentially (adverb)
Definition: In a way that shows preference or priority.
Translation: alohida e'tibor berib
Example: The bats were preferentially foraging in the man-made rice fields.

10) forage (verb)
Definition: To search widely for food.
Translation: ozuqa izlamoq
Example: The bats were foraging for insects over the rice fields.

11) man-made (adjective)
Definition: Created or caused by humans.
Translation: sun'iy, inson qo‘li bilan yaratilgan
Example: The bats favored man-made ecosystems like the rice fields.

12) favour (verb)
Definition: To prefer or choose one thing over another.
Translation: afzal ko'rmoq, tanlamoq
Example: Bats seem to favor rice fields because of the abundance of pests.

13) nutrient run-off (noun)
Definition: Water that carries nutrients like fertilizers away from soil, usually into rivers or other bodies of water.
Translation: ozuqa moddalarning oqib ketishi
Example: The nutrient run-off from the rice fields made the crops more vulnerable to pests.

14) infestation (noun)
Definition: The presence of a large number of pests in a place.
Translation: qurt-qumursqa bosishi, hasharotlar bosib ketishi
Example: The rice fields had a high level of infestation, attracting the bats.

15) while (conjunction)
Definition: Used to show contrast between two things happening at the same time.
Translation: -gan bir paytda
Example: While the bats are helping control pests, deforestation is reducing their habitats.

16) indication (noun)
Definition: A sign or piece of information that suggests something.
Translation: belgi, ko'rsatkich
Example: There was an indication that bats were also feeding on other crop pests.

17) twig (noun)
Definition: A small, thin branch of a tree or bush.
Translation: shoxcha
Example: The bats were observed consuming the black twig borer, a pest of coffee plants.

Test 132 ⬇️

1) medical (adjective)
Definition: Relating to the science or practice of medicine.
Translation: tibbiy, tibbiyotga oid
Example: The polar bear may hold important medical secrets that could benefit humanity.

2) take into consideration (phrase)
Definition: To think about something when making a decision or forming an opinion.
Translation: e'tiborga olish, inobatga olmoq
Example: We need to take into consideration the intelligence of polar bears in our conservation efforts.

3) violent (adjective)
Definition: Using physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill.
Translation: vaxshiy, zo‘ravon
Example: Some people mistakenly believe that bears are always violent.

4) anecdotal (adjective)
Definition: Based on personal accounts rather than facts or research.
Translation: asossiz, ishonchsiz, shaxsiy fikrga asoslangan
Example: There is anecdotal evidence that polar bears can solve problems.

5) from the field (phrase)
Definition: Information or evidence gathered from direct observation or experience, often in a natural setting.
Translation: tabiiy muhitdan olingan
Example: Scientists have gathered interesting observations from the field about polar bear behavior.

6) dislodge (verb)
Definition: To remove something from its place.
Translation: joyidan siljitmoq, qo‘zg‘atmoq
Example: The bear used a branch to dislodge the piece of meat hanging above him.

7) hang out (phrasal verb)
Definition: To suspend or place something in a particular position.
Translation: osib qo'ymoq
Example: The meat was hung out of the bear's reach to see if he could solve the problem.

8) barrel (noun)
Definition: A large, cylindrical container.
Translation: bochka
Example: The bear jumped onto the barrels to reach the photographer.

9) knock over (phrasal verb)
Definition: To push or strike something so that it falls.
Translation: urib yiqitmoq
Example: The bear knocked over the pile of objects as if playing a game.

10) agile (adjective)
Definition: Able to move quickly and easily.
Translation: chaqqon, epchil, chayir
Example: The polar bear demonstrated its agile nature by carefully manipulating objects.

11) thought-out (adjective)
Definition: Carefully considered or planned.
Translation: yaxshilab o'ylangan
Example: The bear's actions were deliberate and thought-out, showing intelligence.

12) sled (noun)
Definition: A vehicle, typically on runners, used for traveling over snow or ice.
Translation: chana
Example: Polar bears have been seen playing with sled dogs in the Arctic.

13) hand-raised (adjective)
Definition: An animal that has been raised and cared for by humans from a young age.
Translation: inson tomonidan boqib katta qilingan
Example: Agee, a hand-raised polar bear, formed a close bond with her owner.

14) intelligent (adjective)
Definition: Having the ability to learn, understand, and think in a logical way about things.
Translation: aqlli, dono
Example: Polar bears are more intelligent than many people realize.

15) majestic (adjective)
Definition: Having or showing impressive beauty or dignity.
Translation: viqorli, azim
Example: The polar bear is a majestic animal, worthy of our protection.

Test 131 ⬇️

1) logger (noun)
Definition: A person who cuts down trees for timber.
Translation: o‘tinchi, daraxt kesuvchi
Example: The logger worked all day in the forest, cutting down trees for lumber.

2) pristine (adjective)
Definition: In its original condition; unspoiled.
Translation: buzilmagan, tegilmagan, yangiday
Example: The pristine forest had never been touched by human hands.

3) leave behind (phrasal verb)
Definition: To not take something or someone with you when you go.
Translation: ortda qoldirmoq, qoldirib ketmoq
Example: The loggers left behind large swaths of cleared land.

4) swath (noun)
Definition: A broad strip or area of something.
Translation: yaylov, keng hudud
Example: The fire left a wide swath of destruction in the forest.

5) ring (verb)
Definition: To surround something in a circular shape.
Translation: o'rab turmoq
Example: Countries ringing the tropics have the largest remaining tropical forests.

6) chunky (adjective)
Definition: Thick, heavy, and solid.
Translation: qalin, yo‘g‘on
Example: The deforested area showed chunky blocks of cleared land.

7) cutting down (phrasal verb)
Definition: To make something fall by cutting it.
Translation: kesib yiqitmoq
Example: The workers were busy cutting down trees in the forest.

8) woods (noun)
Definition: An area of land covered with trees.
Translation: o'rmon
Example: We went for a walk in the woods to enjoy the fresh air.

9) colonisation (noun)
Definition: The act of setting up a colony away from one's place of origin.
Translation: mustamlaka qilish, yangi yerga o‘rnashish
Example: The colonisation of new lands often led to deforestation.

10) resettlement (noun)
Definition: The process of moving people to a new place to live.
Translation: ko‘chirish, ko‘chish, yashash joyini o‘zgartirish
Example: The government's resettlement program moved many people into forested areas.

11) furniture (noun)
Definition: Large movable items that are used to make a room suitable for living or working.
Translation: mebel, jihoz
Example: The wood from the trees was used to make furniture.

12) leather (noun)
Definition: A material made from the skin of animals, used for making shoes, bags, etc.
Translation: charm, teri
Example: The factory uses leather to produce shoes.

13) chop down (phrasal verb)
Definition: To cut through something to make it fall.
Translation: kesmoq, kesib yiqitmoq
Example: The old oak tree was chopped down by the farmer.

14) deck (noun)
Definition: A flat surface that forms the floor of a ship or other structure.
Translation: kemaning palubasi, pol
Example: The deck of the ship was made from strong, durable wood.

15) accessible (adjective)
Definition: Easy to approach, reach, or use.
Translation: erishsa bo‘ladigan, yetish mumkin bo‘lgan
Example: The hiking trail is easily accessible from the main road.

Test 130 ⬇️

16) Dominance (noun)
Definition: Power and influence over others.
Translation: Ustunlik, ustuvorlik
Example: Online networking may be changing our social structures through dominance in certain connections.

17) Extra (adjective)
Definition: Additional or more than what is usual.
Translation: Qo'shimcha
Example: Some participants had an extra advantage by seeing more information in the online game.

18) Ability (noun)
Definition: The capacity to do something.
Translation: Qobiliyat, imkoniyat
Example: The ability to connect with others online can influence social interactions and decisions.

1) Miss out on (phrasal verb)
Definition: To fail to take advantage of an opportunity or to not experience something that others are experiencing.
Translation: bebahra qolmoq, quruq qolmoq
Example: Could the benefits of online social networking be too good to miss out on?

2) Enmeshed (adjective)
Definition: Involved in something, often in a way that is difficult to escape.
Translation: o‘ralashib qolgan, bog'lanib qolgan
Example: Online networking has become enmeshed in our daily lives.

3) Networking (noun)
Definition: The act of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts.
Translation: tanish-bilishlar orttirish, aloqalar o‘rnatish
Example: Online networking allows us to maintain weak ties that can influence our behavior.

4) Loose (adjective)
Definition: Not tightly or closely fixed or held together; in this context, refers to relationships that are not close.
Translation: Yaqindan bo‘lmagan (munosabatlar)
Example: Granovetter's research highlighted the influence of loose acquaintances in our social network.

5) Tie (noun)
Definition: A connection or relationship with someone.
Translation: Aloqa, bog‘lanish, rishta
Example: Our social network is composed of various ties, both strong and weak.

6) Weak tie (noun)
Definition: A social connection with someone who is not a close friend, but who may still influence one's behavior or provide useful information.
Translation: tanish-bilish
Example: Weak ties in social networks can significantly influence job opportunities.

7) Pass a tip (phrase)
Definition: To give someone a useful piece of advice or information.
Translation: maslahat berish, foydali ma'lumot aytish
Example: It's easier for a distant friend to pass you a tip online.

8) Explosion (noun)
Definition: A rapid or sudden increase in number or quantity.
Translation: keskin ortish, birdan ko‘payish
Example: The explosion of weak ties through social networking could change how we share information.

9) Ahead of (preposition)
Definition: In front of or in a position of advantage over someone or something else.
Translation: Oldinda, bir qadam oldinroqda
Example: Many people now turn to their online networks ahead of traditional news sources.

10) Daily (adjective/adverb)
Definition: Happening every day; related to each day.
Translation: Har kungi, kundalik
Example: Online networking has become a part of our daily interactions.

11) Interaction (noun)
Definition: Mutual or reciprocal action or influence.
Translation: O‘zaro ta’sir, aloqalar, muloqot
Example: Online networking can transform our daily interactions with others.

12) Access (noun)
Definition: The ability or right to approach, enter, or use something.
Translation: foydalanish imkoniyati, kirish huquqi
Example: Participants with access to Facebook profiles were more successful in social interactions.

13) Lower (verb)
Definition: To reduce in amount, degree, or quality.
Translation: Pasaytirish, kamaytirish
Example: Online networking is lowering the barriers among acquaintances.

14) Readily (adverb)
Definition: Easily, quickly, or willingly.
Translation: Osonlik bilan, tezda
Example: People are now readily sharing personal feelings with a wider circle online.

15) Merge (verb)
Definition: To combine or blend into a single entity.
Translation: Birlashtirish, qo‘shish
Example: Increased visibility is causing our social spheres to start merging.

Test 129 ⬇️

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