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Let's do some practice with this video🤩
1. Nursing home - parvarish uyi
2. Stink up - sasitmoq, yoqimsiz qilmoq
3. Merchandise - tovarlar, mollar
4. Promotion - lavozim oshishi
5. Seniority - yoshi kattalik, mavqei balandlik
6. Satisfied with - ko'ngli to'lmoq, qoniqmoq
7. Do one's best – bor kuchini ishga solmoq
8. Shoelaces - poyabzal ipi
9. Pricy - qimmat
10. Look great on - da ajoyib ko'rinmoq
11. Unfair - adolatsiz
12. Settle the payment - to'lovni nihoyasiga yetkazmoq
13. Stockroom - mahsulotlar ombori
14. Just Formality - shunchaki rasmiyatchlik
15. True professional - o'z kasbini ustasi
Watch this video and learn new vocabularies😎
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1. Nursing home - parvarish uyi
2. Stink up - sasitmoq, yoqimsiz qilmoq
3. Merchandise - tovarlar, mollar
4. Promotion - lavozim oshishi
5. Seniority - yoshi kattalik, mavqei balandlik
6. Satisfied with - ko'ngli to'lmoq, qoniqmoq
7. Do one's best – bor kuchini ishga solmoq
8. Shoelaces - poyabzal ipi
9. Pricy - qimmat
10. Look great on - da ajoyib ko'rinmoq
11. Unfair - adolatsiz
12. Settle the payment - to'lovni nihoyasiga yetkazmoq
13. Stockroom - mahsulotlar ombori
14. Just Formality - shunchaki rasmiyatchlik
15. True professional - o'z kasbini ustasi
Watch this video and learn new vocabularies😎
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