10x Engineer

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Программист в TikTok, ex-Uber, США. Пишу про ИТ.
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darkhonbek.interview at gmail dot com

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Полный гайд о подаче на O1 визу в США.

AQSH O1 vizasiga topshirish bo’yicha qo’llanma.


Резюме Principle iOS engineer (L8) в Lyft.

Principle iOS engineer (L8) ning rezyumesi.


Meet my first mentee Anvar Kayumov! He got iOS Software Engineer position at Meta through our FAANG mentorship program at 42mentor.com

Sign up for the August 2024 batch at 42mentor.com

We have limited number of spots left. Azimjon Pulatov and I will be your mentors.

Introducing 42Mentor

A mentorship program designed to help software engineers land jobs at FAANG-level companies.

- Azimjon Pulatov
- Darkhonbek Mamataliev

Sign up for our Summer 2024 batch and get a job in big tech.


Bir xil profil rasmini ishlatish foydalari

1. Brending
2. Professionallik
3. Ishonch
4. Qulaylik

To'liq maqolani bu yerda o'qing.


00:00 - Uberda product yaratish jarayonlari (planning, developing, testing)
22:15 - Uberda testing qanday ishlaydi?
27:42 - Uberda dasturchining bir kuni qanday o'tadi?
32:57 - Uberda ishlash +/- lari
49:35 - Uydan turib vs ofisdan ishlash haqida.
59:50 - Consulting (Epam, Exadel) vs Startup vs Big Tech da ishlash.
01:12:50 - Dasturchi ish tanlayabganda nimalarga e'tibor qaratishi kerak? (maosh, madaniyat...)

00:00 - Tanishtiruv.
00:44 - FAANG kompaniyalarida dasturchilarning levellari (darajasi) tizimi.
02:08 - Darxonbek Mamataliyev qanday qilib iOS dasturchi bo'lib qolgan?
12:35 - Hozir ham iOSni tanlagan bo'larmidiz?
16:12 - iOS dasturchi bo'lish uchun nima qilish kerak? iOS Roadmap.
24:12 - Freelance vs Product ustida ishlash
28:25 - iOS vs Android vs Cross Platform

Сегодня встретил Daniel Heller.
Ветеран в Uber. Rockstar по reliability и incident management. Автор книги Building a Career in Software.

Competitive programming archives

2014 ВКОШП

“Never split the difference” kitob sharhi

Muzokaralar olib borish haqida kitob o'qib chiqdim. U menga $25,000 ko’proq oylik savdolashishga yordam berdi.

- Kitobda berilgan maslahatlar
- Xayotda qo'llagan misollarim
- Kitobning menga yoqqan va yoqmagan taraflarlari

Maqola davomini bu yerda o’qing.


iOS dasturchi bo’lish uchun qo’llanma

1. Swift dasturlash tilini o’rganing.
2. Stanford CS193P yoki swiftbook kursini o’tib chiqing.
3. Shaxsiy loyihalar yarating.
4. Stajirovka toping.

To’liq lavhani bu yerda o’qing.


Forward from: Du Rove's Channel
🎂 As I am turning 37, I put together a list of 3 undervalued and 7 overvalued things in life.

3️⃣ Undervalued

1. Sleep.
Sleep gives a boost to immunity, creativity and psychological well-being.

2. Nature. Nature is the environment that we are biologically designed to feel good in.

3. Solitude. Being alone offers the freedom to make spiritual and intellectual breakthroughs.

7️⃣ Overvalued

1. Big cities.
Big cities are sources of pollution, crime and noise. It's good to have access to their resources, but advisable to live outside their borders.

2. Restaurants. Restaurants offer the slowest and least efficient way to eat. Cooking at home allows for healthier diets and more control over ingredients.

3. Hot weather. Sunny weather can bring about not only a lax attitude, but also a risk of cancer and faster aging. Colder temperatures, on the contrary, clarify spirit, body and mind.

4. Fashion. The endless quest to conform with ever-changing trends is expensive and unnecessary. Focusing on comfortable clothes makes life simpler and frees space for things that matter.

5. Real estate. Buying real estate often limits one's choices and is a questionable investment. Renting gives more freedom to move and explore different locations.

6. Social media. The incessant flow of junk cluttering our minds from social media decreases our happiness and creativity. Disconnecting from these internet services is the best thing we can do on any given day.

7. Celebrity advice. Famous people often give unwarranted advice outside their fields of expertise. For all important things in life, it's best to rely on hard science and expert opinion.

Forward from: Du Rove's Channel
The mind is our most powerful tool. There's nothing it can't do. According to numerous studies, it actively generates new ideas even when we rest or do nothing. Often we can come up with solutions to difficult problems simply after a full night's sleep.

Just as our physical state depends on what we feed to our bodies, our mental state depends on the quality of information we feed to our brain. If we nourish our brain with real-life data that allows it to solve fundamental problems, it will process this data in the background and come up with unexpected solutions.

It is unfortunate that most people prefer to feed their minds not with real-life facts that can let us change the world, but with random Netflix series or TikTok videos. On a deep level, our brain can't tell fiction from reality, so the abundance of digital entertainment keeps our subconscious mind busy producing solutions to problems that do not exist.

To be creative and productive, we must first clear from our minds the sticky mud of irrelevant content with which “recommendation algorithms” flood it on a daily basis. If we are to reclaim our creative freedom, we must first take back control of our minds.

Как переехать в США через EPAM и получить грин карту

- Поработать в любом офисе EPAM 12+ месяцев.
- Запросить релокацию в США. Найти проект и пройти собеседование.
- Получить L1 визу.
- Через год после релокации запросить EPAM начать процесс грин карты. Не путайте с лотереей, это другой процесс с высокими шансами на получение. Подробнее в статье.
- Дождаться от 1 до 5 лет до получения гринки и вуаля!
- Весь путь займёт от 3,5 до 7,5 лет.
- Эта статья применима к большинству аутсорс компаний.

Читать подробную инструкцию на Хабре



Рассказал о:
- Бонусах в Убере.
- Какого там работать.
- Стоит ли всем идти в FAANG.
- Процесс интервью в Убер.
- Сколько стоит жить в США.

Особая благодарность Анастасие из редакции kapital.uz за интервью!

Forward from: Kapital.uz
Безлимитный отпуск и скидки на вертолёты: разработчик из Ангрена о том, как устроена работа в Uber


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