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Son! Offering advice is simple; the problem is its acceptance, for it is bitter in the palates of those who follow their vain desires.

This is so because forbidden acts are captivating to hearts. Accepting advice is particularly difficult on a student going through the motions in his course whilst being lost in vanity and the wonders of the world.

He labors under the impression that the abstract knowledge he possesses will be his redemption and salvation, and that he is not in need of action.


This person, trapped in delusion, is unaware that studying knowledge without putting it into action makes the case against him stronger.


Son! Do not be bankrupt in deeds and empty of its seeds – spiritual excellences.

Rest assured that abstract knowledge cannot be held with the hand. For example, a man is in the wilderness.

He has ten lethal swords together with other weapons and he is brave and bellicose.

A huge and ferocious lion attacks him. Now what is your opinion? Do you think that his weapons will ward off the danger without him using them and putting them into action?

Of course the weapons cannot ward off the danger without being wielded and put into motion.

Similarly, if a person reads and learns a hundred masaa’il but does not practically apply them the masaa’il will not benefit him. Their benefit is in applying them practically.

If you study for a hundred years and collect a thousand kitaabs, still you will not be qualified for the mercy of Allah unless you


We all have certain experiences we’ve never had but still have a theoretical idea about—don’t we?

But sometimes, when we finally experience them in real life, we discover that the gap between the reality and our expectations is so vast, it makes the Grand Canyon seem modest :))

I bet you guess why this happens. We tend to be perfectionists, fantasizing about what could be like.

But when it does not meet our lofty expectations, it suddenly feels like a complete disappointment.

Yet, if we step back for a moment, we might question whether the source of this disappointment really lies in our perfectionism or in the experiences themselves.

Is it the event that falls short, or is it our unwavering conviction that reality must conform to our fantasies?

We often operate as though our anticipations are not just hopes—but promises.

We don’t merely imagine a good outcome; we quietly convince ourselves we’re owed it.

And when that sense of entitlement isn’t met, reality becomes the culprit in our eyes.

But maybe the very premise that our internal visions should dictate external outcomes is fundamentally flawed.

From this perspective, disappointment isn’t just a feeling; it’s an alarm that we’ve been clinging too tightly to the notion that our private mental imagery must manifest exactly in the real world.

This, in turn, reflects a deeper human tendency: we refuse to embrace the essential unpredictability of lived experience.

If we could relinquish the need for absolute alignment between “what we want” and “what we get,” we might discover that the richness of life lies precisely in those unplanned divergences.

@temursolief #thoughtsFromDestroyedCircadianRythm

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Don't watch it if you are a feminist


Today one of my teenage students asked me an interesting question:

"Would you consider me as a groom candidate if you had a daughter?"

Startled by the absolute unexpectedness of the question, I replied with a question:

"Would you consider a guy like you as a right groom for your own daughter?"

There was some silence, of course.

But he is a funny intelligent guy as far as I know :)

Anyways, the rest is history.

But the real question is

Do you ask yourself this question?

If yes, how often?

Don't you think "accept me as who I am" is a woke mentality and hinders growth?

Don't you think giving precedes taking?

Think about it.

@temursolief #breakingMyFast

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“Everyone is dead except those with knowledge. All those with knowledge are asleep except for those who practice upon that knowledge. And those who practice upon their knowledge are deceived except those who are sincere in their practice. And those who are sincere always question their sincerity and never stop worrying until they set foot in paradise.” Imam Shafi


Has whining about something changed something? (silence) Nope. @temursolief

- Wait, I wanna fight with you.
- Come on, you already lost.
- How?
- I forgot your existence.


Soul is like a bird

The higher the bird flies, the farther it stays from dangers. In the same way, the higher the soul gets, the healthier it becomes.


I can't control everything, but some, including how I behave.

The rules I'm living with:

- Shut up most of the time
- Smile when necessary
- Keep your posture up
- Protect your dignity
- Never beg
- Expect nothing

@temursolief #stepsandmiles

Uncle Taleb once said: If your anger decreases with time, you did injustice; if it increases, you suffered injustice. Oh, what a wise man you are. @temursolief

What Are You Driven By?

A day ago or so, we, me and some of my colleagues, were sitting on a bench, chilling together.

The phone of one of my colleagues rang an alarm at around 14:00.

He said: "This is the time when I really want to sleep, and at this very moment, this alarm goes off. Every time it does so, It shows my note to myself: In two months, I should pay off my father's debt. Then the sleep goes away."

That touches differently, doesn't it?

When it's about family, everything is less important than what the current matter is.

We are different. Different in a similar way.

We have different motivations. Oops, this word "motivation" definitely hurt the feelings of someone. I used it anyways :)

Knowing oneself is crucially important to find them.

It is because some of us consider the most common "reasons" as our reasons.

Just because it's cool to have those reasons.

Not knowing what we are truly driven by.

You may be driven by your ego. OK, accept it.

Turning a blind eye to these things causes nothing, but an internal chaos.

So now ask yourself:

What pushes you forward?

~ Solief


There is a reason for almost any form of behavior. Even for those that seem annoyingly irrational at times. @temursolief

Saying "no" twice is difficult when you really mean it @temursolief

Some subs here already know that I write letters to myself.

Sometimes in Uzbek, sometimes in English. I have shared few of their Uzbek version before.

It may sound somehow crazy because the audience of your writing is you, if you're not sharing it publicly.

Even when you share it in public, you're talking to yourself through the combination of squiggles.

Why would you write to yourself when you can speak?

I can't remember when I started writing, but first I did it for a sole purpose of recording my memories.

Then I found that writing helps to talk to my inner self, making a space for self-discovery or at least thinking.

When you speak, the number of words produced is around 180. When you just think, it is blazingly fast, at around 3000 or 4000 words, the science says.

But when you write, the word output is around 100, when you type, and 40-50 when you write by hand.

What's the matter with the words?

The less words, the more focus on each thought, the less distractions (fillers, etc).

Writing is slow thinking, but it is deep thinking. It is easier to analyze different thoughts and process them when writing rather than speaking or just thinking.

Writing also prevents your emotions from coloring your thoughts, which is an absolute necessity if you're going through an emotionally hard time.

Last year I attended a mentorship training of
Azizbek aka Rahimov, and there too the importance of writing, specifically a reflection and mistakes made during the day, was highlighted and we were required to complete it everyday.

In the CELTA course too, after each teaching practice, we were supposed to write a reflection. One of our written assignments was also reflection-based writing.

This shows how important writing is.

Talking about writing letters to oneself, we are smarter than we know sometimes.

We mostly know the answers, but we just pretend that we don't or are unaware that we do.

Talking to self helps with that.

OK, let's set that knowledge thing aside. At least, it helps us to become more honest with ourselves.

For instance, how many lies are we telling to ourselves everyday? Why?

If a man has courage to dare to answer these questions in front of himself, living with self can become much easier and so can self-acceptance.

Most importantly, staying with yourself will definitely become more interesting. At least, that's one of the things I have found after writing to myself for a very long period of time.

Is there any structure to write to self? Nope. Go creative. Bring what you want to discuss with yourself to the table. And then just write. The page is yours.

One day your diary will become a book, later a good companion from the past in your elderly year


If you happen to clean your room on your own, you know that the less stuff there is, the easier it is to clean because you don't have to wipe the items engulfed in dust one by one, which takes a lot of time if you aim for perfect purity.

People call it simplicity. Some call it a minimalistic lifestyle. I actually don't care what label it has so long as it is what it is. A room with a few most important items and big space. Easy to clean. Organized. Satisfying in a harmless way :)

Just like our room, in my opinion, sometimes our life needs some decluttering. We can be living with false hopes, wrong goals, garbage priorities, and nonsense people. So, a quick regular tidy-up and removal of the unnecessary bunch indeed refresh our lives.

For sure, there is always a tendency towards chaos lurking on the horizon, seasoned with an element of uncertainty. But it is what it is. If we don't declutter, it will only exacerbate.


“It is a most wonderful comfort to sit alone beneath a lamp, book spread before you, and commune with someone from the past whom you have never met.”

—Yoshida Kenko


You sometimes have to burn what you have in order to get what you want. ~ Hormozi

#shorts @temursolief

We finally finished it! Successfully! We are some of the few in Uzbekistan now! 😎

It has afforded us an opportunity to destroy the ceiling in our minds and improve further and meet new people, while investing us with a big responsibility of the title at the same time.

Alhamdulillah, now what I'm doing makes sense more. I don't have to work based on my assumptions anymore because I have sorted out most of them now and added a new toolkit to my repertoire.

The experience was something hard to forget and worth being remembered for the life.

Sleepless nights, weekday-like weekends, sitting at the desk hours and hours, and now, it gives a sigh of relief. But...

But this is not the end. This can't be because discovering one uncharted territory opens up another. More to learn. Big room for improvement.

I told you we would make it! Laters! ~ Tim :)

P.S. John is missing in the pic.

@temursolief 02.08.2024 19:30

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