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Allohu akbar.

Ya Allah forgive my all sins and disobedients before entering the holy month of Ramadan, amiin🤲

Shu video dan keyin telegramdan boshqa hamma ijtimoiy tarmoqlarimni o’chirib yubordim. 4 soat ichida miyam shunaqa dam oldi, bechara chirishni boshlagan ekan🥲

Siz ham sinab ko’ring, miyangiz yaqinda butunlay ishdan chiqishidan oldin.

Forward from: "GLOBAL" o'quv markazi
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15-17 min

📨 Sizga yangi anonim xabar bor!

Teacher cefr imtihonda speaking necha minut boʻladi uzoogʻi bilan

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📨 Sizga yangi anonim xabar bor!

Teacher ingliz tili speaking da koʻproq bal olish uchun inglizcha iboralar samara beradimi ulardan qay tarzda foydalanishimiz kerak ular speaking ga effekt bera oladimi siz bunga qanday qaraysiz???

Y’all the spies 👀

hech narsa qiziq emasmi?🙂

Very cold days before the warmest Ramadan.

Forward from: Diyorbek's IELTS
People are not obese due to a lack of awareness about the harmful effects of fast food—everyone already knows that. Therefore, suggesting that raising awareness about the consequences of junk food is a solution is ineffective.

Forward from: Diyorbek's IELTS

The most common problem I see in students' essays about Causes/Solutions/Effects is the quality of solutions.

Weak solutions (see the examples in the picture) usually fall into the following categories:

1) Overly general solutions
2) Unrealistic/impractical solutions
3) Relying too much on government intervention
4) Vague/Cliched solutions

To write stronger solutions, make sure that they are specific, practical and supported by specific examples.

💯 Diyorbek's IELTS

“I have looked through the writing styles of many band 9 writers and noticed that they keep their introduction and conclusion sentences simple, and there’s nothing wrong with that.”

Kanalni maksimal Educational qilmoqchiman. Qanday kontent sizlarga qiziq?

Growth is painful.
Change is painful.
But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don't belong.

–Mandy Hale


Master Your Focus.pdf
Master Your Thinking.pdf
Master Your Destiny.pdf
Master Your Motivation.pdf
Master Your Emotions.pdf
Master Your Beliefs.pdf
Master Your Time.pdf
Kitob – bilim kaliti! 📚🔥

✅ Yangi so‘zlarni yod oling
✅ Shaxsiy rivojlanishingizga hissa qo‘shing
✅ Foydali kitoblar bilan dunyoqarashingizni kengaytiring

📊Ko‘proq bilim olish uchun kanalga obuna bo‘ling: @teacher_nodirjon 🚀

There are only few synonyms you may use instead of the words advantages and disadvantages in Task 2.


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