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Forward from: Milliy sertifikat - Tarix
📕7-sinf O'zbekiston tarix darsligi bo’yicha sertifikat test topshiriqlarida qo’llanilgan savollar

Test topshiriqlari ushbu manbalar asosida shakllantirilgan va ayrim savollar uchun variantlar tuzib chiqilgan.

👉 Kanalga ulanish uchun: @toshkent_tarixchilari

Rule of law vs. per capita GDP
Data sources: World Justice Project (2020) for rule of law, Bolt and van Zanden (2020) for per capita GDP.

Economic freedom is strongly correlated with per capita income.


One of the lessons from England’s political and economic rise is that well-functioning property rights matter for economic success.

How the world became rich

The Global Risks Report 2025

Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson (2005b) studied the impact of Atlantic trade on European economic development. They found that the discovery of the Americas and the development of new trade routes had varying effects on economic growth, depending on the society’s political institutions. In other words, geography played a role in determining economic outcomes via its effect on institutions. Where long-distance commerce was already controlled by the crown, access to the Atlantic strengthened royal power. Two prominent examples of this are Charles V and Phillip II, who ruled Spain for most of the 16th century. Access to the Atlantic – and all of the wealth flowing from South American mines – allowed them to dispense with representative institutions. Thus, while Spain was initially enriched by the Americas, the long-run impact on economic growth was negative, since it resulted in more extractive institutions. In contrast, where monarchs lacked the ability to control or monopolize long-distance trade (such as in England or the Dutch Republic), the discovery of the Americas strengthened the merchant class and enabled them to constrain royal power.

How the world became rich

Transport infrastructure also mattered for Chinese economic development. Economic growth in the Middle Kingdom was greatly aided by the creation of the Grand Canal by the Sui (581–618 CE) and Tang (618–907 CE) dynasties and improved by their successors. The Grand Canal, said to be 40 meters wide, connected the Yangzi to the Yellow River. Its construction needed thousands of laborers and the vast expenditures involved caused the collapse of the Sui. The canal transported grain to the capital city, Luoyang, and played a critical role in supplying the army guarding the northern frontier. In the Tang dynasty, 130,000 tons of grain were transported north each year (Ball, 2017, p. 120).

How the world became rich

Forward from: Virtual 207
Kuni kecha o‘quvchilarimdan biri dars yakunida “Maslahatingiz kerak” deb qoldi.

“O‘zim chetda o‘qimoqchiman, lekin ota-onam qarshi (qiz bola chunki). Bu yerda o‘qisam, turmushga berib yuborishadi”.

Nima deyishgayam o‘ylanib qoldim. Chunki kontekst hisobga olinsa, o‘quvchi qiz gapirgan gapning bo‘yi eniga to‘g‘ri kelmayapti - na IELTS holder, na hozir borib comp-based test topshirib 7.0 ball opke desa, opkelishga yaraydigan language proficiency bor - lekin “o‘zim kalman, ko‘nglim nozik” xilidan.

Yoshlar qayerdan bunaqa dal... kechirasizlar-u, qayerdan o‘shanaqalashib ketyapti? Nimaning yoki kimning ta’siri, nimaning oqibati? Mayli, suhbatning davomini eshiting:

“Koreyada o‘qimoqchiman. O‘rtog‘im bilan”.
- Karislar ko‘zi to‘rt bo‘lib kutmayotgandir, bilim bo‘lmaganiga yarasha “soqqa” bormi?
“O‘qishdan tashqari ishlaymiz...”

Yopt... Uyidan bir qadam mustaqil chiqib ko‘rmagan, hali O‘zbekistonda bir so‘m ishlab topish zahmatini ko‘rmagan 17 yashar qizning gapini ko‘ringlar-ey!

- Maqsad faqat chet elni ko‘rishmi?
- Unda normalniyroq birorta er toping, o‘sha oborib-opkelib yuradi otpuskasida.
- Karisiston ammangizning chorbog‘i emas, o‘qigisi kelgan odam astoydil bo‘lib, haligacha IELTS, portfolio, application degan narsalarni taxlab, hujjatini topshirishga tayyor bo‘lardi, BTSni eshitib, Junko‘*ni tug‘ilgan kunida ko‘zini siydigini oqizib yurmasdan, dedim. Indamay, mulzam bo‘lib qoldi. Alam qiladigani, bu qiz o‘rangan. Boshida muslimalarga xos ro‘moli bilan shunchalik yengil, havoyi fikrlayaptimi (bola-da baribir) - bilmadim, menda o‘rangan qizlar nisbatan vazmin, teran fikrlidek tassurot qoldirardi-da - qolganlardan nima kutish mumkin, xz.

Maqsadi g‘ira-shira bo‘lgani kamdek, unga erishish uchun amali ham yo‘q. Bir yarim yildan buyon bir yaxshi, bir o‘rtacha o‘qib amallab CEFRga ilashib oldi. Endi shuni “uspex” sanab, balki nimagadir arzirman deb o‘ylagan-da. Karislar bu yarim varaq qog‘ozni burchakdagi xujrada ishlatvoradi. Undan boshqasiga yaramaydi chunki.

Xullas, maqsad dalasiga amal urug‘ini ekmasangiz, natija unmaydi. Makkayam ololmaysiz.

The big problem with geographic explanations, however, is that geography is largely unchanging.


This can be a problem for explanations linking geography to long-run economic growth, because many of the differences in incomes that we observe across the world today have changed dramatically over time.


...it cannot easily explain why the Middle East was much more developed in 1000 than Western Europe yet by 1800 Western Europe was far ahead of the Middle East.

How the world became rich

In 1750, the richest country in the world (per capita) was probably the Dutch Republic. Yet, it was only at most four times richer than the poorest countries in the world. Today the richest countries in the world are between one hundred and two hundred times richer in terms of measured GDP per capita.

How the world became rich.

Men nima degandim?

Forward from: Iqtisod4i
Кругман ёзяпти: «Агар Трамп мендан иқтисодиётга оид қандай чоралар кўрай деб сўраганида, иложи борича қўлингни теккизма деган бўлардим».

Байдендан, албатта, жуда яхши иқтисодиёт қоляпти.


Давлат - фуқароларга хизматлар кўрсатиш ва жамоат товарлари билан таъминлаш учун тузиладиган, бу вазифани бажариш учун ҳукумат томонидан бошқариладиган сиёсий институт. Давлат ва халқ ўзаро муносабатларни Aсосий Қонунда белгилаб олади ва шу асосда олиб боради. Aгарда давлат ўзининг маъмурий ва куч ишлатиш тузилмалари орқали ўз фуқароларининг манфаатларига Қонундан ташқари таҳдид қилар екан ҳукуматнинг легитимлигига путур етади.

"History Pro" kanali uchun yil natijalari

But the problem may be less the quantity of food than its quality, and in particular the shortage of micronutrients. The benefits of good nutrition may be particularly strong for two sets of people who do not decide what they eat: unborn babies and young children.


That is because a child who got the proper nutrients in utero or during early childhood will earn more money every year of his or her life: This adds up to large benefits over a lifetime.


Small differences in investments in childhood nutrition (in Kenya, deworming costs $1.36 USD PPP per year; in India, a packet of iodized salt sells for $0.62 USD PPP; in Indonesia, fortified fish sauce costs $7 USD PPP per year) make a huge difference later on. This suggests that governments and international institutions need to completely rethink food policy.

Poor Economics

Forward from: Milliy sertifikat - Tarix
HAQIQIY sertifikat test topshiriqlari tahlili | 6-sinf Tarix

Ushbu videoda 6-sinf Tarix darsliklari asosida milliy sertifikat test sinovlarida tushgan savollarning tahlili bilan tanishishingiz mumkin.

👉️️️️️️ VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQUyTCqHOrU

"musulmon odam" ekan bu kishi. "Haqqingiz kerak emas" ekan.

Employers may not realize that their employees are more productive now because they have eaten more, or better.

Poor Economics

Forward from: eResearch - Iqtisodiyot

Iqtisodchilarning buzilgan tarozisi

Statistika agentligi ma'lumotlariga ko'ra ta'lim sohasida maoshlar boshqa sohalarga nisbatan eng sekin o'smoqda.

Bu, avvalambor, iqtisodchilarimizning aybi. Narxni qiymatga yarasha belgilay olmadik.

O'zingiz o'ylab ko'ring, iqtisodchilarni yetishtirib beradigan yetakchi oliygoh Narxoz qanday joyga aylanib qolgandi?!

Shu joyda mediklarni o'qitishda ehtiyot bo'lish kerak deganlarni gapiga qo'shimcha: iqtisodchilarni o'qitishda ham juda ehtiyot bo'lish kerak.

Hozir ta'lim sohasini holatini tasavvur qiling: bu maosh tufayli ko'plar ta'limdan qochadi, o'z ustida ishlashga, bolalarimizga yaxshi ta'lim berishga o'qituvchida motivatsiya qolmaydi. Buni orqasidan qanchadan-qancha talantlarni kashf qila olmaymiz va yurtni oldinga torta olmaymiz.

Yurtga yaxshi iqtisodchilar kerak.


.... Evidence that poor families might occasionally be forced to make such horrific choices is not hard to find even in more recent times. During droughts in India in the 1960s, little girls in landless households were much more likely to die than boys, but boys’ and girls’ death rates were not very different when there was normal rainfall.

Poor Economics

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